The Hopeless Ones | Hacker

The Hopeless Ones

Remember Her Name 

Full Name: Eom Doyoung
Nickname: Yo - Members (They often use it to get her attention whenever she's too engrossed in her work.)
Date of Birth & Age: 8.15.93 & 22
Birthplace: Suwon, Gyeonggi, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean
Bloodtype: B-


Mug Shot 

[change picture with ulzzang]
Ulzzang: Byeong Jeong Ah 
Back-Up Ulzzang: Jo Hae In  
Style: Boyoung has a very outspoken style that fits her personality. It shows off her confidence and pride she has in herself. Her style is best described as a mix of edgy and grunge. You'll often see Jemma wear her caps and beanies. It was her trademark from the start.
Extra: She has a small scar just above her eyebrow, after getting in a crossfire between two gangs. 


♛You're a Warrior 

+).  Incisive, down to earth, Confident (secretly affectionate) 
-).  Haughty, insensitive, awkward

Doyoung for beginners in one of the most incisive person you'll meet and has a quick-witted way of talking. She's quick at analyzing things and has a clear-thinking point of view. She often gets so engrossed in her work that she developed an reflects that activates unconsciously when things get rough and unpredictable, so she won't feel too caught off guard. No security defice is too difficult for her to crack and when it comes to an worthy oppontent, she hasn't been able to find him/her yet. She has a high knowledge percentage when it comes to anything electronic related, will it be computers, cellphones you name it.  It's easily to detact that Doyoung is very down-to-earth person and doesn't beat around the bush
. She likes to look at things in a practical and realistic sense, that gives her a feeling of reassurance, making her prepared and confidence in what she does best, hacking. Why sugarcoat anything when  there are clear facts that state the truth. A mission will succeed or fail miserably. It doesn't make sense to Doyoung. Someone who has a lot of pride to herself and is in one word confident about how she handles her assignments. It not a secret that she knows her own talent and occasionally enjoys showing off. 

Even though her confidence is something to admire, Doyoung isn't shy about it and often comes over as haughty. As she feels the need to tell others she is perfectly capable of doing it herself and refusing someone's help when she thinks it a logical decision to take. Causing Doyoung to be put down as insensitive, which she occasionally is at times. If she feels to express her thoughts she won't hessitate to do so even if it might hurt someone's feelings. Talking to people about personal things or anything that hits too close to home for that matter, will leave Doyoung fiddle with tension. Causing quite an awkward atmosphere. Avoiding eyecontact at all cost atm, It's just something she does after sitting behind an electronic defice for so long instead of interacting with actual people when standing face to face. It's more because she doesn't allow herself to get close to others in fear of exposing herself too much in the real work, making it easier for others to stab her in the back.  It may sound shocking, but Doyoung does for a fact care about her family, friends and colleges and is in fact affectionate towards them. It's just not that obvious and others easily see past the small structures of kindness she shows them. 


  • anything marvel related
  • mind games
  • her laptop
  • sea breeze (helps her clear her mind)
  • analyzing situations or people
  • skinship (though she would rather die than admit it out loud)
  • matcha latte
  • classic rock//indie rock


  • someone touching her stuff
  • others outsmarting her
  • interacting/communicating face to face (give her, her laptop and it's all good.)
  • lemons
  • carelessness
  • impractical things
  • not having control over a situation. (Though she is quick at regaining control again)
  • mosquitoes


  • computer programming
  • jogging
  • watching her favorite tv series and movies
  • infitrating someone's privacy, by hacking their accounts 


  • avoiding eye contact when things get too personal.
  • her lips and smiles whenever she's being challenged.
  • puts in her earphone to block out others, when she isn't in the mood to talk. (she doesn't always turns the music on though.)
  • she plays rock music on high volume whenever she's working on her laptop and needs to get something done quickly, will it be cracking a code, infiltrating/by pass security or hack into a system. 
  • subtle touches someone when trying to comfort them.


  • to keep herself grounded and in shape, Doyoung often goes jogging in the morning and occasionally practices yoga for flexibility.
  • has a slight obsession with green tea flavor. it's just so damn good!
  • Doyoung is quite ticklish.
  • a very light sleeper.
  • is considered a vegan and doesn't eat anything that has meat in it.
  • she prefers to take long baths instead of showers
  • her all time favorite tv serie is supernatural. doctor who, sherlock, hannibal, the 100 and sense8 are also series she watches occasionally.
  • needs to drink at least one cup of coffee before starting her day, otherwise she'll be cranky the whole day.
  • her hacker code name is Kukan.
  • exclusively uses a Linux based operating system on her computers 
  • maintains a strict adherence to "The Hacker Code" of conduct 
  • is fluent in both Korean and english, which definitely comes in handy when hacking into a certain system. Conversational in Japanese.
  • It's rather unheard of to see her out in the field. She' s more effective when being behind it all.

