Why Silent Readers Are Dangerous to Writers

I've been around the internet for a long time, in fact most of my childhood was spent on the internet. At 23-going-on-24, I think it's safe to say I have quite a bit of experience with internet communities, how they function, and what good and bad there is in the online community. 

When I was younger, the idea of "silent readers" was not as common as it is today. The fanfic community was alive and well, full of conversation where the authors of the stories were able to be involved with their readerbase and know who was reading their story and what was good or bad about it. The fanfic world was thriving, constantly growing. Today, I would say the fanfic community is struggling to stay afloat. Not because there's no one willing to write fanfiction anymore, but that nobody chooses to say anything when reading. 

It's all too often that I hear people saying that author's begging for feedback are only doing so because they crave attention, as though this is a bad thing. Of course they crave attention, they spent a good chunk of time writing this piece of prose for no feedback. An author can't know if anyone is enjoying their work, if it's worth continueing, if no one tells them what they liked or even disliked about it. Readerbases have become very entitled in the fact that they want people to keep pumping out fiction for them without having to give anything in return. That's not how this process works. No one wants to talk to a brick wall.

An inactive readerbase is a useless readerbase. 

When I write, most of my motivation to continue comes from the feedback I get. In fact, I have a fanfiction that I put lots of time and energy into called EXO Planet: Tree of Life. It's over 60,000 words with Twenty Three chapters as of today, December 16th 2015,  has a map and floorplans of the places I've created for the world with a complex set of mythos and a history involved. I've published this fanfiction to both tumblr and asianfanfics.com and to be honest, I don't even want to continue it on AFF. No one responds to it, no one pays attention. I have no reason to care about publishing new chapters here because as far as I know, no one even cares about it. On tumblr, I have a rather active, anonymous readerbase that is always asking me questions about the world, the characters. Always telling me how much they enjoy reading, how they reccommend it to their friends. To this day, I'm still flattered that someone told me I was their favorite fanfic author. These comments made me so excited to update, it kept the story fresh in my mind. Because I was able to converse with my readerbase, they actively became involved in the story and created ships that I made canon simply because I knew what was going on. They even told me about their crack-ships within the fanfiction! I felt like a regular JK Rowling. I even did audio ask sessions where people would ask me something and I would record myself talking about the subject for up to 30 minutes, and they LOVED it, and because they enjoyed it I enjoyed it.

However, in time, my readerbase on tumblr became more and more silent. There are times I don't even know if anyone has read the new chapter. It's incredibly frustrating and as much as I love this story and desire to complete it as we're nearing the end more and more, knowing that I probably won't get any response for doing so just makes me... indifferent. 

I have this problem where I constantly start things and then never finish them, especially with fanficiton/prose. Because of what has happened with EXO Planet, I think I can conclusively say that most of my issue with finishing things is not because I'm just lazy and don't care, but actually because I feel like there's no point in finishing it. I get bored of updating only for myself. I wonder if the idea is bad, if it's worthless and that maybe I should move on to something bigger and more interesting. 

Readers don't realize how much they contribute to a fanfiction simply by responding to it. Art, both written and visual, is meant to be responded to, and when you don't? That's the death of creativity and a descent into lonesome madness, to be quite honest. 

So next time you think about being a silent reader, try to imagine yourself screaming in a crowded room and no one looks up, because that's what it feels like to create something precious that no one cares to respond to.


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This is right. As a fanfiction writer, I also feel have the same feeling when no one responds to my story or even bother to leave a though/comment. it makes me feel like the story isn't interesting. At first, i was excited to write the story but after chapters and no response i feel demotivated. But i am still striving because i love writing.
You are so right! I am myself unable get inspiration to complete my stories though I really want to but the blank response is like a stab on my imaginations and I can’t being myself to write anything....
thanks for writing this blog ^^ I truly hope that it will make a change..!
When I made comment in some of stories, I kinda disappointed cause the author did not reply at all. Just few authors wanted and have responded. That’s why I am tired to make any new comment.
just came across this post . Is it too late to comment? hope not. I have a different stance to this. My chapter updates hardly attract any comment (usually the same 2-3 readers,sometimes none at all chapters after chapters) but I still carry on writing because the number of "views" I have is indicative of how many have read my stories (and I make it a point to thank my readers for reading at the end of my chapter). Which means...1) the number of comments is not indicative of how good or bad a writer you are; 2) my readers are silent readers 3) my reader base is growing....and most importantly, I am writing for myself, mainly.
Exolover573 #6
I relate to this so much. On another fan fiction site, I got bored and had writer’s block. I ended up killing every single one of my characters except for two out of sheer boredom. Later on, someone in the comments said that they never expected me to most of them. I was too lazy to continue it. Luckily, I’m just an editor now; I love being an editor. You do less work but still enjoy your time writing. Besides, the readers are usually introverted, shy, and/or antisocial. Internet is a dangerous place for anyone whom joins. It’s way more fun to collaborate with another person. Anyways, no one wants to tell you if they think your story is really terrible, unless you’re inconsiderate.
photoGNIK #7
Registered just to say thank you.
Thank you!
I just saw this being promoted from a friend's feed. Its basically a reality check for everyone here. As a reader and a writer myself, I do try to interact to whoever writes a piece I read or reply to a comment given by a reader.
Thank you seriosuly for writing this because I feel you. Some of them get triggered and say the author is begging too much but honestly we just want some feedback to see whether you like it or not. Because it takes more than a couple of minute to write a good length of a story so when no one reads/comments it feels like a huge waste. I can see the views and the subs so clearly they’re reading , but it would be nice if they also put themselves into the authors shoes. It’s sad that we have a ton of silent readers. In fact some of my favorite authors have even stopped writing for the exact reason. They feel as if no one loves their writing. And personally I want to improve as a writer and it’s hard to do so when I don’t get feedback/criticism. But thank you so much for writing this blog post!
Honestly I wish I could upvote this post, seriously. You just described everything I'm feeling, especially when in AFF we got that counter and you just know that people read but even if I asked for feedbacks or used a comment limit (you know, the chapter get 5 comments, I update) but on these 50 people that I've read none even bothered to tell me what they thought whether it's good or bad.. Usually it's always the same ones that comments the chapters, and thank gosh I don't know what I would do without those who actually encourage authors! I guess silent readers always the thought of "Someone else will coment' and we all know how this end up.. I guess Silent Readers are the main cons of being a fanfic writer, I understand that some might not want or be in the mood to comment, who knows they just wanted to read after the day and then go do their business but not every chapters..
THIS IS SO IMPORTANT. I couldn't have said it any better. You just nailed this and it was soooo soooo true. Every bit of detail and I feel the complains plus worries, because if we don't do something about it soon... AFF might be shut down due inactivity some day next year.
i'm sorry.... i am a silent reader.... i occasionally comment, but not much so i am very sorry for making you feel this way.... I will comment more in future on your other works
Tamsin89 #13
Thank you so so so much for this