

"What. Why?"

It hasn't been two seconds before the ugly hat was put in his head, but it already yelled out his house. Sunggyu is totally puzzled as to why he is being put in Slytherin, because he was really sure that he will be put in Ravenclaw. He is always known as a smart kid, so it really puzzles him when the sorting hat decided so easily that he is a Slytherin. It didn't even give him a chance to argue!

He silently curses the sorting hat and hesitantly walked towards the other Slytherins, still wondering why. Sure, a lot of wizards from his family was in the Slytherin house, but he doesn't feel like a Slytherin. He couldn't help but feel disappointed by the result, even though his parents will be happy. He believed that the hat made a mistake, but the hat never makes mistakes.

He could only smile when the others talk to him, feeling down instead of happy of his first day at school. He secretly sighes several times and by the end of the sorting finally decides that there must be a reason why he was put in Slytherin, and that he would find that reason someday. For now, he should just do his best to survive in there.





Dongwoo has concluded that the magical world is awesome. Yes, he took his first step into this world less than a month ago, but so far everything is amazing. Being a son of normal humans (muggle—Dongwoo kept forgetting that word, that word is too hard to remember), the magical world is truly a new and strange world for him. But so far, he hasn't experienced anything real bad (other than that time a few kids called him mudblood and laughed at him—he didn't really understand why, though he assumed that it was because he looked dirty, which he admitted he was), so he is stoked about what more he would find about this world.

The school was awesome. His parents were worried that they were getting scammed and instead of sending their son to school, they accidentally sent him to a child-trafficking association. But they don't need to be worried anymore. The school is awesome and even though it looks more like a castle, this is really a school because there are so many students. Dongwoo never knew that there is a school this big and the building is so pretty. After this he will write a letter to his parents and tell them about the school and that they don't need to call the police because Dongwoo is 100% safe.

"Well, this one is easy." Dongwoo almost yells because the hat just talked, despite the fact that it has been yelling out dorm names for almost an hour. The hat continued to talk, despite Dongwoo's surprise, "Hufflepuff!"

The students in the yellow area cheers and Dongwoo assumed that these are the hufflepuffs. Honestly, he doesn't know what that means and what makes him a hufflepuff because he was too busy admiring the school during speechs and the hat's songs, but he skipped happily to the crowd that cheers and the welcomes him. Good thing he saw what the student before him did, because if not, he would be totally clueless.





“Okay, this is pretty hard.”

Okay, first of all, Woohyun doesn’t even realize that the ugly hat can talk. And yes, he has been watching the sorting since an hour ago but he snoozes off midway because it takes so long before his name is finally called.

“Don’t call me ugly.”

Okay, second of all, Woohyun definitely doesn’t know that the hat can read his mind. It’s so creepy and he feels like he is currently being violated.  So, “Why?” Woohyun asks, not loudly but only on his mind, just to test the hat’s telepathic ability.

“Because I’m not ugly.”

Woohyun almost scoffs. He doesn’t know that hats can feel offended, too.

“No, no, why is this hard?” Woohyun corrects, wondering why they have to talk like this before the hat announces which house he belongs to. The other students don’t take this long, some even just sit for a second before their house is announced. He wonders if this means that there is something. Does this mean that he will get sent to another school? He hopes not. He likes Hogwarts, it’s one of the most diverse magic school in the world. He won’t find as many Asians in other schools. Unless he gets transferred to an Asian school, of course.

“You don’t fit any house.”


Would that mean that he has a complicated personality? Because that sounds really cool. Though Woohyun actually thinks that he would be in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. Mostly because when he reads about the houses, those two sounds the coolest. Slytherin sounds like hell and Hufflepuff…well…hufflepuffs.

“Okay, you kind of fit Hufflepuff a little, Gryfindor a little, and maybe sometimes Slytherin, but not really, you’re going to get chewed out everyday there.”

“…no Ravenclaw?”


Woohyun doesn’t know if he should feel offended at that. Does that mean that he doesn’t even have an ounce of smartness in him?

“Okay, Boy, this is once in a lifetime chance, pick one: Hufflepuff or Gryffindor?”

Well, that’s easy. Woohyun probably should feel relieved that the hat lets him choose despite him calling it ugly. Even if it’s ugly, at least it’s not petty.


So, that’s where he will be for the next seven years.



“Don’t put me in Slytherin.” Howon says right away with a straight face once he sits on the chair, feeling the need to beat the hat before the hat announces which house he will live in for the next seven years. For some reasons, he just has a hunch that the hat will put him in Slytherin, but he doesn’t want that. He would rather be in other houses than Slytherin.

“Why?” The hat asks, actually giving him a chance to explain.

“I am too good to be included in a sea of pretentious people.” Howon explains, still with a straight face.

“Do you realize that you just sounded pretentious?” The hat says, almost scoffing. And Howon also almost scoffs hearing that.

“No.” Howon says, absolutely sure that he doesn’t sound pretentious, “Just don’t put me in Slytherin.”

“Fine.” The hat agrees, before it finally yells, “Gryffindor!”

Howon grins because he is fine with being in Gryffindor. He proudly walks towards the Gryffindor table, where he greets by his seniors and fellow students. He wouldn’t even mind being in Hufflepuff, anything other than Slytherin, really. He continues to watch the sorting and soon, he is being joined by a tall lanky kid who grumbles that he wants to be in Ravenclaw and then another one (who really took a long time with the sorting hat) who grumbles about having all house character traits other than Ravenclaw. Howon just shakes his head at them.





