〈OBEY // Park Yein〉







Name : Park Yein

Other Names/Names : English: Angel (someone just called her that one day at dance school and it stuck)

                     Japanese: Mausu (mouse in japanese which  her Japanese friends call her)

                    Chinese:   ( mao / māo) which is chinese for cat. Sometimes fans from predebut would call her that when she'd wear certain kinds of eyeliner

                    Yen like the Japanese currancy. It's a loving term for her by her family 

Stage Name : 장미 (Jang Mi which is Rose in English)

Birthdate : September 7, 1995

Age : turning 20

Ethnicity : Half Korean, Half Japanese 

Bloodtype : Type A

Birthplace :Seoul, Korea

Hometown : Seoul, Korea

Languages :Korean - her father is Korean and she has lived in korea most of her life
                 Japanese - her mother is from japan. She speaks it from time to time but is fluent since her mother loves to make sure she knows both of her cultures

Personality :Yein’s personality is different. She seems like she is really chill and doesn’t care about what anyone thinks of her. The truth is she is shy yet outgoing with some friends, sensitive but has a tough front and walls up since ppl have hurt her in the past and is passionate. Because she looks like she has a I don’t care attitude and knew what she wanted to do since she was a young child, she stood out. She was bullied early on because of how she acted but also because she was innocent and most people liked her although they never approached her.

Although a few people confessed to her, she  would say she wasn’t interested. Everyone who was rejected ended up saying she was stuck up since no one interested her and her tone was nonchalant. Her flaw is that she trusts too easy and because of that, she has been hurt and built up walls. She has some trust issues so becoming her friend is tough. Although she can be blunt at times when people least expect it, she is a nice person. She has anxiety before major things such as performances and exams where she might stress, overdo things or not eat well (forget to eat) but the day of, she does her best to relax.she will stand up for them and won't care how or what they think of her. She has graceful movements when dancing and gives her all in whatever she is doing. Although she might have tiems of weakness and wants to break down, she tries her best no matter how long it takes and keeps going. She has collapsed before from her persistant and perfection to what she is doing but again, that is what makes her happy in the end...knowing she gave it her all and from there, she is able to smile.) 

I'm Beautiful No Matter What They Say


[Replace picture's with yours]

Idol Name : Yooa of Oh My Girl

Back-Up Idol Name : Sulli of f(x)

Height : 168cm (5ft 6 in)

Weight : 115 lbs

Style : Yein has a casual yet stylish look when going out. She loves the color pink but likes to be comfortable when dancing. Sometimes she will wear crop tops if she is practacing with hot pants or warm ups but only if she is alone or the dance requires it. Everyday attire is t shirt/vneck with shorts.likes bright tops in general or ones with patterns . She feels most comfortable with a hoodie and shorts but also likes using skirts when she just feels confident on days (fluffy skirts nothing too skin tight). She likes being cute and comfortable without showing too much skin but likes to show off her legs as she thinks it's her best feature. 


My Family


[Replace gifs with yours and your idol sibling/cousin}

Family : [ Mom/Dad - Park Dongho and Park MiMi♦  50 and 48 ♦ alive  ♦ father and mother ♦ they are a little tough on their kids but only because they want them to do well in life. They let them persue anything they want so they can be happy in the long run. They are dedicated parents and are always there with and for their family. they are family oriented above all else even though her father is a doctor and mother a nurse at the same hospital. 

Sibling : Park Arin and Park Chanshik♦ Arin was born in 1996 and Chanshik in 1998♦ alive ♦ brother and sister of Yein ♦ they both are loving toward their sister and   support her no matter what and vice versa. Arin wants to become a nurse like her mother and Chanshik wants to be a chef. Arin although she is quiet a times, she is generally friendly and charms people easily. Chanshik on the other hand always has a "blank" face which to others is hard to decifer. He usually gives signs though, if you pay attention to him, to his feelings and emotions he feels at that moment. He is a nice person who always defends his  famaily and the ones he loves. 

