What Do You Mean

Yeah, Kwon Jiyong, what do you mean by "SINGLE February 12" in your Instagram post last January 1? It's supposed to be like the usual New Year's greeting. But...February 12 on the first day of the year? Hmmm...

I’m guessing that by February 13—this year, just to be clear, you’ll either be:


That’s what Daragon shippers are wishing for. Won't be surprised if that’s one of their New Year’s resolutions, lol.


But that’s your status right now, isn’t it? I mean, that’s what your ring—and hers—that you love to show off, stands for, right?


But, didn’t you say you already have a girlfriend? Ok, I only remember you admitting to having one during your guesting together with Daesung—though the way both of you explained things, it seems there were more than one. So lemme check when that happened… Oh, your HwaShin episode was recorded on March 14 of 2013. Hmmm...it coincides with the year she had been dating/boyfriending.

I'll be presumptuous now, ok? Did you break up around March or April 2014? That's when you seemed to be undergoing some emotional breakdown—at least, via Instagram. Or, another theory of mine: YG had things done or made both of you do things to discourage demanding, over-the-top-delusional, OR getting-too-close-to-the-truth shippers from pursuing their cause. Probably the reason why she suddenly revealed that she and a certain Mr. L (remember Bom’s “Mr. K or Mr. L?” to Dara after 2NE1’s debut?) had been friends for 10 years. (And then his Instagram account got hacked, tsk tsk tsk. No, I’m not accusing you of cyber crime. I’m just pointing out that there are anti-Darahae people.) That’s probably why you posted “You can’t always get what you want”. I think it was also around that time when Dara began to bloom as a woman. Think My Love From the Stars and that first…Darahae pic—uhmmmm…, sorry? And I just can’t get over her look for YGFam concert in Singapore in September 2014, especially during the presscon. You know, where she said she’d rather do a kissing scene, and with Mithra. (insert cricket sounds) No, I’m not saying sorry. Coz it was YB who suggested it, and then, later looked at you probably to gauge whether that grin of yours was a Dr. Jekyll or masking Mr. Hyde. Anyway, Dara’s hair and makeup was just so simple, but GOSHHH…she was just gorgeous and blooming. I’ve wondered if the makeover was due to her and her stylists yielding to fan’s requests/demands to let go of her quirky/hiphop/not-so-girly looks; or whether she was just embracing or expressing herself as a woman freely in love and thoroughly loved by someone (who cannot be named bcoz…YG hasn’t given you his go signal).


Okay, this is not even an option judging by your posts on love, and by shippers’ interpretation of your other postings and likings. But hey, FB seems to be the new standard on civil status as far as relationships are concerned. And I like seeing it here in my list.

Anyway, I’m thinking of Kiko. Coz…despite your denials and pix of her with another guy, there are still people saying that everything’s a coverup for Jiko. Nuff said.


I don’t know why it’s taken me this long to wrap up this post. I started it a day after your post. And things have already happened. Like you deleting it. (Yeah, it’s gone. I wonder why… Mr. Yang, know anything?) Like someone discovering there’s actually a movie How To Be Single showing on Feb. 12. (But I’m still wondering why you deleted it. Mr. Yang, don’t you really know the reason? Dara? Where are you now that I need ya? Cool it, Kwon. Nobody’s stealing your girl—I mean, anyone. Just wanna know why your post is gone.)








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