ソードアート・オンライン ❯  TSURUGI REN

tsurugi REN
eunmini : min: 8
in the helmet



NAME: Tsurugi Ren
     [ 剣蓮 // ツルギレン]

Ren-dono [ 蓮ー殿//レンードノ] ; It's a his given name, but in a more honorfix way. The people in the game who actually know his name call him this as he doesn't let someone just call him Ren.

Ren [ 蓮//レン] ; It's his given name and only his family, close friends are allowed to call him this. So don't even think about getting to know his real name when they only played together in a game a few times. Nope you have to earn it.

Moon/tsuki [ ムーン // 月 ] ; Basically the name he is known for in games and everyone who has heard of him calls him this.

Uzai [ ウザイ  ]; A japanese slang for someone who is really annoying and yeah Ren is quite annoying at times. Can also mean gloomy, troublesome, loud, or bothersome. It's more of an 'endearing' nickname of hiroki or so he claims. 

Zurui [ ズルイ ]; 
this is also a  japanese slang for someone who is very sneaky and unfair. Probably the most used 'nickname' for Ren and it doesn't  really affect him much since he knows it's true. He just ignores the nickname and goes on with whatever the heck he was occupied by. 

BIRTHDATE: May 25, 2005
BIRTHPLACE: Osaka, Japan
HOMETOWN: Osaka, Japan

Japanese | fluent; native language he talks with a kansai dialect.
English | advanced; learned at school and by playing games that included people from over the world and they would often communicate with speaking english.

HAND: right
HEIGHT: 178cm
WEIGHT: 60kg

FACECLAIM:  Orihara Izaya [ Durarara! ]
BACKUP: Kaneki Ken [ Tokyo Ghoul ]


APPEARANCE: With the look of a handsome sly fox Ren has the ability of killing ovaries wherever he may go. There are two types of people; the ones that want to be him and the ones who want to be with him. Girls and even guys would swoom over him and he knows it. That's why he often uses his good looks to get out of troublesome situations even though he was the one that caused it in the first place. With yet black hair and sharp piercing eyes is what makes his expression of one who is extremely devious and manipulative. Which is actually a warning not to approach him without knowing what they are getting themselves into. Ren is a tall and lean build guy, what makes him flexible and can move around rather fast and skillful. 

STYLE: He prefers to wear the color, black, black and black. It's the one color you will find in his closet with occasionally finding a wine red, grey or dark blue colored shirt, jeans or sweater. He often wears a v-neck t-shirt with a yet black jacket and some casual jeans. He always wears plain rings around his index finger on both hands. 

REASON: He promised Kazuki that he would play it together and against each other like they always did in games. But this time it was also because Kazuki was going to move away to Tokyo and since Kazuki was behind with a score of 9-13 he wanted a rematch against Ren, which Ren gladly accepted. 


ーHe loves observing the people around him and because of that can easily see who could be useful to him and who he should stay away from.
ーren is very ticklish
ーDespide his devious looks and manipulative ways Ren is rather caring and protective over the ones he considers family.
ーHe is a light sleeper.
ーPrefers food that taste bitter and doesn't like sweets.
ーhis favorite fruit are red apples.

ーHe dislikes canned and junk food with a passion and doesn't understand how people can like that stuff.
ーhe is rather amazing with electronics and gadgets and most of the time gets every little device working.

ーHe is an atheist, stating that there is no proof that god exists, but does belief in the afterlife.
ーRen is rather good with making up plans on the spot or when under pressure and is skilled in fighting with knives.

ーHe has a habit of weighing himself ever taking a bath or shower.
ーHe prefers to take a long bath than shower.