“Ravenclaw, please.” Sungyeol requests, once he sits one the chair. He always wants to be in Ravenclaw, has been dreaming it since he is little. Both of his parents are in Ravenclaw, so he should be in Ravenclaw, too. His parents don’t expect anything from him, really, but he still wants to make them proud. They said that he will probably sorted in Gryffindor, but he still wants to be in Ravenclaw. He is not good at studying, but he is pretty smart. Maybe if he hangs out with other smart people, he will get smarter.

“No, thank you.” The hat says right away, making Sungyeol deflates. He doesn’t expect to get rejected right away, not like this.

“But why?” He asks, unable to accept the rejection. He is going to break something if his parents were right and he gets sorted into Gryffindor.

“You’re pretty smart on the street, but you wouldn’t survive in Ravenclaw.” The hat explains, “There is another one better for you.”

“Don’t tell me…”


Of course.

He walks towards the Gryffindor a little dejectedly, even though he tries hard to not look too disappointed. He mumbles about not being smart enough to be in Ravenclaw and sits down next to someone. Should he try to think more positively? Maybe Ravenclaw don’t really suit him. Maybe Gryffindor really is better for him. And at least, this means that he doesn’t have to hang out with nerds.





Myungsoo feels a little scared, being in here. He feels intimidated, for some reasons. Sure, everything here was beautiful. The building, the scenery, the magic. But he still feels scared being all by himself with no friend by his side. Myungsoo has always known about magic, has always known that he might be a wizard and yet…it doesn’t feel like he belongs here and he doesn’t even know why.

All his life, he has been living with only his family and now he has to fend for himself. He feels a little lost. He wants to enjoy being here because he was really anticipating attending Hogwarts, had always felt curious about the school and the subjects. But now when he is here, everything seems intimidating—the students, the teachers, everything. He feels worried too. As the sorting goes on and on, he can’t help but think: how if he doesn’t feel comfortable here? How if he can’t make friends? How if people doesn’t like him here?

He feels so nervous that he almost misses his name being called. He almost runs to the front and he doesn’t feel comfortable being stared by so many people. He sits on the chair and closes his eyes, wanting this to be over right away.

“Hufflepuff!” The hat yells, making him feel relieved because the sorting doesn’t take too long like some other students. He eyes the Hufflepuff table nervously, walking towards it while most of the students in the yellow robes stare at him. He sits in front of a boy with a big mouth and a face like a dinosaur, and then bowing at him and the other students politely.

“Hello, I am Dongwoo.” The boy in front of him says, smiling widely at him, “Are you scared? Don’t be scared, the people at our house is really nice! If you feel lost just tell me I will help you around. I am already here for two years I know my way around.”

Myungsoo is a little taken aback by the boy because he talks so much. He also talks so quickly, Myungsoo almost doesn’t understand what he is saying. It takes several seconds before Myungsoo can understand everything that the boy said, but his response is only, “Okay.”

Myungsoo is not good at reacting or conversing, so he feels a little awkward.

“What’s your name?”

“Myungsoo. Myungsoo Kim.” Myungsoo answers.

“So you are Korean!” The boy—Dongwoo—yells out, switching to Korean right away, “I am so happy that there is another Korean Hufflepuff!”


And Myungsoo only listens as Dongwoo starts to tell him about the other Koreans in the school, like a Slytherin who always looks grumpy but actually pretty nice and some Gryffindors who doesn’t seem like they are in the same house. He also tells Myungsoo stories about Hogwarts and about how amazing it is while Myungsoo only responds once or twice, not expecting to meet a senior like this one.




“So, you have two choices: Ravenclaw or Slytherin?” The sorting hat asks him when he sits on the sorting chair. Sungjong has already expected the choices, it’s either Ravenclaw or Slytherin. And seems like he is right and it’s pretty flattering for the hat to actually ask him about what he wants.

He already knows about what he wants, too. Not Ravenclaw because even though people says that Sungjong is smart, he doesn’t want to put too much effort to be on top of his house. He doesn’t want to study too much, he still wants to have fun. And even though people says that being in Slytherin is hard, Sungjong is pretty confident that he can handle it. He has been called names and there are people who try to bully him but fail. Sungjong is pretty sure he can master sarcasm and wittiness if those are really needed to deal with the Slytherin students.

“Slytherin.” He mutters calmly, as composed as possible.

“Slytherin!” The hat yells right away, making him smile triumphantly. This is easy, too easy.

The hat is took off from him and Sungjong stands up, walking towards the cheering Slytherin students. Well, some of them are acting like they’re too cool to cheer, but whatever. He greets his fellows politely and sits down on the empty spot. The table is pretty quiet, most of the new students don’t talk to each other beside of some. Sungjong wonders if he should be the one who initiate conversations or not.

He looks around, trying to take a look at all the students to see what kind of people they really are. As he does so, he sees a student—an older one, staring at him. The student seems like he has been here for a while, he is definitely an Asian, his eyes are pretty small and his hair is dark brown. The student is looking at him as if he is studying him, as if he is finding Sungjong interesting.

Sungjong stares at him back.


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jessy2 #1
I like your stories so much ^_^ <3 ;)
jessy2 #2
please complete this story
I love everything that you write. Please write more. <3