Family:  Lee Hyun Woo ♦ 22 ♦ alive ♦ actor ♦ cousin ♦ he has a fun loving and go getting attitude. He doesn't let things get to him and does his best no matter what. Treats Yein like a sister and calls her dongsaeng (for sister)  or Yen as a loving term.  They are the closest with each other in the family.

Best Friends:  B1A4 members CNU  (24), Gongchan(21), Sandeul (22), Baro (22) and Jinyoung (23)  ♦ idols in WM Ent ♦ They are all easy going and fun loving          guys. they are sensitive but also caring toward everyone. Very humble people.  ♦ Hyun Woo introduced them to each other and they all became best friends.

Best Friend: Chae Hyungwon (21), singer and dancer in monsta x, super nice to her and takes care of her whenever they see each other in person. He likes to show he cares for her in the randomest of ways and is seen with her at random places. Since they have been friends since before debut, they have been linked to each other but only say they are friends. 

Friends :  IU ♦ 22 ♦ singer, actor ♦ shy at first but loud after you get to know her, nice and talkative, sweet person in general and is easy going.  ♦ Hyun Woo             introduced yein and IU to each other when he has to work with her the first time. They are close to each other and try to always keep in touch with calls and meet ups whenever she's in town or at concerts. Yein made a small apperance on stage as a back up dancer with IU before she debuted

Rival(s): Jimin of AOA 

small back story of rivals: 

They wanted to be best friends since they had an interaction before Yein debuted and were in good standings with each other. It wasn’t till Hyungwon, I.M and her were having a conversation of who their ideal/ultimate bias was that things got a little weird. Hyungwon said he liked Jimin and she said she knew her from predebut days. They were friends by chance and met while Yein was staying late to practice a dance at a dance studio. Jimin came in one day and they both hit it off. They became friends and talked whenever they had time. Of course at that time though, Jimin was debuting and couldn’t keep in touch often. They still has small  and short conversations but after awhile the messages stopped. It wasn’t till Yein was about to debut that they were able to talk. At that time though Monsta X already debuted. Jimin asked if Yein knew of a Hyungwon and wanted to meet him since they were friends. She set it up and before they knew it, Jimin and Hyungwon became friends. That conversation I.M, hyungwon and Yein had hurt her unbeknown to Hyungwon and she left not long after. I.M followed soon after making up an excuse that he had to use the bathroom to find Yein. Once he found her, he noticed she was sad and realized she liked Hyungwon. Although Yein really liked Hyungwon and had told I.M about it , she said she should introduce them since he would be happy. Although seeing them get along well as friends hurt her, she couldn’t do anything about it until Hyungwon realized his true feelings. When he met Jimin, he was happy and was infatuated with her since he liked her previously. When they kept on talking though, he realized he only liked her as an idol and friend. He realized he only ever truly liked Yein and told Jimin the truth when she confessed to him one day. She vowed to make her life miserable though from that day on thinking she stole Hyungwon from her.



I Love You  - 1 43 - 486



Love Interest's Name : Chae HyungWon

Age : 21

Personality :He's quiet most of the time and can't do aegyo (he gets really embarassed when people ask him to do it). He's actually quite funny and warm once you                    get to know him. Despite being known as the "visual" of Monsta X he's quite manly and doesn't like being called pretty. He has a protective side when it                    comes to his friends and loved ones. He likes to keep things to himself so others won't worry about him but doesn't like other to do  the same. He gives                    his all when he is practicing or on stage and enjoys his life/is greatful for the things and people in his life.

Relationship : Best friend, Hyungwon and Yein became best friends along with I.M( by Hyungwon). They talk about mostly everything together except of who they actually like. They became best friends through, once again, Hyun woo. He was able to go to Starship and meet/talk with the artists there are brought Yein along with him. She wondered off and saw a group of guys (who were practicing for their debut) in a practice room. She was there for awhile until she realized she should go find her cousin. As she was walking down the hall, She bumped into Hyungwon and had a small conversation before getting directions to the main practice room where Hyun woo was at. Hyungwon, being a gentleman, walked Yein there and before parting ways exchanged numbers to keep in touch. When she was able to audition for Starship, she made it and was so happy. She was at starship ent for 3 years and became great friends with Hyungwon, I.M and all of Monsta X, Sistar and Boyfriend. 

