NCT has taken over my life... It started with a slogan.

When I say it started with a slogan... I literally mean it started with a slogan. I was just scrolling through my twitter feed one day. I do Group Orders from fansites all the time, and I had just followed this new GO manager. I've only ever done BTS GO's, but I saw a photobook for Hoshi I really wanted, so I followed her and joined that GO.

And, as I scrolled through my feed a few days later... I saw this slogan... and the person on the slogan attracted me so much... like, he drew me in instantly, and from there, I decided I really wanted to find out who he was, etc etc. That screenshot above is literally what I sent to my friend when I saw the slogan, in real time (well, the screenshot was taken later after I became trash, but the words were said as I looked the slogan).

From there... I started to learn the members, which is not easy since there's so many and then they break into three sub units and just WHY IS IT SO CONFUSING??

But, I've got that down now, bro. Even NCT Dream, with those children who are all younger than me. I feel so old... The oldest member in NCT Dream is still 3 years younger, just about... *deep sigh*

I remember when I first got into kpop, it was impossible to find someone who was less than a year older than me, most of them were at least 3 and went up from there. But now... they just get younger and younger.

Not, let me say this. That slogan was not my first exposure to NCT, I had heard 7th Sense and Fire Truck before. But, I had only ever heard them a few times, liked the songs, but didn't pay much attention.

With that being said, my first attraction was to Mark.. who when I found was almost 3 years younger than, I immediately went into denial over it and said nope.

And, of course... Ten I claim as my first bias now, since he's the reason I got into NCT in the first place, with his beautiful smile and WAH. 

But, those of you who know me... know that I can't pick one. I have to have at least 3 unless its a group with five members or less. And... for this group....

I have 5 (fml).

But, it's okay cause there are 15 (17 if you include Kun and Hansol) members in the group.

I went into a whole fangirl mode and even got my friend into them as well, and in the last three or four days... we've become total trash for this group.


Now I shall take you through the process of how everyone became my biases.

The list of five (who are all tied, in my heart, but for spoken convenience and listing, I have them an "order" of how most people would probably see them ranked for me).


Now, I explained on Ten entered the picture. I saw a slogan for him... and I became so intrigued just by the look and feel of him that I decided to get into the group. I found how he's about a year older than me (praise the heavens he wasn't younger, I would have cried. I have a complex about that...)


Mark was a bias before I found out his age... then I went into immense denial over it, and had only decided to stop rejecting the fact that my feels for him are deep last night. I fought it so much and just could not fight it anymore... stupid kid.


AHHHH. HE'S A PRECIOUS LITTLE BEAN THAT I CANNOT AHHHH. My friend didn't believe me when I first told her I was into Winwin and Yuta. She was like "you're in the noob phase, it'll pass, blah blah blah." I vehemently said... "bish, Winwin is not a phase. HE'S MY PRECIOUS BUBBLEBOY AND I WILL FOREVER LOVE HIM.
I got into him by watching their episodes on Weekly Idol and just immediately could not stop giggling and smiling because of him, he's so freaking precious and uggggggggggghhhhh.


Taeyong... this was another one I denied a lot, because I didn't want to go into the group liking basically the most popular member. So many people go crazy for TY that I... I just didn't want to jump on that boat. But, alas, maybe it's because he's reserved on the outside but extremely dorky when around the members and people he's confortable with, and he reminds me of myself that I was just so naturally attracted to him. I couldn't deny it anymore when not one, but three different story ideas popped into my head centere around this guy. Below I have a screenshot of my first impression of him, a clear indication that I honestly had no interest in being interested... but it happened anyway.


ANOTHER PRECIOUS BEAN. His hair from Fire Truck is what originally attracted me to him, and then his smile when I watched Weekly Idol... I was hooked. 
He's such a little bundle of joy... I wuvvvvvvvv him very mucheu.


Now, just because I have those ranked as my biases, that doesn't mean I don't love the other members. The rest of them are honestly all bias wreckers for me (except for the dream boys, since I haven't gotten fully into them yet and may not cause of my age complex), especially Jaehyun, Haechan (that little ), Taeil and Doyoung.

Lord help me... I've got it bad now...



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now you stan all of NCT good job
idk why but this is me when i got dragged in the nct life :v
When the struggle is real....u can thave one bias in nct for sure XD
winwin is such a bundle of sunshine i can't
(you're probably not a boy but i just call everyone dude/bro/boi/etc.)
nct slayed me in like two days so i definitely gotchu
i cant believe SM managed to er me back into their company
i mean i was doing fine stanning pledis but you can't deny sm's good at debuting groups