☆ :: just a little bit of stardust { 2015 } + 안미옥

hiikyoung, kyoungie, 4 \\ < a tori creation >
just a little bit of stardust; Mio


Birth Name  Ahn Miok 
Other Name(s) 
English - Maya Ahn (for possible overseas promotions)

Nickname(s) – *note: pretty much no one calls her by her full name. It's more common for one of the following: 

  • Miju - anyone who knew her in Japan calls her this, along with her family when feeling endearing, Zico, and Hiro. It's a play on the Japanese word 'Mizu' since Miok feels so at home in the water.
  • Mi-Chan - Her sister Suok calls her this (Miok calls her Onee-chan - the Japanese word for big sister). It's just an endearment by shortening her name and adding -chan.
  • Mio - what she was normally called in Japan instead of Miok. Just a shortening of her name to a more common Japanese one, and the inspiration for her stage name. This is the most common thing anyone calls her.
  • Mijumiomi - By members of Block B and some others at Amour, particularly Luzy  - developed while she was with Stardom and still used to this day when they discuss her. It is literally, LITERALLY, every nickname they heard and they couldn't agree on how to refer to her. Plus, "...they're idiots." *disclaimer: Suok and maybe a member of Stardust's words, not Miok's.

Date of Birth  01/23/1993
 Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Japan.
Hometown  Nagoya (Japan, birth to 13), Seoul (South Korea, 13-present)
 South Korea

  • Korean - fluent - her native language.
  • Japanese - fluent - Growing up in Japan, when not using Korean she was using this.
  • English - ...she can ask you "where is the restroom?" ...because priorities. ie: not fluent at all.


Face Claim  Lee Hyeri (Girl's Day)
Back-Up Face Claim 
 Kim Hyelim/Lime (Hello Venus)
Height & Weight 
 161 cm, 51 kg

Personality  Miok is a kind soul who outwardly appears happy and complacent with life. She claims she doesn’t see the point in being negative since being a pessimist is just too tiring. No one would ever accuse Miok of being shy or quiet. Given the opportunity, Miok is more than happy to talk someone’s ear off enthusiastically. Some might label her as the happy virus of her group, the one who keeps spirits light. If her warm, happy nature doesn’t endear her to others, her seeming lack of grace will. Miok is exceedingly clumsy outside of performances, not to mention it appears she’s a bit slow on catching the point. That’s not to say she’s dumb…more like she sometimes takes things too literally and misses the joke. Her nicknames often include “Klutz-Ok”, “Pabo-Ok”, and “Fail-Ok”. For the most part she is okay with these since she just finds them funny and laughs them off. It’s far too easy for people to poke fun at Miok because she doesn’t get angry over these things.

On stage however Miok is focused and confident. When she was chosen for Stardust it was decided that with her looks she should go for a chic, cool image outside of being girly and cute. And when she is performing this seems to be the case. However, the moment she starts speaking or is given the opportunity to be herself, the smiles and laughter come out...as does the fascade of her being "chic". So while her outward appearance lends to her being "chic", its her good humor and clumsiness that make her known as a bit of a goof or clown to the other members.

Despite her happy persona, Miok is very critical of her own flaws. Her good humor is how she hides it. While she easily overlooks the flaws of others due to her naïve nature, she believes her own imperfections are unforgiveable. She will not be satisfied with "just enough" and pushes herself to that next level. Her perseverance is a thing to behold. If Miok can't learn a dance with the group, she will stay late, practice, and practice some more until she gets it right. It's disconcerting to those who care about her that sometimes this desire to be flawless sometimes causes her to miss meals and sleep. She'll usually brush off anyone's concern with a happy smile and often quotes in Japanese "nanakorobi yaoki" which means "stumbling seven times but recovering eight."

Since her sister “failed” and resigned herself to her life of being a normal teacher, Miok’s parents have assumed their second daughter will do the same, and are waiting for her to come home and to her senses. Miok, in her mind, can’t afford to make too many mistakes lest she become what everyone in her family expects her to be. It'll take more than a few hard knocks from the outside to keep her or her happy persona down. But Miok will inevitably knock herself down if she continues down her path of self-doubt. The girl needs to learn to give herself more credit. She is also polite to a fault, respectful to her elders and other seniors.

When angry or upset, Miok is terribly out of touch with her own needs and feelings, so she tends to bottle them up, swallow them, and smile to try and make her woes seem minimal. But bottling them up inside is not healthy and eventually its going to emerge, usually with explosive results. It takes quite a bit to upset Miok...but when it happens, it not a pretty sight. Miok is always quick to apologize for her outbursts, even if its justified. She'd rather admit fault, even if its not hers, than allow disharmony.