How you treat each other : They are always considerate of each others feelings. They like to make each other laugh and smile by sending little texts and photos throughout the day. Although they just say they are best friends, everyone can tell that they have feeling for each other but don't know it yet.  

Outcome? : After Hyungwon realized his feelings for Yein, He always tried to show her his feeling, although she was still oblivious to them. It was only when yein was secretive alot and saw her with CNU, she was able to try to make her feeling known to him instead of keeping it a secret between I.M, CNU and herself. It took awhile but once they were able to confess to each other with the help of their friends, everything seemed easier and they became a happy couple who after a few months told the public. 



Back-up lovers name :  CNU-  stage name. Shin Dongwoo- real name

Age : 23

Personality :  Small face, broad shoulders, and the smiling boy who has a perfectly proportioned body along with a pretty smile, his nickname is “Pooh Bear.” He gets the nickname due to his actions being aloof and being alike Pooh Bear by  his actions that seem always at ease. anything you throw on him will look good on him but he normally enjoys a simple t-shirt and jeans in his fashion style. The only greed he has which causes him to splurge his own money for is music CDs. CNU seems nonchalant on the outside but once you get to know him, he has a lot of thoughts and affection. He owns a sensitive personality. CNU’s honest side is being true to his emotions.. CNU sets superstar Usher as his role model of who dances, sings, raps, and has producing skills and that in order to become like him, he said that he wants to work hard and continue to improve.

Relationship : Best friends that told each other mostly everything but at one moment, they became something more. After it was over, they stayed as best friends and always cheered each other on. Even before and after they dated, they both treated each other like they were the best. They wanted each other to always be happy and if anything upsetted them, the other would try to cheer them up. They leaned on each other when they did date and even afterwards since they just stayed friends. 

How you treat each other : They both are similar yet opposite.

How they met: She has had a crush on him since his predebut. She liked his personality and how he was with everything. She found his nickname of bear to be cute and wanted a cute bear just like him. As her ultimate bias, she would get all their albums and even saw them live once. Hyun Woo, her cousin, ended up surprising her one day and introduced her to B1A4. She was so happy and thankful to him. The day she met them, she dressed her best yet was casual as well. She was so happy and hit it off with each of the members. They all ended up exchanging number and information to keep in touch. CNU and Yein kept in touch most of all. Every moment they had free they’d be talking to each other as really close friends.

Outcome? : small history of them (scene if possible?)

OTHER/Story of how they got together then became just friends again [ ♦ ] 

Fast forward to the Hyungwon and Jimin incident, she messaged him and later that night had a heart to heart with him. Dongwoo (she liked calling him by his real name) comforted her and met up with her at a playground where they always met up when they needed to talk.  She hugged him and poured her feeling to him. It was then he confessed to her about his true feelings. Thinking she was going to be over hyungwon after this passes, she gave him a I do like you but I need a few days to just compose myself. After seeing Hyungwon and Jimin together the next day she made up her mind that his happiness is what she wanted. Even if it wasn’t with her, she wanted him to be happy. Once the numbness from seeing them together passed, she saw Dongwoo and answered him from his confession. She wanted to date him and get to know him on a more intimate and romantic level. After a few dates, she realized how much she liked Dongwoo although she still had feelings for Hyungwon. Hyungwon ended up asking Yein one day if they could have dinner one day and when she denied him with a small smile on her face saying she was meeting up with someone else, he became suspicious. He and I.M followed her to her met up and saw it was CNU. He already knew of his feelings for Yein and seeing them together made him confused and blood boil at the same time. It wasn’t till they followed them to the park and hid behind a bush to spy, they saw them kiss. Hyungwon was in pain but vowed to get Yein back to him since he knew how much he liked her and had hope she liked him. Hyungwon left after the kiss with I.M. Yein realized she was still in love with hyungwon and let Dongwwoo know after the kiss her true feelings. Although she felt she could love him one day, she didn’t want to lead him on. She knew in her heart that if she met him before hyungwon, she’d be happily in love with him but it was sadly the wrong place and time. Although he was hurt, he understood. They were still friends after that and still met up but only as friends. CNU wanted to help yein confess to Hyungwon unbeknown to Hyungwon who still though of CNU as competition.


