Leave Sehun alone :/// [a little rant]

Ok, I'm a bit pissed.

A bit? maybe a lot.

So basically this is what happened at EXO'rdium today/yesterday (depends on your timezone):




And ppl need to stop commenting about this on his insta, ok? ing hell, leave this boy alone! We've seen before that Sehun said something about his heart fluttering when he saw a man, but p l e a s e. All the homophobics defending Sehun's 'heterouality' need to shut up, everyone assuming things need to stop, all of you just let it be. We do not know if Sehun meant it as a joke or if he was serious about liking men. He was talking about male fans after all. Sehun acknowledged exo's male fans and he felt proud having male fans!

You know, we do not know exo's uality. They could be straight, yes, but they could also be gay, bi, pan, ace- anything, really. But I'm done with the heteronormativity in this fandom. Exo's been supporting LGBT lately, so get your close minded self out of his fandom. We do not need all this negativity here. 

Can't we just love them for who they are? 

Can't we just love our nine boys without assuming this and that?

Let's support our boys for who they are. Because, really, if you don't support exo for who they are, then what are you doing in this fandom?


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Wait wtf people are even hating for him saying that?!.... what the actual... I-I... I dont even know anymore wth how do they even... WHY ARE THEY FANS IF THEY HATE ON WHAT THEY SAY LIKE... go fricking bother somebody else if you dont accept exo members for who they are and what they say -_- people should really take a long look at themself before hating others becauuse after all sehun is also still a human and has feelings.
Amen to anna for saying that: let's support our boys for who they are!.
tendaerlove #2
teach the world your amazing ways \o/

i've been living under a rock lately so i only heard of this happening from your blogpost and fck some "fans" just... ARGGH- /frustrated
let's leave sehunnie alone he's such a nice human being ;.;
mirandadeedee #3
poor sehun having to deal with this..
THIS IS SO IMPORTANT! People on both sides need to calm down and realize that he's a person and that all idols are people and that talking about them in this way dehumanizes them
Thank you--I agree.
Fan can be really annoying sometimes! Plus we're not sure of anything! They should be let things go as they go! Whether he's bi or gay, it's none of their freaking business! Just let them live for crying out loud!
I saw that today when I woke up (about him saying that) and then I read somewhere that fans were hating and I was just pushed back like
Them fans obviously love their idols, they probably even ship the idols with same idols, but as soon as that happens people are going crazy
They just gotta calm down and realize that anything could happen and they should be open minded ^^