Background  Miok was born in Japan after her parents moved there for her father's job. Her father accepted a postion at a museum in Nagoya that paid well enough to move his family, including his pregnant wife, there. Her mother continued to be a music teacher in Japan, becoming very popular among her students. Life seemed good for them. Both Miok and her older sister, Suok, showed an aptitude for music and performing, staging plays and other performances for their parents and their friends. Their parents were delighted and bragged about their lovely daughters to whoever would listen. They had high hopes they would each follow in their parents' footsteps: being both pariahs of education and the arts (Their words, not Miok's).

When Miok was ten, her sister declared she wanted to be an idol. She'd seen some performances and was convinced she had the looks and talent to do it. She wasn't content to just e an edcuator, and felt she could be something bigger and greater than what life had in store for her thus far. At first her parents severely discouraged her, using excuses that ranged from why would she leave Japan and her family to why would she be such a bad inlfuence on Miok. Undeterred, Suok auditoned for SM and earned a place as a trainee. Resigned to their oldest daughter's "foolishness", Kyungsik provided her the funds she needed and allowed her to move back to Korea, living in the SM dorms and with their family friend for a time.

For her part, Miok was excited. She wanted ot see her sister succeed, debut, and brag about her being on TV (at the time, Miok didn't really have a desire to be an idol herself). While her parents only wanted what was best for Suok, Miok found herself playing peacekeeper between her sister and her parents. When she was 13 the family went back to Korea to visit fiends, as well as check on Suok. It wasn't until then that Miok learned the truth from her sister when she asked to visit her. Suok was learning that no matter how talented she thought she was, SM didn't seem to think so. She'd been training for three years and had no indication that she was even being considered for debut. She'd actually received feedback that she needed to lose some weight, fix some of her imperfections on her face, and overall should consider being an actress since idol life may not be for her.

Her parents were quick to tell Suok they "told her so" and that she could come back at anytime. They wanted her to forget this foolishness and go to university, study music, and be a teacher like her mother. Miok protested, one of the few times she ever argued with her parents, and told them they were being awful parents for not supporting Suok. Before anything else could be said, Suok agreed to quit trainee life, but remained in Korea for school. She completed highschool, and then moved on to college. Under the guise that Suok would be lonely, Miok was allowed to stay in Korea and live with her sister, their parents sending regular money to their accounts to pay for living expenses.

Rumors were quick in high school as Miok attended Seoul Performin Arts and Miok listened as others made fun of her 'failure' of a sister (Suok also attended SOPA). Miok tried to defend her, but said something too rude ot the bullies and was shoved into a closet for almost an entire day at school. If the janitor had not come by that evening, she would have been locked in overnight if not longer. Miok's life felt like it was falling apart. Home was no longer warm and happy, school was becoming tiresome since the students who locked her in the closet were never punished, and her sister just seemed sad. At 16, Miok finally made the decision to join Stardom Entertainment as a trainee. She was already talented and decided she would not only work towards her dream, but Suok's as well.

Her parents were dismissive of her desires, thinking she was just following her big sister. Thus began the rift between her and her parents. Despite their reservations, Miok auditioned and earned a place as a trainee. She was confident if she worked hard enough, she could make it. Reluctantly, and expecting the same result from her as Suok, her parents allowed her to join. While a trainee, Miok was well liked and made friends easily. Two years later though and Miok realized it didn't seem to matter how hard she tried, there were others who were plain better. She was beginning to understand her sister's pressure, and almost gave up herself once she was told she would not be part of EvoL. By chance, she met a scout from Amour as she was singing to a song on her iPod while waiting for a bus. She agreed to audition and was offered a chance to join Amour Entertainment. Not willing to give up just yet and making this her last push before giving up and returning home, Miok left Stardom and joined Amour.


Outside of Amour:


