45 Questions: AFF Edition #AFF7Years.

What is this? Did you know that AFF is celebrating its 7th year of being up and running? Every year we have thought of ways to commemorate this special date by doing various activities.

With that being said, this year we have decided to make it all about you with these 45 questions, interview with yourself, survey, quiz—whichever you wanted to call it haha.

Why are we doing 45 Questions? Because... it's fun. Don't question.

Our theme for this year is the freesia, when given on the 7th Anniversary it upholds trust and faithfulness within a bond. The freesia is also a symbol of friendship. It was named freesia after Friedrich H. T. Freese by fellow botanist Christian P. Ecklon, as a tribute to their friendship.

This day marks seven years of trust, faithfulness and friendship with the site, it's creator and the community. As a thank you to all participants, we leave you with a thank you message from the creator of AFF himself.

"Happy 7th! I'm glad to have you all here, veterans and newcomers alike. I always tend to get super busy around AFF's anniversary time for some reason so I'm extremely grateful to Team Cactus for putting this together. They've come up with some really good questions! Hope you enjoy Team Cactus' quiz!"

Jason (owner/admin of AFF)

1. Title your blog 45 Questions: AFF Edition #AFF7Years.

2. Tag your blog post with AFF7Years.

3. Answer the questions in your own genuine way, think of it as being interviewed by your kpop bias on the red carpet. Heh.

4. After all the questions are answered to your satisfaction, tag five (5) of your friends in the tag section on the bottom of the layout. No more, no less.

5. Copy the link of this blog post once published and post a comment on this blog http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1124656, with your copied link. This is somewhat of an important step so we can keep track of your posts so don’t skip this step.

6. Please don’t remove these instructions or edit/remove the description above.

7. Just have fun with it!

Tip! Highlight the text you want to change first, then type to edit. Always press Ctrl + Shift for new lines. Not the Enter/Return key.
45 questions
Hello, I am SeKaiStalker. 

AFF is a family i never had.
First, try out these 3 AFF trivia questions!

Please try answering without cheating or looking for the answers. The answers to these trivia questions will be available in this blog after a week from the date of AFF's anniversary. So check the link then for the answers! From now till then, the blog will be on private.

1. Why was Asianfanfics created?

I remembered read it in blog of the admin.. His late girlfriend is an author so he created AFF for her? 

2. What is the exact date of AFF's anniversary?

truth to be told, i forgot

3. Our admin, Jason, wrote a fanfic: Zero Day Diaries. Which kpop artists are featured in this fic?

Kim Myungsoo(?) LOL idk really 

4. How long have you been on AFF for?

2 years but actually it's 3 if u are talking about another acc of mine LOL

5. What color was AFF's layout when you joined?

6. How did you find AFF?

Veryyyy fun alright

7. How did you end up becoming a member? What made you want to become a member?

idk..i remembered reading stories here but aint having an acc so create one..able me to subscribe n comment LOL

8. You are user no. ____?

how do i knowwwwww

9. What was your first username?

hurmmm GuardianExostans?

10. What was the first story you read on here?

well i dont remember the title ..but it was a of Kevin U-kiss..damn hot, i actually looking for it.. slight .. insert cold ice play, hnggg jacuzzi too

11. Who is the first AFFer you talked to?

i dun remember

12. Who was your first friend? Do you still keep in contact?

no no no

13. How many fanfiction/thread(s) do you currently have? How many of them are complete?

urmmm ._.

14. How many unique subscribers do you have?


15. What badges do you have?

2.. 2 years and verification account :'c

16. Have you been an AFF Gold Member?

no ne

17. Out of a scale of 10, how much do you frequent the site?


18. What is the main activity that you do on AFF?


19. How do you spend most of your karma points?

transfer to other acc

20. How would you like to spend you karma points? (E.g. Kpop merchandise.)

can we?? coz i have like a lot of karma.

21. Have you ever uploaded a video in the video gallery?

Yohmm nope

22. Have you entered the chatroom? How was it like for you?


23. What is your favourite feature of AFF?


24. What is your least favourite feature of AFF? How can it be improved to make it better?

NOTHING..but really create an adroid app bruhh

25. If you could introduce just one feature on AFF, what would it be and why?

i really dunnooo

26. If you could customize the way AFF appears to you, what color would it be? You could just pick one color or a palette.

anything vintage coz vintage never go wrong 

27. Who is/are your best friend(s) on AFF?


28. Who are the users you want to get to know better?

none too

29. Are you grateful/owe something to someone on AFF? Who and why?

AutumnHeart n MamaFish and Jongyeolin mama >_< they are the best authors im looking forward 

30. Who are your AFF inspirations?

damn, look above ne

31. If you could put a star on any of your fics/threads, which one would you pick?

probably none

32. What is/are your all time favourite storie(s)/thread(s)?

anything written by mama fish n jongyeolin mama

33. Who is/are your all time favourite author/s?


34. If you could put a star on another user's fics/threads, which one would you pick?

every sekai stories.

35. If you could have any username you want, what would that be? (Did someone already take the username you wanted?)
i love mine <3

36. If you would write a fanfic about your life in AFF, what would the title be?

Beauty Diary of A 180 pound 

37. What was the weirdest thing you encountered on the site?

Maybe crack fic ._. BaekBama for lyfeeee

38. What was the best thing that has happened to you on the site?

Your answer here.

39. Have your interests changed on AFF? If yes, in what way? (Eg. Change of OTP, bias group, AFF activity.)

I once straight as until sekai fics come in my life

40. There are many communities now on AFF (such as the writing, designing, coding, applyfic, roleplay, reader communities). Is there a community that you aren't part of but want to try one time?

I am an author, a designer too also all time reader.. but i really wanna try coding..wtf is that?/blinks

41. What is the best thing AFF or being a member of AFF taught you?

Mpreg is real :****

42. What is your greatest contribution to the site so far?
literally nothing gagaga.

43. What are your current AFF goals?

finish all my incomplete fics ne 

44. If the AFF community decides to do a get-together, how should we spend it and where?

ladadidadi..we like to partyyy

45. AFF is celebrating it's 7th year and is continuing to grow thanks to our admin, Jason. Do you have a message for him?

Hey APPA JASON,,yes appa coz u are our father hahahaa... congratulation and thanks for  creating this site..i hAVE a lot of fun here and recently losing it coz all sekai authors kind of stop writing ..but it wasnt your fault hahahaha... just thanks for creating AFF :) 
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