What's there to say, Doyoung doesn't really have had the brightest history, but what can you do. Life is hard, you just have to it up and move on.  Doyoung was born in Suwon, Gyeonggi, South Korea where she stayed for most of her childhood. It's not too suprising that Doyoung never really had what others like to call a 'normal' life, which Doyoung claims had never any negative effects on her, to some extent she was right on that, but to claim it didn't effect her even in the slightest way meant she was lying to others and herself. Unlike most kids who by the age of seven was learning how to ride a bike with the help of their parents. Doyoung was learning the different technics on computer programming, taught by her own mother as she saw the potention of her daughter at a young age. It did effect her relationship with her mother as she was being more of a mentor than an actual mother. By the age of fourteen, the children in her middle school went away for camp, during their summer vacation; as she was dragged along in dark corners of the city and was introduced to the danger that laid there. It all seemed to go without too many injuries, but when Doyoung graduated from high school, that was where a lot of things went wrong, among which was the loss of her father and mother when she was working on a dangerous case.  

After the loss of her mother did Doyoung decide to take a leave from it all and moved to Seoul in hope of a better life. And that was all it was; wishful thinking as her past kept creeping up on her. She eventually came under the radar of Catch 22 when trying to hack into their system and succeeding. She had two options and one of them was to join their gang and not long after she was recruited as one of their own members. 


♛A Place to Call Home

Father | Eom Yohan | 52 | calm, intelligent, humorous | professor of fine art | Closeness 4/5 | Dead

Mother | Han Saebyul | 52 | stubborn, eloquent, temperamental | Technical Analyst | Closeness 2/5 | Dead 
Older sister | Eom Doyoon | 25 | free-spirited, creative, confident | sculpturist | Closeness ?4/5 | Alive 

Medic and/or Right-hand woman


♛Whatcha Gonna Do?

Name: n/a
Age: n/a
Occupation: n/a
Personality: n/a
Why you're rivals: n/a


♛Don't Mess With Her

Position: Hacker
Back-up Position: explosive expert
Alias: Cas
Weapon of Choice: 

  • sniper rifle (M24)


  • hand-to-hand combat

♛You're my One and Only

Name: Jung Daehyun 
Age: 22
Occupation: BAP's best supplier/runner
Personality: Competitive is probably the first thing that comes in anyone's mind when hearing his name. Daehyun loves a challenge and doesn't back down on one when facing danger. He claims he's just that good in estimating a situation, while others (Doyoung) just call it reckless. Daehyun has got a positive attitude towads basically everything and a 'healthy' level of self-esteem. Just like Doyoung, Daehyun can be quite snarky on the comments he gives to people and that often collides and end in arguments between the two. It's even worse when the two actually agree on something together. (at least for the people who disagree with them.) Romantic at heart, he knows his way with words, something Doyoung even if she doesn't say it out loud or in front of others likes about Daehyun. He will make sure the person knows when they are stepping on thin ice and it won't be in the most gentle or pleasant way. It's not something Daehyun is proud of, but he will get quite possesive over people he holds dear, especially when dating that person and isn't afraid to voice that out.  
How you met: The two met each other when Catch 22 was in the middle of a crossfire between Daehyun's gang and another one. It was one of the first times Doyoung was actually on the field instead of being in her 'safe haven' in front of her laptop. Daehyun had seen one of the opposite gang point his gun at a unfamiliar girl, who he later on gets to know as Eom Doyoung. Out of impulse he sprints towards her and the shooter misses the two by a few inches, in the progress both Doyoung and Daehyun fall to the ground with Daehyun holding Doyoung close to him. Doyoung ends up with a few scratches and marks among which is a remaining scar above her eyebrow. 
How you interact: Doyoung realizes all to well what could have happened that day if Daehyun hadn't come to her rescue and for that she is forever grateful. That doesn't mean he gets a free pass whenever Daehyun does something she claims to be impulsive and careless. Daehyun enjoys being around Doyoung as she isn't afraid to talk back even if it does tick him off sometimes. Others view them as a couple of bickering idiots and are still waiting for the two to go at each other's throat, which won't happen anytime soon as this is just a way for the two to blow off some steam/tension. When it's just the two of them, over time Daehyun is actually able to get Doyoung to show her affection towards him and vice versa. 


Comments?: When I saw this applyfic I knew I needed to apply for it so here it is heheh ^^; I hope it's a character you were looking for ^_^!
Questions?: um, not at the moment...
Scene Requests?:

  • ​Doyoung having to go head to head against another hacker from one of the gangs. 
  • Doyoung uses her hacker skills to help the others from Catch 22 to safety as a job had gone wrong.
  • Daehyun being possesive over Doyoung.
  • Daehyun and Doyoung teaming up together while the others are against it. 



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