Former Author (read if you want, it's hella boring LOL)

Some people have asked me why I'm not writing stories on AsianFanfics anymore. 




I'm 15 now 😂

Today was my first time logging in after two and a half years. It was funny to see my 13 year old self so hype about kpop and how I loved writing kpop fanfics and listening to kpop music. I also reread my B.A.P and EXO fanfics I wrote for the public and also some drafts. Man, some of my writing was terrible and but most of you guys enjoyed 😊 (so embarrassing).

But my time here was good and gravy, the people are nice af and I loved reading everyone's own work of art. It was cool to see old authors get a little older, it shows how much they grew. (And the website like dang OK ASIANFANFICS I SEE YOU, LOOKING ALL NEW AND SHII 😏😎 With the fancy new changes and- lol lemme stop)

I was reading old comments about how I should update but I just don't feel that fire anymore 😔 It was a long run and now my time is done (after that long ahh hiatus, jeez). School and sports have been catching up, and my genre in music have changed back to the old hip hop, rap, etc. 


Ok I sometimes listen to B1A4 and all that smh..


But maybe in the future I will go back to writing those lame, ugly, bad grammar, kpop fanfics I used to write when I was 13 😆.


So what I'm saying is.. Goodbye Asianfanfics, maybe we can meet again another day ✨


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