  • Older Sister : Ahn Suok (FC Kim Ok Bin) : 27 : Dance Teacher at Hanlim : Warm, Yielding, Supportive, Blunt  : Closeness Rate (10) Suok and Miok are the epitome of what a close sisterly bond is. They are together through thick and thin, and Suok is the one who supports Miok the most. In the past, Suok was willful and bright, mirroring Miok in many ways except being that much more forceful. But with her failure at SM, Suok has been tempered. However, the girl speaks her mind, regardless of the rammifications, and loves the idol industry (hence why she works in Hanlim). She is  big fan of Miok's...but also of their manager. ("Mi-Chan, introduce us!" "Onne-chan, you're crazy.")
  • Father : Ahn Kyungsik : 58 : Curator at the Aichi Arts Center/Professor of Fine Arts at Aichi Toho University : Intelligent, Driven,  Scatter brained : Closeness Rate (4) Miok takes a lot after her father. In fact, she may have been considred her father's treasure up until Suok left to join SM. Miok felt like her father was betraying her sister, and her father didn't understan why and why his youngest child was upset by this. Neither he, nor his wife, have a good opinion on the idol industry, but they oblige their child. He currently lives in Japan. 
  • Mother : Kim Mihee : 55 : Music and Dance Teacher : Feisty, Traditional, Hardworking : Closeness Rate (4) Suok takes more after their mother, and Mihee had always thought they'd open their own dance studio together one day. She finds pop music and other 'idol nonsnese' a waste of time, and would rather her children study classical arts. While she loves Miok, she hopes, even after she debuts, she will decide to move on from this waste of time. She currently lives in Japan. 
  • Best Japanese Friend: Goto Kasumi : 21 : Student at Aicho Toho University studying theater and management : Happy, Mature, Decisive : Closeness Rate (9) Miok's closest friend in Japan, (their mother's who are both Korean are friends) and one of the few people she still contacts from there. She is actually Professor Ahn's favorite student and works as an assistant for him when needed. When she and Miok talk or IM, she'll often give Miok an update on her parents, and likewise Kasumi finds she has to tell Miok's father how she's doing since she doesn't connect with them directly too often these days. The pair are planning to meet one day soon.

  • Close Friend : Woo Jiho (Zico) : 23 : Idol/Rapper (Block B) : Charismatic, Hard working, outgoing : Closeness Rate (8)
    Miok met Jiho when she was a trainee in Stardom. They were close after Miok sought him out for tips on being a better rapper. Miok at one time had a significant crush on him, until his debut (they lost touch and by then she'd moved her liking to Taeil). Once Block B's scandals seemed to die down and she'd moved on to Amour, she shot him a text and they renewed their friendship.
  • Her Replacement/friend : Kristine Yoon (Hayana) : 22 : Idol (Formerly EvoL) : Talkative, Mild tempered, mannered : Closeness Rate (6) Prior to Kristine's joining of Stardom, Miok was set to be in the EvoL lineup. When she joined, Miok was friendly and congenial, and they became fast friends. However, early in 2012 Miok was told she would not be debuting with EvoL and would later find out the new girl she'd befriended would be taking her place. Instead of becoming mean or bitter, Miok congratulated her friend, and even after Miok's departure from Stardom they have remained friendly.
  • School mates : Pyo Jihoon (PO) : 22 : Idol/Rapper (Block B) : Funny, energetic, kind : Closeness Rate (7) PO and Miok were classmates ans label mates at the same time. They were known for theirl silly antics in classes and after school activites. Though they were not as close once Miok joined Amour since they spent less time together, they maintain a comfortable friendship, and often say hello and are chatty during shows when they meet.
  • Former Labelmates Block B, EvoL: Closeness Rate (3-4) : She's familiar with the ones not mentioned here, and on good terms, but not neccessarily as close as she is with the ones mentioned.

  • Inside Amour (besides Stardust):

  • Closest Friend in Amour : Ito Kazuhiro : Idol (Axis) : Closeness Rate (10) *see LI section 
  • Next Closest Friend : Lucy Kim : Idol (Alice) : Closeness Rate (9) Lucy and Miok interacted for the first time when someone made a comment about them being "the beginning and end of 93". From there, they developed a friendship. Unlike with Clarissa, Miok never once felt intimidated by Lucy. It's not uncommon on shows if they need to call another idol, they phone the other first. Miok respects Lucy a lot, and would call her 'sunbaenim' if it weren't for the age difference and Lucy just plain thinking it's weird. Lucy also tries to teach Miok English at times...mostly curse words. "...Lucy taught you that, didn't she?" "Eh? Oh, you mean #$%@*?" "Lucy Kim-!"
  • Favorite Person to bother : Pyo Wonshik : Idol (Imbue) : Closeness Rate (7) Why these two get along...no one will ever know. What started out as Miok trying to get Wonshik to lighten up and smile more, and him shrugging her off trying not to be rude, just became something of a habit. Miok skips up, tells him to smile, he politely declines, and they resume their day. Miok doesn't push him too much and doesn't exactly get a warm friend feel, but likes him all the same. He supposes she means well, and kind of misses when she doesn't come bounding up. After enough time, annoyance has turned to familiarity at this point.  
  • Favorite Junior : Park Junseok : Closeness Rate (7) It actually wasn't well known to Miok until after her sister mentioned him that she knew he was attending Hanlim as well. Miok finds Junseok uplifting to be around, and he can always put a smile on her face. "I'm practically a stormy rain cloud compared to him!" she often comments. A favorite of Suok, he's a bit more familiar with Suok and Miok's family life, though not enough to say he knows more than, say, Hiro.
  • Intimidated : Clarissa Go : 23 : Idol (Alice) : Closeness Rate (2) Miok met Clarissa after she joined Amour. Later, she would find out she was with Stardom before Miok, and Zico lets her know Taeil and her are pretty close. Clarissa is tall, pretty, talented, and experienced. Miok won't admit it outright, but she's a little intimidated by the girl as she seems to be the ideal standard, and she is often compared to Clarissa in interviews and by fans, often being asked if they are close. Clarissa doesn't seem to care, but if there's one person Miok is awkward with, it's her. Miok just can't seem to have a good conversation with her unlike with Lucy.
  • (And anyone else you think she'd have a relationship of some sort with. For some reason, I can see Noah tricking Mio out of money or something, lol. I considered putting Sunho on here, but thought that'd be too many people, lol.)