COMMENTS: Well first of all I really hope I met your expectations and you like Ren, but do tell me if there is something wrong with it (not to harsh, please) and I will do my best to fix it ^^! I really like your idea and most certainly love the anime SAO!! So thank you for making this applyfic!! /hugs

ーRen having a heated argument with the leader over which plan is better and which plan they should follow.
ーRen tries to manipulate someone into doing whatever he wants and succeeds. But someone sees through his act, but doesn't say anything about it until Ren and that person are alone.
ーRen actually saving one of the applicants (maybe love interest)
ーRen getting into danger himself and some who
ーRen laughing with his best friend Kazuki, leaving the rest shocked and speechless as Ren normally doesn't sound 
genuinely happy.
ーsomeone actually seeing Ren vunerable beside his love interest and best friends.
ーRen playing some sick trick on someone. It doesn't seem he like he feels guilty afterwards, but deep down he does. He just doesn't know how to make it up and asks for his love interest's help.

ーActing all possesive over his love interest.
PASSWORD: chicken


layout © cerulean tm

we each have traits that define ourselves. good, bad, and the ones from both sides

( + ) Independent, persistant, loyal
( = ) Stubborn, observant, dependable
( ー ) reckless,  possesive, manipulative
PERSONALITY: Ren is probably not the best choice for leadership as he is not the one who ventures out into the unknown and leads the way. Instead he would rather follow and strenghten the team. This perseverance is given to him by his stubborn behaivor. It's what gives him his independence. It doesn't mean he will actually follow someone orders without questioning, because to make it clear he will question every little detail until he himself thinks it's a good idea to go through with. He can't have others and himself die while playing this dangerous game as it will literally will be the death of him or the others. Ren is not a follower, but isn't the most brave one either as he won't just step into whatever danger is coming his way and will only attack when he has a well thought out plan. So yeah Ren is most definitely an independent soul and likes to do things his way. He is perfectly fine on being on his own, this way things get done they way he want it to be done.

He will however go through with a plan no matter what happens when he is standing 100% behind it. When others are giving up and losing hope, Ren would most likely be raging on and keep on going until he forfilled the assignment or task he swore he would finish. Presistant to the core is what describes Ren. This guy doesn't have a lot of friends mainly because of the way he handles a situation and how he interect with his fellow players. They don't call him annoying and sneaky for no reason. Their lose, as Ren is more than qualified to be considered an loyal friend, maybe it's better that way. Because he will make the ones he actually holds dear feel protected and guarded. He will treat them like family. Consider yourself lucky if you're one of them.  To them he is fiercly loyal and overall someone to depend on. He isn't the most sociable person in the whole game and enjoys observing the people around him. It's how he is able to recruite the right people for a
specific mission and it's safe to say that most of them end up in a succesful mission. 

Even with his observant behaivor, Ren will always be a reckless boy that doesn't really give much about others expecet for himself or his close friends and will either cause huge trouble for the ones he doesn't consider as a friend or useful or retreat himself from them not even lifting a finger and leaving them on their own. If they are no use to him or benefit him in any way he won't even think twice of landing a hand. They'll just have to deal with their problems on their own. Like when he knows a plan won't work or it isn't only going to be causing trouble for him, he will just sit there and watch others work their butts off for nothing. 

The total opposite is that Ren is very possesive and extremely protective towards the ones he actually cares about and that can sometimes cloud is better judgement. He doesn't like it when others try to get close the his friends as he is rather scared of loosing them. He knows he isn't the easiest to live with, but he doesn't want the ones he opened up to, that have seen his vunerable side or any emotion he showed them, dissapear from his side. Call his crazy, a psycho or whatever he just wants his friends to be close to so he knows they are safe and sound. 