Mr. Chu!



Likes :// music, dancing, sleeping, eating, singing, cooking for fun, fall season, coffee, likes giraffes and slothes
// coloring, sudoku, making puzzles, drawing 

// choreographing her own things and arts and crafts as gifts for friends, family and herself.

Dislikes : // self centered people, people who bully others,  scared of ghosts, mice and insects. anyone who mistreats animals, 
// people who don't treat people well and think they are better than them.
// she's pretty much okay with most things but not okay with mean and obnoxious people

// hobbies: sleeping, playing sudoku, biking, going to the park, hanging with loved ones and making them smile,

Habits ::/ a bad habit is biting her nails when she is nervous or stressed, self concious and over sleeping, can be on her diet even but once it's over, pigs out on junk food for a few days.
// good habit: practicing until she thinks it is acceptable, good eating habits. 

Weakness :youtube videos of cartoons, bbys, anime,  puppies, giraffes

Trivia : When she was 4 years old, she won a dance competition in her age range even though it was her first time performing.
// Can eat a whole pizza by herself (medium) and can do aegyo even though she hates doing it.

// Hasn't had a boyfriend before but has had crushes on a few people, even though she doesn't like to do aegyo much she really likes when others do aegyo and clushes when certain idols do it. 

//ideal guy is someone like Matthew Gray Gubler from America while Korean ideal is someone tall, awkward, funny, hard working and passionate

//uses SNS but not as often as others would like. She usually posts on her members or friends page more than her own.

//She likes arts and crafts and bakes things, Loves to sleep with a teddy bear or stuffed animal 

Good Luck  


Persona : The Sleepy Doll  (Even though she does her best in everything she does, dedicated and is quiet and humble person. she is dedicated yet when someone disrespects something or someone she loves, she does love sleeping and is always the hardest to wake up. most of her free time if she isn't practicing, she is sleeping.Her members have confirmed it by taking photos of her sleeping and posting them online.)

Position : Triple threat


Back Up Position : main vocalist, main dancer, choreographer


Personal Fanclub Name & Color :   Roses  &  #FF69B4 (her fanclub name is Roses since her stage name is a rose. Her fans know that she likes the color pink so also took that into consideration. As a result, at fanmeets, she gets creative roses made by her fans and keeps every single thing they give her)


Predebut Experience: She began dancing once she saw her cousin Lee Hyun Woo act on stage and later on in a movie. She wanted to be as happy as he was on stage as well and went one day to a dance lessons which her mother signed her up for on a whim.  That moment changed her life forever as she realized she loved dancing. Hyun Woo and all of Yein’s family would go see her perform and realized her passion for dancing. One day when practicing dancing at home, her sister Arin ran to her crying and asked her if she could sing for her. Arin was scared of thunder storms and it was pouring outside. Her brother was at work with her parents on this day since he got out early and they were left at home with their aunt as a baby sitter. Hearing Yein sing made her calmer and able to fall asleep in her sister’s arms. It was at that moment Yein wanted to become an singer and dancer. She felt at home on stage dancing and seeing her sister smile as she sang made her feel like she wanted to become a singer to make her sister smile. She soon told her parents about the goal she had and although they were really skeptical at her since she was still a child, they helped her. Hyun Woo, when he was able to, would go along with Yein’s family and be with her through her auditions. Audition after audition, because of her age, she was shot down and asked to come back when she was at least a few years older. It hurt her a lot but she kept on practicing her dancing and now singing skills to try and accomplish her dream. When she became 14, she auditioned at Starship Ent. And was chosen to become a trainee. Once she got handed the paper, she started bawling and thanked them multiple times for choosing her. She went to her whole family showed them the paper and cried happy tears with them all. The whole family made a congratulatory dinner and celebrated that night