  • Water - water sports, swimming, Miok just loves the water.
  • Aquariums - Continuing with her love of water, Miok loves aquaculture. One of her favorite things to do is take a trip to an aquarium and relax amongst the fish.
  • Scent of paper - Miok says it feels nostalgic Her parents, her sister, they are all educators; Miok grew up surrounded by books, and remembers sitting in her father's study playing while he worked.
  • Ramen - She can eat ramen everyday, breakfast, lunch, dinner. Too bad she gets scolded for it when she tries.
  • Antiques/Vintage items -  You can blame her parents for this. Her mother loves vintage fashion, and her father simply likes finding and collecting old things for his cabinets.
  • Candy - She loves sweets, and it's not uncommon to find her with a lollipop in in her off hours. Once fans found out about this, Miok began to receive as gifts from them candy bouquets.
  • Cooking - Ask Miok to cook, and she's all over it. It brings her joy to see others enjoying it, and she was the main cook while with her sister.


  • Centipedes - their little legs creep her out. Plus, they're mean and nasty little creatures. Miok is terrified of them.
  • Elevators - See fears section. 
  • High Heels - Miok understands the  need for them. She understands they make her legs look great. It doesn't mean she has to like them though. Unfortunately for Miok, being one of the shorter girls...she almost always has to wear them.
  • Scent of Lavender  - It smells like soap. Even now, Miok prefers fruity or sweet smelling soap, not the florally lavender soapy stuff. This also includes lavendar teas, perfumes, etc.
  • Desk Corners - She runs into them...why do they have to exist?!!?
  • Bitter Foods - Black coffee, certain vegetables, etc.
  • Being Short - had Min not been shorter than her, Miok would be miserable. She is the shortest in her family (her sister and mother are both 165, while her father is close to 180)
  • Ghost Stories - An overactive imagination and Miok won't sleep at night. She'll still watch and listen to them with the group to go with the flow, but she is easily scared by them.


  • Failure - pretty self explanatory, but Miok cannot allow herself to fail where her sister did, and prove her parents and others right. Since she wants to be an example of what perserverance can accomplish, she also doesn't want to fail in the eyes of her fans and label mates (particular the hoobaes). This isn't simple things like messing up some cooking or such. This applies to only bigger more important matters.
  • Small, enclosed spaces - Miok got locked in a closet at her high school by some cruel students. They were talking about Suok and Miok heard them, so she retaliated verbally. This lead to the girls ganging up on her and locking her up. She was in there all day, and had a janitor not come by, she would have been stuck overnight. This is not something she makes obvious or others aware of, not even Suok. Before anything else was to be done about it, Miok transferred to Hanlim and the incident was forgotten by the faculty and students.


  • Swimming - For fitness and, if it's not obvious, Miok loves being in the water.
  • Origami - Sit Miok with some colorful pieces of paper, and you will see a whole new side of focus from her. She can fold cranes faster than anyone else in Amour (once, she was with a few of the others and they were folding cranes for a charity or project. Miok finished five before they'd even gotten half way through one). Her parents had her start this at a young age to improve her focus, concentration, and finer motor skills, and she just stuck with it.
  • Music Composition - Miok was raised with a music teacher mother and professor father, as well as studying music in university. Had she not been an idol, Miok would have studied it more extensively in university. Most are suprised that she can talk about music composition, both whimsically and critically, as no one really expects the Chic Clown to be that dedicated to something.
  • Aquaculture - Miok used to keep a fish tank at her home, and hopes she'll be able to keep a small one at the dorm. She enjoys reading up on the subject, and can be seen browsing the internet on various forums and information sites.