Last but not least this is probably his most despised trait and for a good reason. Ren is quite a sly fox and will do anything if it will benefit him ANYTHING. A master manipulater as he can trick someone into believing basically everything he want them to. 
behind the person
everyone has a backstory, be it good or bad. we just need to accept them.
father / Tsurugi Hideaki / 48 / P
sychologist/ percise, hard-working, intelligent, awkward, workaholic / Since his father is for most of the time at the hospital Ren and his father haven't really had time to develop a real close bond. Ren acknowledged him as his father, but that is about it. His father started to come more home after their second child was born and most of his attention went to his little sister. Which Ren was okay with since he didn't see his father as a important person that would be part of his live. 

mother / Tsurugi Ayumi / 46 / Psychiatrist / sociable, open-minded, calming, strict, aggressive (when she is provoked) / His mother was someone that was dear to him. She was always willing to help him out whenever he was having difficulties with other kids his age as Ren was quite difficult as a kid even for his classmates and would try to get him to be more friendly and considerate so that the other kids would give him a chance. This is probably what made him so good at manipulating other into liking him even though he could care less about them. He would often go with her mother to work and he would stay at her office when his mother was busy with a cient/patient and occasionally insisted to help out with the cients/patients files. Where he learned to observe every little detail as everything was just as important as the rest.

sister / Tsurugi Reiko / 14 / student / intuitive, analytical, down-to-earth, critical  / Reiko isn't Ren's little sister for nothing and the two share a high intelligence and are fast into coming up with a sollution when they need to think fast. Like her brother Reiko has a quite some difficulties with communicating with her classmates and would often hang out with the older kids. Not long after Reiko was able to skip two years and is currently in 2th grade of high school(高等学校). From that moment on she felt more accepted by her classmates and it was way easier to communicate with them.

what to do without you / Yamada Kazuki / 17 / student / humorous, daredevil, careless / These two are always together playing games and causing trouble. It occasionally occured that the two would skip school just to get in line for a new game that would come out. That was until Ai would scold the heck out of them and drag their sorry asses back to class. Kazuki is someone Ren would do a lot for without even thinking twice and consideres together with Ai as family. Even though Kasuki seems like a really careless and happy-go-lucky type of guy, he does has a lot of emotions boddled up and Ren knows that. He tries to help his friend, but not by forcing Kazuki to spit everything out, Ren will just wait until Kazuki is ready to talk about it and only brings up whatever is bothering him when Ren knows Kazuki isn't going to start talking without a little
persuasion. Both Ren as well as Kazuki always have each other's back.

I wil protect you with my life / Shizuki Ai / 16 / student / dreamer,  soft-spoken, violent / One of Ren's most precious treasures besides his little sister and can be very protective over her.  The two met in elementry school and ever since that one incident the two became friends. Ren feels like he owns her a lot and because of that won't let anyone hurt her or let others get in the way of their friendship. They even went to the same high school and often were mistaken as a couple, but make it all clear once and for all, the two are not dating or have any romantic feeling for each other.  

*leader  / tba / tba / tba / tba / Ever since the game was out and the players found out they couldn't get out of the game he/she was appointed as the leader that would lead the soldiers to victory. Ren and the leader often don't seem eye to eye and it isn't a suprise that they end up arguing about how to attack or how to defend themselves as they both are quite stubborn and see their plan as the best
strategy there is and they don't want to admit that the other's plan is just as good or even better. Even so whenever they are in the middle of a battle the two trust each other with their lives.
(*one of the applicants)

*mother-like / tba / tba  / tba / tba / She is always making sure Ren is eating healthy and doesn't like it when others get into fights or injure themselves when it's unnessecarry. She is amazing with battle strategies and rather strong for her posture. So don't be fulled by her caring personality. She has a very motherly nature and when provoked she won't hesitate to scold a person when he or she did something she dissaproves. 
(*one of the applicants)

BACKGROUND: Tsurugi Ren is born in a wealthy family located in Osaka, Japan. He had quite an easy life at least that is what others always tell him when finding about his wealth. But that's far from it. His whole childhood Ren wasn't able to develop a close bond with his father as he was never around and that made him rather resentful towards the other kids who looked so happy and were able to go on family trips and whatever families would do together. To Ren it didn't seem like he was asking much, but whenever he brought the subject of doing something with the whole family his father would immidiately decline as he was too busy working.

