IDK where to post this

So yeah basically I'm typing this one with no plot it in my head. I just write whatever comes in my mind. Well, I'm kind of sad right now because I still do not have a job (I recently passed the board exam so I was thinking that I should take like a month of break) but my family is making me feel that I'm a useless first-born, especially my grandmother. It's like they're disappointed at me everyday because I am still not yet employed ๐Ÿ˜“ My grandma keeps on telling me to apply here, apply there... And my mom? Well, every other night she always asks me "what happend to your application in *insert company name here*?" and I was like "my friend said that she'll follow it up to her boss" I'm feeling like a big disappointment in this family ๐Ÿ˜“ When I'm applying for a job online, it always doesn't suit me. It's either I lack years of experience and/or it's very far from our house And yes, I'm kind of feeling hopeless at this point in time. I'm just reasoning out that I will just look for a job after our Oathtaking (which will be on Oct. 5) UGH! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! Every night I'm always having difficulty to get some sleep. It'll always take me for about 2 to 3 hours before I could fall asleep ๐Ÿ˜“ I could somewhat understand myself though (that I'm just worrying alot) I DO NOT KNOW I WANT TO TAKE A VACATION AWAY FROM OUR HOUSE IT FEELS SO SUFFOCATING HERE ๐Ÿ˜“ ESPECIALLY MY GRANDMA AND MOM WHO ALWAYS PRESSURE ME ๐Ÿ’” HELP? ANYONE?


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I can sympathize with you. I think as long as you keep trying and never give up somehow someday you'l have the chance . Nowadays its very competitive . They might sounds like they are in the rush but I think they truly just want the best for you . Try talk to them and tell them how you feel. You can also attend some seminars , go hear some talks about job related that would probably help you in someways . Dont get all stressed up. This is part of growing up. There's more to come so brace yourself and try take things as positive as you can. All the best to you. Believe in yourself and believe more in your dreams. Dont give up.