  • (Sleeping) She sleeps with her earbuds and music on. What is she listening to? "Something relaxing. Usually violins, kotos, Mozart, Outsider...what? Why are you looking at me like that?"
  • (Sleeping) Miok sleeps very lightly, and is easy to wake up with noise (see above for what she does to combat this).
  • (Surprise) Has a habit of shouting random Japanese when startled, scared, or otherwise surprised.
  • (Fidgeting) Miok dislikes holding still for too long: she has a habit of fidgeting from foot to foot, or swaying her hands next to her, if not outright dancing around.
  • (Upset) Miok often doesn't look like she's upset, even when she is. Her 'tell' is that she will stop fidgetting, her back will straighten improving her posture, and she will still smile, but it's a closed one. The one significant tell though, is the wringing of her hands. She tries to hide it behind her back, but anyone who knows her well enough will be able to tell.
  • (Laughter) - Miok laughs loudly and without restraint, often with a wide mouth. She is often chided about this.
  • (Practice) - When practicing alone or solo, Miok has to retrace her steps. She rewinds back and forth many times. This includes when memorizing lyrics, as she will memorize the words in the right order, and then reverse it. Her reasoning?"Dance or sing, if I can do it forwards or backwards, I can't make a mistake."
  • (Speed Eater) - Miok eats extraordinarily fast. Hot soup, cold noodles, it doesn't matter. Peple are amazed at how much food and how quickly this girl can put down before they've even gotten through half.


  • She sleeps with her stuffed fish Binny, a gift from her sister, and later a stuffed Calcifer she received as a gift (from whom, I'll leave up to you).
  • Despite her light, feminine concept with Stardust; Miok can be a fierce dancer and has a penchant for learning boy group dances. Her favorites are Infinite's and Teen Top's (she finds them vigorous enough for a good cardio), and later Axis'.
  • She knows how to play the piano , and often does so when upset or to relax. (Learned rom her mother)
  • Miok is the easiest person to wake up: one shake and she's up.
  • She was once part of the EvoL lineup, but was dropped and replaced by Hayana. The reason given was that Miok didn't match EvoL's colors. Miok assumes it was because she wasn't good enough.
  • Her favorite movies are almost any Studio Ghibli films. Currently she loves Howl's Moving Castle and Ponyo.
  • Her ideal type is a man with a nice smile and charisma/strong stage presense. If asked, she'll say it used to be Zico from Block B. If Zico is present or if anyone asks her why, she'll respond jokingly, "It was until you/Zico until started talking, and then I lost interest," bringing a lot of laughter. She cycles through her ideal types, but usually it's, "CAP from Teen Top, Bang Yongguk from B.A.P., or Tablo."
  • Because of her candor, open and happy persona, variety shows and interviewers love Miok.
  • She used to dye her hair all sorts of fun colors in the past. Since joining Amour and being selected for Stardust, she has had to curb this desire. Miok laments this.
  • She is very flexible despite her clumsiness (arguably, she could be the most flexible in the group).
  • She wants to be in a ramen CF one day.
  • Her favorite types of instant ramen are Neoguri and Mupama.












  • Seoul Performing Arts - 1 year (transferred to Hanlim)
  • Hanlim Arts - (remainder of her high school years) - Once her sister started teaching here, she transferred.
  • Kyunghee University studying music (started in 2012 - currently on hiatus during debut - will begin again in 2014, projected graduation in late 2016.)



Stage Name  Mio
 The Chic Clown
Fanclub Name  Jesters
Fanclub Color 
 chartreuse - #7FFF00

Position  Triple Threat
Singing Twin  Lizzy (After School)
Rapping Twin 
 Nicole Jung (Soloist)
Dancing Twin  Luna (f(X))
Speaking Twin 
 Lizzy (After School)

Pre-Debut Experiences – 

  • Block B MV - Nanlina - female member of Red Tigers (you'll recognize her as the one with short hair) - before joining Amour.
  • Block B MV - Tell Them - Background dancer/partyer - before joining Amour

SNS – 

  • Twitter - @Miju93 (Icon- Created before debut. After debut, she is pressured to use her own picture by fans and others, and may eventually comply...maybe.
  • Instagram - MioMi93 (Icon) - Created after debut in early 2014.

Hopes & Dreams for Stardust – Initially, Miok wanted to prove a point: not just to her parents, but to her sister, and maybe to the naysayers. Miok refused, in a rare moment of rebellion, to simply be what was expected of her. It's what drove her to audition for Stardom, and what kept her going long enough for Amour to scout her. She viewed her debut as the culmination of years of hard work, going against her parents.