That is probably why he spend so much time alone or with his mother and occasionally visiting her office while waiting for her to be done with her clients/patients. This is probably where he started to get interesting in observing people in general. It started when he was about 13 when his mother was being called by one of her coworkers for help and had to leave the patient who she just started a session with. When his mother left the room Ren secretly slipped inside and began questioning the patient who didn't really had a clue what was going on and just went along with it. Ren had seen how his mother went to work and knew how everything went. So to keep everything short and simple he was actually playing the psy
chiatrist. When his mother came back to her suprise the patient was actually feeling a lot better after talking with Ren who seemed to enjoy it just as much as he was observing every detail he could find that could lead to the main problem the patient was experiencing.  After that he wasn't allowed to go to work with his mother even though she was quite impressed with him. Ren started to get bored and uncomfortable whenever he came home after school, finding everything to be dark and empty. From that moment on he started to spend his time on the street either observing everyone, causing even more trouble or hang out with his friends at their place and really got into playing games.

He always had a difficult time making friends as he was different from the rest and difficult to handle. He very first friend was a girl named Ai. The two have know each other since elementry and at first the two seemed unlikely to even become friends at that point since Ai wasn't much of a talker and too sweet to be true while Ren was the troublemaker and the loud one. Their friendship started after Ai got extremely mad at one Ren's bullies as she was just minding her own business and playing with her blocks when ren fell on top of her tower, letting it tumble down. She chased the bullies over the whole playground until a teacher stopped her and look her away for a few minutes so she could calm down. After that she got back and Ren was the first to stand before her, telling her how awesome she was and thanking her. Ai was just happy she got Ren to talk to her and from that moment on the two were always by each other's side. 

A new friend was going to be part of the exclusive group of friends when Ren and AI entered high school. It was no one other than Yamada Kazuki. Just like Ren, Kazuki is quite the troublemaker, but more careless than Ren. What really brought this friendship to develop was because of their love for video games. It was like finding your other gaming half, at least for them. Someone who fitted perfectly with the other's battle strategy and when the two had to play against another duo it was likely Kazuki and Ren would win. They are well known in the game world as the unbeatable killer duo. 
love is a beautiful thing. embrace it and never let it go.
LOVE INTEREST: applicant // Mikoshiba Hiroki
any actually, but not more than an of 3 years.

PERSONALITY: n/a [applicant]
RELATIONSHIP: They have quite a complicated relationship especially in the beginning as Ren like the rest of the players has to absorb all the information of being stuck in a virtual game and make sense of the whole situation. He has to follow his instinct and that is to use others or work together to stay alive.  So when meeting his love interest the first thing his instinct told him was to use that person and the only way he could think of was to manipulate his love interest so he could benefit from them. At first he didn't feel anything, let alone guilty, nope not even close. It was something he just had to do so why feel bad, he kept his love interest alive and vice versa. His love interest should be rather grateful.

Over time the two grew closer without Ren noticing it. Slowly his love interest was able to break his highly protective wall Ren had build around himself so others weren't able to come any closer than he wanted them to be and was the first one while being stuck in the game to see his more caring side. He was finally showing some human emotions, that he was actually struggling with the whole being stuck in a game and if you die in the game you are death for real. Instead of the always so collected and calm Ren when being around others. From that moment on he would try to keep his love interest safe whenever he was near and would make sure that whoever was hurting his love interest, they wouldn't go unpunished or try anything like that ever again. 

That possesiveness is probably what scares his love interest a bit and because of that his love interest tries to keep some distance between the two. Eventually Ren sees it as a hint/misunderstanding of not wanting to be around him anymore and from that moment on would leave them alone completely, ignoring his love interest's every call. His love interest and Ren both regret their decisions, but for Ren it's pretty much over as he doesn't see how he could possibly make things better after all that he had done wrong, while his love interest just wants nothing more than to get back together. So his love interest comes up with a plan, a bit reckless even for his love interest as his love interest is more the practical one of the two. 

It's up to you what will happen next will they get back together or not, or will one of the two die or get badly injured. 



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