While in the midst of writing, I decided to post another blog. I just realized that maybe some of you are wondering what kind of a person I am so I guess this is my introduction? ^^


Got this from musicIVever. :D


1. What is your name and what does it mean?

If you're an APink fan, you'd probably know by now what pcr4ml stands for (and probably who my bias is). But for those who still don't get it, it means Park Chorong For My Love. ^^ (I'm so sorry if I made you cringe lmao sobs)

Y'all can call me Billy tho, since that's what I've been using on the internet ever since 2009. :)


2. How long have you known your best friend?

Around like...18 years? :D


3. What position do you normally sleep in?

On my side, with my back against the wall.


4. Were you a part of any “clique” in high school?

Not really a clique but I have a set of friends that I mostly hangout with. But that only started around...3rd year high school? I was a nomad during my first two years in HS lmao


5. Who was your favorite teacher in high school and why?

Besides from my advisers, all of my science teachers. I'm just lucky that my teachers in my most fave subject are really nice.


6. Do you wish to travel a lot? 

Yes. for me that I can't. I've never been out of my country ㅠㅠ


7. Did you participate in any sports while in school?

Despite my weight, I can say that I'm pretty athletic.

I played kickball (you know like football + baseball type of game) and soccer back in elementary, basketball and volleyball back in HS, then a full-time volleyball player for my course team in college. ^^


8. Do you like the way that you grew up?

I'm fine about it, but if there's one thing I would change...

I wish I'm closer and a lot more open to my parents I guess.


9. Do you like your siblings? Why or why not?

Yes, even though sometimes we argue.

I mean, they're still my siblings no matter what happens lmao


10. How did you meet your best friend and why did you become friends? 

Through his older brother (which was my closest friend before I met him lol) and actually we started off not in good terms like, we used to fight over stupid stuff :)).

It just gradually changed tho. I guess it's because we live in the same street, took the same school service, went to same schools, played the same sport, and even liked the same girl at one point lmao. 

He's basically a brother to me.^^


11. Things about someone which you find attractive?

Smile, I guess? Like if she's always smiling and it's so pretty and contagious. :D And it's a plus if she's funny too ^^

But tbh, I cannot really pinpoint much details because as long as she's cute in my eyes, then :D


12. What songs are you currently listening to?

The songs in my iTunes which are all kpop songs btw lmao

AOA's Heart Attack is playing rn haha


13. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how?

Not really broken, but almost dislocated. I was about to catch a ball during a kickball game when this person from the other team who was in the 2nd base ran towards the 3rd base and bumped me in the process. It was quite a ram and I fell hard on the ground. Then I felt my left shoulder aching like something wasn't right? I cannot really move it in certain angles for some time.

And my parents never knew about this hahaha


14.  A random memory from your childhood. 

It was during camping! After this game, we were all blindfolded and we just have to wait until an officer lets us remove it and go back to our tents. So after a few minutes, I felt someone tap my shoulder so I removed my blindfold and headed back. Unfortunately, I was clumsy and tripped on a rocky ground. What's worse was that my crush saw everything and was just looking right at me.

I wasn't able to swim too because my knee hit a sharp rock and left a deep wound.



15. Do you think you’d make a good parent? 

No lmao. I actually am not responsible enough for that and I cannot really deal with kids. Let's say...I'm awkward around them? hahaha and I really cannot look after kids because I like doing my own stuff so you know orz

And I've never imagined myself having kids.


16. Would you like to meet any of your AFF friends in person? 

Of course! I've met one before ^^


17. What colour is your hair?


I'm really not experimental with my hair and have only used one hairstyle EVER SINCE. I'm really not confident about that stuff because I just think that it doesn't suit me lmao orz

I'm so boring forgive me

I would really wanna try once I lost weight tho ㅠㅠ


18. What is a strange talent that you have?

Seriously I don't even know if this is classified as a talent orz

I can't sing (I love to sing but it doesn't love me back), but my ears are sharp enough to point out the slightest off-tune there is. My friend who sings well always ask me to listen to her sing and point out if there's anything wrong haha


19. How’s the weather right now?

Hot and humid, just like always.


20. Why did one of your friendships end?

You know, just gradually drifting apart.


21. Who do you miss right now?

My friends. I haven't been out that much because I got sick for a while.


22.  Why did your last relationship end?

She met someone knew, fell in love with her as she fell out of love with me.

I guess I'm not worth keeping hmm sobs


23. Are you still figuring out who you are?  

Of course. Like what I really wanted to do.


24.  Would you ever adopt kids?  

If my future partner (hopefully there is lel) wants a kid but we cannot produce because we both have the same gender hahaha


25. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

"What time is it?"


26. When was the last time you got really happy and why?

When I FINALLY passed my thesis. :D


27.  How do you start a conversation?

Usually just "Sup?" lmao


28. What’s a band you’ve been obsessed with lately?

If we're talking about actual bands, there's none. But if we're talking about groups, well then I've been obsessed with APink since 2 years ago :))


29. Where do you go when you’re sad?

I just listen to music or watch vids to divert my attention.

Sometimes I write, especially when I'm writing about something sad too.


30. 5 random facts about yourself.

  • I can spin a basketball (or any ball of that size) on my finger
  • I like to write, but reading isn't actually my thing unless I'm really interested in the story (and that's probably why I cannot write well hahaha)
  • I like pillows. I like the feeling of being surrounded by pillows while sleeping. I currently have 9 pillows on my bed lmao
  • I don't have a sweet tooth. I actually don't like anything that's too sweet (white chocolate and caramel are a perfect example). I love dark chocolate and spicy foods.
  • I don't hate nor dislike dogs but for me, cats >>>>>>Great wall of China>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>APink's 17 wins with LUV>>>>>>>>> dogs. I currently own 4 =^.^=


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whoooo billeyhhhh :DDDD