But Miok realizes its much more than that. Now that she's where she wanted to be, she has to think about where she's, and her group, are going to go. First and foremost: she doesn't want it to end. Despite the constant toils of training and working, Miok is able to perform among some truly great people. She's meeting people she would never meet in the past, or if she had chosen to be like her sister and lived a quiet life. She would like to see Stardust grow into an internationally recognized group, perform across the globe, and receive fan letters in different languages.


She would also want Stardust to be, much like SNSD, able to be versatile and mature as they as a group mature. They can't do cute concepts forever, but they can show the industry that they can throw down when needed.


Aside from performing, Miok wants her groupmates who have worked so hard with her to succeed. Stardust will allow each of them to continue to grow in their strengths, even if the group itself ends. Because in the end, Miok truly wants to be recognized as a role model to those who, like her, felt like giving up. If she can achieve this by being a more public figure via variety, emceeing, or acting, so be it. And most important: happiness. She want Stardust to set them on their paths of ahppiness. While sad if it means parting, Miok will be happy with what they achieve while together.


Love History & Experiences  Miok has mostly only had crushes and one sided relatioships, except for Jinmyung. While some are rater cute (Yuto) though bittersweet, Miok was for a long time very much like any other girl who wanted to date and meet boys, and have fu. But after her departure from Stardom and the break up with Jinmyung, Miok felt she had to put those 'silly little things' away so she can focus on her future. Taeil would be the exception, and even that she did't pursue. To name a few more notable ones:

Yuto - The twelve year old boy eleven year old Miok really, REALLY liked. He was supposed to meet her on a rooftop, but never showed up. The next day she found out he confessed to another girl. Miok cried a lot that day.

Minwoo (Miok thinks his surname was Im) - The cool, very popular senior at Hanlim. Miok finally confessed to him when she was about to turn 16, and he told her he wouldn't be able to return those feelings. The next few weeks, Minwoo transferred, and later Miok found out he married another girl from their class.

Noh Jinmyung (the most impactful) - Another student at Hanlim, Miok asked him to study with her before she joined Stardom (after Minwoo), and they became study buddies. After a few sessions, Miok confessed to him she liked him and if he would be her boyfriend. He agreed and they dated for about a year and a half. He was her first kiss and the first boy she ever introduced to Suok. A few things about Jinmyung: he's arrogant, a little sullen, and essentially the complete opposite of Miok. Suok hates him. Her sister did not appreciate that Miok would do quite a bit for the boy, and he didn't seem to reciprocate that. White Day was a bust and the most romantic thing he did, in Suok's eyes, was to walk Miok home from school. "That boy hasn't even told you he likes you back yet! Just he agreed to date you! Huff."

But Jinmyung wasn't a bad person per se. He was young, from a breaking home, and didn't know what he wanted. He did like the attention Miok gave him though, and she was pretty. However, it came to a head when she was going through tough times during training and was spending time with boys from Stardom (Zico, P.O.). He became angry she wasn't giving him all of her attention any more, and he broke up with her quite publicly (they were in the library). Miok was heartbroken and upset, and this reinforced some of her long held insecurities as well as her stopping her focus on her love life. Jinmyung felt bad afterwards, but had too much pride to apologize even though he genuinely did, and still does, like her. He's currently a trainee with Fantagio to be an actor, and understands the pressure she'd been under in high school. She's the one he, "Let get away."

Woo Jiho/Zico - The boy she fell for during trainee days in Stardom. Nothing came of it except Miok finding every moment to be around him after her break up with Jinmyung. They parted as good friends however. At this time, Jiho would never even entertain the thought of dating Miok.

It should be noted that in each of these cases, Miok was the one confessing, if at all. She has never had a boy confess to her, and if there were any who wanted to, she was oblivious. After she started training, she focused on that aspect of her life and didn't really concern herself about love. 


Potential Lovers  

  • NA 


Suok: Yah. This one is no good.

Miok: Eh? What are you talking about?

Suok: Too short. Too many tattoos. Talks too fast. At least he's not as dumb as the rest of them.

Miok: But Taeil is a good person. He sings so well, but he's so modest, and his smile is-!

Suok: Never trust a man with teeth that straight. 

Miok: Onee-chan...sigh.

