My thoughts about Kiko and GD's break-up.

So I think everyone knew of the GD-Kiko break up rumour.

If that is sincerely true, please don’t be mad on Kiko.
I’m not taking any side here, but this woman is not someone you can blame for the whole matter.
Yes, you hate her in my
story. I know. But in reality, don’t be too harsh on her, please.
She is just a human. GD is a human too (not in my
story LOL can’t resist sorry).

I’m not insisting for you to stop hating her. It’s your own choice, you have your own reason and I respect that.
I just feel this need to explain something, because some people seem to forget that G-Dragon is not your belonging or something. He doesn’t need to always heed to his fans’ expectations. You know GD’s not like that. He’s too powerful and independent, nobody can dictate him what to do with his life.
Even now, maybe he’s writing a secret song full of rants to his fans and not actually publish it. Kidding!

But the main point is (because I’m going on and on with this post without any sense), leave Kiko alone. If it’s the truth that they broke up because of work, then where’s the Kiko in that reason? They both love their works, we know that, and their decision is absolutely none of our concerns. They cut the ties, okay, then move on. No need to recklessly drive your intense hatred to the girl who you might not even know if not for GD.

Be a little bit reasonable. That’s what I’m telling. Not always stick to your bias just because you know him more, or whatever he does is the right thing and the other is wrong, or you just plainly see Kiko as the b*tch heartbreaker kind (GD song reference trololol). Don’t judge a book by its cover.

For me, I am an appler for five years now, and the DaraGon evidences really keep me going, you know. Like, it never sinks because there. Are. Always. Clues! Ack! Always teasing us! Gosh haha. And then Kiko appeared. At first I was all dragon on her, bashing her of stealing GD from Dara, yadda yadda. Eventually, I have learned to go with it, YG wasn’t even speaking about the matter anyway so I guess at least from his silence, I can still hold on to my ship. Through the months, Kiko never disappeared too, but DaraGon was still freaking strong. I mean, they are screaming “we’re secretly together” everywhere! Take this BBMadeinManila for example! Dara went to the concert even if her schedule was full, just to watch BigBang. The polo shirt Dara was wearing at the concert was the same brand with what GD wore going back to Korea. You’d think it was purely coincidence that they had the same brand when GD might have seen her dress. He should be changing his attire because people might start the rumour again or YG’s fashion protocol again, etc. But he didn’t change. He walked with it at the airport proudly when I’m certain he knew Dara wore the same brand the other day. Fishy, right? And Dara and Jiyong’s family watched the concert on. The. Same. Day. Like, what the **** is going on?! And they went to the after party together too! Gah! The mystery is intense!

Okay, I am ranting too much and getting out of the point too. Mehehehe!
The DaraGon paragraph is longer than the GDKiko part lol! If I’m not too obvious, rofl.

But please, please, please, Kiko is not the only one to be blame. They both were wrong. 
If you love GD, then learn to accept his decisions. 
I'm not preparing for something and I'm wholly faithful to DaraGon, but if in the future there's the lucky woman he will choose, you know what to do. 
You will cry in despair, probably don't leave your room for a month(s), but you will accept. You support GD so you will accept her. Okay? Okay.

Time to finish this lil’ crap.

So let’s end this friendly post with an amusing fact. (Haha)

Did you know that there’s no “gdragonandkiko” tag here? :D  (but there’s “gdandkiko”/growls/)
I guess everyone really loves her. Right? Right?

Haha, love you applers. Let’s stay hoping okay?
There’s really something going on. I’m not sure, but evidences are really flowing too much to be ignored.
Please don't rant on me! >.< I am merely a mortal who's voicing out her opinion. 



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have been thinking 'bout this like seriously.. idk if i can say that I hate her or not or maybe i'm just gone crazy when the rumors are spreading n anw i hate it to the limit i'm not seeing any of Ji's activities.. childish.. i know, but i can't help it too.. the rumors, the on-n-off relationship are too heartbreaking n disappointing.. n i'm amaze how appler keep going with their ship.. when in fact idk.. again.. i hope they'll true.. but i think i should learn the fact too..
well to tell you honestly I just hate the rumors that spread all over the Internet about them but I don't hate her .. it's not her fault being in that rumor . but I think their just friend you know... I still believe in DARAGON and hoping that is true all along .
Griffon #3
I don't really hate her. That's what i know. believe. and try to convince myself maybe? Lol. I don't know what, just that the feeling i get whenever she's involved, may it be related to being an appler or just her mere name, it brings me a bitter atmosphere. I think she's a great model though. Don't know bout being an actress coz I can't help but want to avoid seeing her for a minute or two. Maybe bec she brought the main hurdle to the ship and the mark stayed and so my broken appler heart was tainted with this dark side.Lol.
baekbaek88 #4
I brain can accept all the things you said about GD and kiko but my heart does ke ke just kidding.I don't hate her(seriously),sometimes I hate her bcoz she is such a mood killer even in fanfics.
Your post has a point. I am actually shook by it. I do not blame Kiko but I do hate her. If anything else, this post made me realize something about it and now I swore to not be too much affected.. Thank you, authornim.