Hey there. Yes, it is true. The New Library has opened a review shop once again, and we are hiring in-depth reviewers! 

The requirements are as follows:
1. Must submit a 'resume' of sorts if you have had reviewing experience
2. Must pass an audition of sorts if you do NOT have reviewing experience
3. Must have a good grasp on English language and grammar
4. Must be honest
5. Must complete reviews in a timely manner (I do take into consideration that everyone has a life)
6. Must keep all reviews respectful to those they review, even if the reviewer did not enjoy the story. Rule of thumb, "Point out all the flaws with an encouraging word attached!"
7. Follow the rubric of The New Library
8. Communicate any issues to Librarian immediately

We take our 'jobs' at The New Library very seriously and would like new reviewers to do the same.
As such, I, Librarian, promise to...

1. Pay 50 karma per each completed review (and more if the story reviewed was more than 20 chapters), on a timely basis (within two days of the completion, I have a life too)
2. Be respectful to the reviewers and as helpful as possible
3. Keep in mind that each reviewer has a life outside of AFF and allow time off when requested

Yes, I know it seems like a lot of rules. BUT they are all for good reason. Please do apply by PMing Librarian if you are interested, I do not bite!!! 


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