Love Interest  Lee Taeil (Park Kyung)
Date of Birth 
 Sept 24, 1990 (July 8, 1992)
Occupation  Idol w/ Block B (same)

Personality – Taeil, even though he is the oldest in his group, has a youthful quality about him, from his height to his very quick way of speaking.Since people consider him very 'cute' already, he has no problem playing this trait up when necessary. However, despite his playful nature, Taeil is very mature...most of the time. He has no qualms about throwing a tantrum when he loses a game if it’ll get a good response. He is serious about his music and works exceedingly hard. He also is self-conscious about his appearance, despite being willing to make fun of himself, and sometimes broods on this fact. And despite having confidence in his voice and ability to perform, his lower self-esteem can seem to hold him back from really standing out. His groupmates often find themselves pulling him out of his shell, trying to get him to stand out more on his own. Never the less, he always willing to join in with his friends on fun and is rarely the one to say no to having fun.

First Meeting  Miok met Taeil one day in the studio when she couldn't find Jiho. While Miok was relatively well liked in Stardom, she'd grown fond of Jiho and wanted his opinion on what she neede to work on to ensure she debuted. This was prior to Block B's official debut themselves. She ended up lost and decided to see if the vocal coach was in to help her with tips or practice. She knew this was going beyond what was expected, but she wanted to succeed. It was quite by accident that she ran into Taeil who was also looking for the vocal coach. She'd seen him a few times, but never really spooke to him directly. He told her he was meeting with the coach and agreed to let her tag along. While waiting to meet the coach, they discovered they had some similar interests (like fish), and began to have a conversation of future aspirations. He confessed to her that he thought he stood little chance of debuting, due to the image most companies want from their idols, but that she shouldn't be worried. Miok's response was that if she could debut, surely he could, to which he laughed and told her she was cute for thinking so. Once the vocal coach arrived, Miok stayed just long enough to hear Taeil sing for the first time. She was hooked by his modesty and his voice. Before leaving, she shouted to Taeil: "I'll always be a Lee Taeil fan!"

History  From then on, whenever they saw each other they were friendly and comfortable. Jiho noticed the change in attention from Miok transferred almost immediately from him to Taeil, so he investigated it further. He was slightly jealous, not because he was attracted to Miok, but that he lost her attention to someone else. After talking with Taeil, he discovered that his friend and future groupmate liked Miok very much, but was in no place to say anything. Both were concentrating on training for debut (he didn't tell Jiho he felt inadequate for Miok as well). Jiho joked that once Taeil and Miok debuted he'd make Taeil send her a love note, but agreed to stay out of their love lives for the time being. Unfortunately, Miok assumed she was just having a crush, like on Jiho, and assumed someone as talented as him wouldn't bother with her, so she continued to be friendly with him with no expectation.

Block B debuted and Miok left Stardom to join Amour after it became apparent she would not be debuting with Evol. She lost touch with most of her friends in Stardom, including Jiho and Taeil. She watched pensively as they went through scandals and held back from contacting them. She honestly felt like she would be a burden. On Taeil's end he assumed she'd moved on and went about his business as normal. Thus they continued to think the other didn't really care what the other was doing, or otherwise they weren't important enough to bother the other. It wasn't until Miok was told she would be debuting as part of Stardust and that Block B's scandals seemed over for the time being that she finally texted Jiho.

He asked her to call next time, so she did. To her surprised Taeil was the one who answered. He told her Jiho was busy and had asked he get the call. Even with his success, Taeil was still unable to say anything to Miok, convinced she did not see him as anything but a sunbae and friend.How could she? She was a pretty rookie with her career ahead of her; she didn't need someone like him muddling that. Miok believed Taeil also only treated her as a junior/hoobae, and respectfully kept her feelings to herself. Plus, she was in no position to confess anything: she was a rookie with nothing to offer. 

Interactions  It...is so awkward. At least for Taeil. While at first they act like friends, familiar with each other, Miok's incessant friendliness and acting as if everything is normal between them makes him nervous. Unlike her who is able to bottle up her feelings and carry on, he is not so good at that. So instead, he becomes more withdrawn around her.

For Miok, she is just happy to see him and be around him. Even if she thinks he doesn't like her in such a way, she does like to be around him. However, as time goes on and he  becomes more and more withdrawn, Miok genuinely thinks he must not like her. Despite her still being polite and friendly, it actually pains Miok to be around him after a time.

Relationship  Sunbae-Hoobae initially, but later after she debuts they become friends. They have very strong affections for each other, but assume the other does not feel the same at all for different reasons.





Suok: Nope. Move on little sister. This one is a flop.

Miok: What are you going on about?

Suok: He looks dumb. Pretty...but dumb. Has he even debuted yet? He's going to be the greasy, winky face one isn't he?

Miok: Hiro is a lot of fun. Always so considerate too you know, and also not dumb-

Suok: When are you going to introduce me to your manager? I saw the pictures. He's handsome.