Trainee Life : She was a Starship Ent traniee for 3 years before they dropped her because of something going on in her personal life which affected her ability to perform. Her cousin helped her though the tough time and pushed her to audition for JYP. She passed all 3 callbacks and became a trannie at JYP. Being away from Starship helped clear her mind and she was able to perform at her best. She did her best and practiced non stop. She became friends with most of the trainees in JYP and sunbaes as well as others in different companies. She was used as a back up dancer in one of Sistar's music videos and was considered to be in Boyfriend's Don't Touch My Girl mv and considered to act in a movie along side her cousin but her company decided against it because of her upcoming debut.She was in one of B1A4's music videos as well before her debut. One of the more known and liked trainees in JYP and already has fans because of her days as a dancer in multiple dance schools. Known for her chic personality when you see her at first, she is a happy going person to everyone who knows her. She tries to not let others see her cry or mad so when she practices, she lets everything out, even tears


Background: Yein is the 1st born of her family of three children. Her mother and father met in their first year of college and fell in love automatically. About 3 months later, they began dating.  After dating for a few years, they both married and moved to Seoul. They both worked hard after college, her dad as a doctor and her mother as a nurse. Although they were always busy, they always took family as a priority. Yein was born exactly 2 years after they married in 1995. Once the news broke within the family, they went to visit at the hospital and their house to celebrate the new addition to the family. Once she started growing up, her cousin Lee Hyun Woo, is said to be Yein’s cousin from her mom’s side, decided to take care over Yein since she was still a baby compared to him in his eyes. Ever since they were children, they both would look after each other and acted like brother and sister. They like to call each other instead of cousin, brother and sister when referring to each other. As they both started growing up, there were two more additions to the family, Arin the middle child and the only boy in the family Chanshik. Although they are a close family and always were with each other, Hyun Woo and Yein were closer. As Hyun Woo made it clear he wanted to start acting, Yein would go with his family once in awhile to see what he was doing. Seeing him being happy while acting made her want to peruse something as well. Her mother noticed it and soon signed her up for dance lessons on a whim. That one moment changed her life forever as she realized she liked dancing. Hyun Woo and all of Yein’s family would go see her perform and realized her passion for dancing. One day when practicing dancing at home, her sister Arin ran to her crying and asked her if she could sing for her. Arin was scared of thunder storms and it was pouring outside. Her brother was at work with her parents on this day since he got out early and they were left at home with their aunt as a baby sitter. Hearing Yein sing made her calmer and able to fall asleep in her sister’s arms. It was at that moment Yein wanted to become an singer and dancer. She felt at home on stage dancing and seeing her sister smile as she sang made her feel like she wanted to become a singer to make her sister smile. She soon told her parents about the goal she had and although they were really skeptical at her since she was still a child, they helped her. Hyun Woo, when he was able to, would go along with Yein’s family and be with her through her auditions. Audition after audition, because of her age, she was shot down and asked to come back when she was at least a few years older. It hurt her a lot but she kept on practicing her dancing and now singing skills to try and accomplish her dream. When she became 14, she auditioned at Starship Ent. And was chosen to become a trainee

Trainee Years :  6 years. from 14 to debuting at 20.




[Replace the gifs with you and your love interest]

Comments : if there is anything else that is needed, please let me know^^ i hope you get to accept her and Hyungwon as her love :D 

Scene requests :

-for the girls

-Them helping each other through tough times

-late night trips to the stores to get snacks

-1st impressions of each other

-(can i request 2 for the guys?)

-CNU confessing to Yein at the park

-hyungwon realizing he likes Yein and vice versa 


Fan club name suggestion : Embrace (a synonym for obey is embrace. Because They love their fans, they want to be able hold them tightly in their arms. In a way, they want to always be there for their fans and protect them :) )


Show Request ? : 

having a small show following them from debut till their 100 days

MCing at MCountdown

Weekly Idol with Obey as the special guests

Running man episode with Monsta X and Obey as special guests for valentines and being grouped into couples (hyungwon and yein ended up paired up)



Song Suggestions? :

How Dare You by Sistar

Step by KARA

Miniskirt by AOA

Cupid by Oh My Girl


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