Patreon Support

Hi there everyone. 

Hope you've been well

I'm writing today to ask for some help/support.

Just tday, I launched a Patreon page where I intend to put all of my planning for a book I'm working on and a bunch of other things like the songs I make, old and new art, any peoms and short stories I write and even fashion items I creat.

For those wh don't know, Patreon is a site designed specifically for artist who are looking to get funding to develop their art forms. Unfortunatley for me, I'm not really that active online (which I plan to change) and so the only place that i really have followers is here on Aff.

So... this is me, asking my dear subbies for a helping hand. I know that I may be asking a lot but who ever recieved without asking?

So, if you're interested to find out more about my Patreon account you can find it here.

My Patreon Account

Many thanks for your time


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