Miok: Sigh. You're not even going to let me finish this conversation, are you Onee-chan?


Love Interest  Ito Kazuhiro "Hiro" 
Date of Birth 
 July 26, 1993
Occupation  Idol w/ Axis

Personality  I think you know his personality better than me...XD

First Meeting  Miok had just joined Amour. She was walking through the building and was busy looking down at her phone when a door opened in front of her...she ran headlong into it. It was a door to one of the training rooms, and Miok hit it hard enough to knock herself off her feet. She began to whine in Japanese, rubbing her head, and someone began to respond to her in Japanese as well, frantically asking if she was alright. They carried on a whole conversation like that until Miok was finally on her feet. Introductions were made..followed by a quick run to find the first aid kit once they realized Miok's forehead was bleeding.

History  After that initial meeting, Miok and Hiro bonded over their shared Japanese background. Miok and Hiro are probably the easiest people to talk to; therefore it seemed only natural that they would hit it off almost immediately. Theirs is a simple sort of story initially: two people who realize they actually like the other person being around them, so they become friends. He was the one who introduced her to the rest of the trainees when she joined Amour. And infact, upon training with Miok, he was the one who coined the name 'Klutz-Ok' when she ran into one of the other girls, who then hit another, and the domino effect ended with them all sprawled out on the ground (much to his laughter).

What really solidified their relationship was two events. It started when Miok was staying super late praticing. He happened to come by, and she asked him to watch her do the choreo and tell her if anything is wrong. He said it looked fine, from what he could  tell. But Miok perceived every single flaw, and surprised him by becoming increasingly upset and angry at herself. "This is why Stardom didn't want me and replaced me with Kristine!" Hiro had never seen Miok like this, and he had to sit her down to get her to calm down. He would find out she just had a conversation with her parents, who told her to not worry if her debut didnt't pan out, which it probably wouldn't: she could come home. That conversation exaserbated a mess up she had during their practice, and led to her current situation. In the end, Hiro was able to calm her down and pointed out her mistakes were superficial. She needed to have more confidence in herself: he did. Hiro escorted her back to her dorms/home, and they were closer than ever.

Almost at the same time, Axis was going through its own issues. Similarly during that time, the pair met up in the practice room, and talked it out (leaving it a little ambiguous since I'm not sure what happened exactly).

From then on, they were not only friends, but each other's support system.

Eventually, after both groups debut, even with their hectic schedules and they see each other less, and if the idea of absense makes the heart fonder is true, it certainly is in their case. They are often caught getting late night meals together and rumors begin to circulate that the pair might actually be dating. Any hardcore Axis or Stardust fan will tell you right off that it is not: their friendship is well known. But it doesn't stop the rumor mill in the media and forums. 

This starts Hiro thinking about, "well...if it WERE true..." and perhaps coming to terms with his own emotions on the matter. Miok is still pretty hung up on Taeil, and it only further confuses her. It definitely doesn't help her own problems with the other male: Taeil only further becomes distant towards her. But she is unwilling to let either friendship go, and tries to act as if everything is okay and normal. Silly, stupid Miok.

Interactions  Playful and friendly, it's not uncommon to see the pair stomping about Amour's building just laughing. Outwardly, they are like best friends. But they also offer support for the other, espcially during debut times. 

Relationship  Labelmates and friends. He is probably her best friend in Amour, next to her groupmates. This changes into something one sided on Hiro's part when he starts to realize he actually is jealous anytime she is excited to see Block B or any other male in general. For Miok, it takes a little longer for her to realize there may be a reason he's probably one of her favorite people aside from friendship.

Comments  Sorry for butchering snything. >_<


Hello Venus - Would You Like Some Tea?

Laboum - What About You?

Lovelyz - Hi~, Goodnight like last time
Sonamoo - Everlasting Love


I think most of APinks will work as well (though you probably have that planned already, lol). Title songs aside... 

APink - Deja Vu
APink - Perfume



Scene Requests  self-explanatory.

  • Stardust couples! As in, fans like a certain pair together so much they get couple names.
  • Horror special (I will always request this, no matter what!!)
  • Miok hits a breaking point and just snaps at someone, and runs off to be alone for once. A member or someone close to to her has to go find her. (see THIS for inspiration XD)
  • I don't know why...but can the Axis boys perform a Stardust song and be forced to dress as girls? Please? XD
  • Reconciliation between Miok and her parents where they finally accept what Miok's doing with her life.
  • If not a horror special, what if the power went out at the company building or the dorm? The shenanigans!
  • Can Suok fangirl over their manager? Please? XDD


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