Does anybody else think EXO is the only band people think about?

Hello Everyone.

Well just like the title says, does anybody else think this like I do? I mean I meet a few more kpop fans and I asked them who their favorite band is and they all said Exo. 

I'm not trying to sound mean but I'm getting really sick and tired of hearing Exo all the time. Like its either Exo or BTS I keep hearing about. Don't get me wrong they are great bands and I love them. All I'm trying to say is that they are other fantastic bands out there. Like SHINee, SNSD, Ukiss, Bigbang, Super Junior, Vixx, etc. 

Does anybody else thought about this before? 



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I am totally agree with you.
Everywhere I go, it's always been exo.
I see exo, heard exo, it makes me crazy.
I mean, there's like tons of other group, but why people keep on focusing on them. I'm getting tired and eventually also getting annoyed.

Currently shutting down any of exo-l who spazz in front of me. I just tell them to their face, if they want to spare about exo, pls do it elsewhere.

I'm no haters, but the fans makes me feels like I should hate them
It's getting very annoying.

It also makes me very annoyed with the facts that exo fanfics is all over this place. I miss those old types of fanfics. Now, I just sees exo fanfics everywhere. Seldom other group tags made it to the featured fanfics page, it's frequently been conquered by exo.
Don't you think they're getting overly overrated.

There are other groups need attention. Old groups. That's still top the charts out there, not just exo.

Sorry if I rant it here orz.
I AGREE!!! the idol groups is just as awesome as exo or better.I will support all the groups!!!!! I LOVE KPOP <3
SHINee5ever #3
Even though I love Exo I agree with you
They're beginning to become overrated to me
I agree. I've heard that a lot and it actually shows here on AFF. I mean I joined the kpop fandom back in 2008 that was the time SHINee debuted, but I started listening to Big Bang and DBSK and Super Junior. Then when I made an account here, the majority of fics were SHINee oriented, (the ones that I saw anyway). Now all I see is EXO, and I haven't listened much to them, honestly, only a couple of songs. I am the type of fan who doesn't bash or hate on other groups if I don't know them much. I do think that some recognition of other groups should still be seen somewhere, though. Anyway I do agree with what you. It could be that EXO is just such a large group to begin with, one EXO-K and EXO-M that's two countries for you so that could be a reason, but then again SHINee has been performing in Korea, Japan, and I think they went to other countires as well. And Super Junior has a lot of members in it too, they used to have 13, but its been decreased to 11 or 10 members? That's still a large group.
Same here..I hear a lot of people fave band is EXO or like all the new groups that just debuted not long only.Well, I myself didn't join the kpop fandom early too but I can proudly say that my fave band that got me into kpop was Super Junior during MAMA 2011.And it hasn't changed till now. Other than Super Junior,I also have my other fave which are SHINee,Infinite,EXO & VIXX. (Yes, I know that EXO is in there but what I hate is that fans leave older bands for newer bands.) Even though I have other groups that I like, I'm still loyal to my first band no matter what. And I can say that I'm a proud ELF myself. But, one thing I'm really annoyed is that fans don't recognize LEGEND kpop groups like TVXQ,Big Bang,Shinhwa,Wonder Girls,SNSD & the older groups. If it wasn't for the older groups, kpop wouldn't have be known.
But,I still can find fans that like older groups but not a lot :(
I used to hate it that no one knew much of the group that I stan at the time. It was TVXQ and the year was 2009. Then the great lawsuit happened and yeah... disappeared. But returned! Anyways, I was a hardcore Cassie and I was really annoyed that these groups like Beast, 4Minute, BIGBANG, SHINee, SNSD, Wonder Girls, were being known but not my TVXQ?! Yeah... I was so loyal and despite having listen to other artists, I would never call myself a fan of another group. So yeah, I was annoyed... but then as the years passed, K-POP grew and I learned to listen to the other groups. And when EXO came into the scene... I was surprised by how big they became - with only History and MAMA. They rose so high that they beat freaking Super Junior and SHINee in the AFF tags bruh!! And now, even in college, it's EXO and BTS and SISTAR and BIGBANG. Very few do I see VIXX or B.A.P fans. But I guess what I'm trying to say is EXO is probably a very like-able group. In my case I'm used to it. A little annoying but I've learned to not mull over it too much. And to finally answer ur question... yeah, I've noticed.
I thought I was the only one haha, me personally I prefer SHINee, TVXQ, VIXX, U-Kiss, Nu'Est etc...
I like BTS I think they are a great rookie-ish group but I've never really understood the whole EXO obsession. I like some of their music but that's makes me sad when you talk about the older, more accomplished groups "who are still young in age" and people don't listen to them or even know who they are. This generation is all about the newer groups and that's when I get lost.
So in short, I agree with you. :)
I don't know. There are a lot of EXO fans, that's true, but...
To be honest im more annoyed with Seventeen as of right now but I guess that's just preference. Though that's more of a tumblr problem.
I don't meet a lot of rude EXO-Ls so they're not bothering me. They will eventually disappear because it's always been like that. A band gets a looooot of followers and then someone else takes over and people shift from one fandom to another.
I really see where you're coming from (especially on aff) but I never really thought much of it. ^^
I think that people are "a little" too obsessed with EXO (and BTS maybe, yeah) *I'd actually put Big Bang and SNSD here as well but a liiiiitle more to the side*
I actually love EXO as well...but as everyone keep on talking only about them, literally shoving them in my face, they change my relationship with them into a love-hate one.
It's really annoying because they make it look like other groups are no important when they actually have big fanbases and are actually really important to some people.
Being an exo fan myself I do agree everything seems to be about Exo. And there are just so many exo stories on aff it's crazy. Like, there's more exo fics than romance and more tagged with kai alone than entire groups like infinite and snsd and even some of the pairings make it in the most popular tags.

For me, it's just that I'm not bothered with following all the bands. I don't really follow exo either. I'm growing out of kpop a little and I'm only here because I still enjoy making graphics and the majority of those are for exo fanfiction.