ANTM Mame & Justin. HOT AMBW Couple.



Rumour has it, these two are dating and relating. Their little confessions about each other on the show were sweet. 

It's nice to see variety in relationships and friendships. I would like to see more of this variety in real time.

We need to stop walking around with stupid ideas and stereotypes about ourselves and other humans. 

They are really cute together.




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Lotuspassion #1
There a beautiful couple
Isn't that lovely. They are so beautiful together! Traditions are being broken, we are slowly as the human race doing in this area what God intended anyway. Now only if we could see more of this take place and people make some other needed changes in their mind set and life.
Yassssss, Finally!!!!. I wish everyone was open minded about such a sensitive topic. I was told on Facebook that a Korean guy started a petition for dating black women comfortably instead of being mocked & Tortured by it. That's crazy!, This is 2015. If he wants to date outside his ethnicity then he should have the right to....We all do!. Anywayz, Good luck to them & I'm so happy for them. #ambwisreal <3