1. What era did you become an CARAT?
Adore U Era~ About one week had already passed when I watched their music video and totally slipped into Diamond Life XD

2. How did you fall on SEVENTEEN?
When I watched Adore U MV, I told myself 'You'll only watch their MV okay? No more new group for now'. It wasn't really my intention to like another group that time because I'm already in a lot of fandoms, and knowing they have a lot of members. I watched it because so many Kpop-related pages were posting about their newly released debut music video. Then I told myself again 'Okay, I'm going to just check them out once' so that means it's my curiousity again that kicked in XD The first time I heard the melody of the song, my heart already thumped in excitement! Then unconsciously a smile kept on creeping up on my face. I was already humming to the song and singing the word 'Akkinda' XD That's really the meanng of slipping into diamond life XD I really like the song and I listened to the whole album that's when I decided I want to be their fan fully. That's why there are now in my top 5 stanned groups~

3. Your ultimate bias in the group: Why?
When I started liking Seventeen, I was torn between Jihoon, Mingyu and I still can't believe I had Joshua as a runner for my bias that time XD No hate please T^T But my love for Jihoon prevailed anyone to get first in my heart XD Actually, Jihoon got my attention because he resembles Yoongi so much >.> I just can't keep it to myself to call them Father x Son~ <3 Why? Who won't like him right?! Talented, Cute, and Smol /le runs*/ He writes lyrics and composes music for the group since pre-debut already, he's good in dancing too and savage af XD (just like his father, Yoongi >.>) Who can't love a guy who can crush a guitar in your face, like DUH! XD

4. Your favorite pair(s) in the group:
OH GAWD! This might be the hardest question out of ten here XD Right when I was in the process of knowing SVT (watching SeventeenTV), I really had a big affection for GyuHoon and JiCheol. Then I stopped when I found out JeongCheol, I fell head over heels for this ship! Because of that one channel on YT too which made me ship them harder XD But rn, JiCheol came back! It's now stronger and is well built! My heart always beats crazy for them TTuTT (Just like the feeling I have for YoonMin, I can admit it's already on the same level too.. you might have known, but I'm a trash for YoonMin so much XD) So I can say, it's really is JiCheol in my heart!~ <3

5. Your favorite comeback: (Era)
This one is hard too! Every era of SVT is worth it and beautiful for me TTuTT they are all special for me!~ but if I really need to choose.. GAWD! THIS IS SO HARD!! I'll choose the most recent one, A|1 - Don't Wanna Cry :"> Like GOSH! the aesthetic of the video, the whole teaser era, it's really special! My emotions are in a mess. They are saying 'Don't wanna cry' but all I want to do is cry XD I'm not usually that fan who streams a music video for like a hundred times but I think I've already done that XD But yes~ I think this era would be my favorite one.

6. Your ranking based on singing ability:
Dokyeom (After watching him on KOMS, I've fallen for him deeply TuT) > Seungkwan (Waiting for him to go on KOMS >.>) > Woozi (My baby QuQ) > Wonwoo (YEAH! Didn't expect that? XD) > S.Coups (Rap Line on its finest >.>) > Joshua (I have to hear him more T^T) > Hoshi (His cute high pitch voice XD) > Jeonghan > The8 > Mingyu > Dino > Vernon > Jun -- Hmm? I feel sorry for Jun tho :/ 'Coz I don't hear him much :( BUT GAWD! PLEDIS JUST CAME WITH THE BESTEST THING EVER ON THIS COMEBACK THO! CHINA LINE HAVE THEIR OWN SONG TTuTT It's also one of my fave song of this album XD And sorry to those rapper lines tho.. Then I'll make a list for rappers then~

For rappers..
Wonwoo > S.Coups > Vernon > Dino > Mingyu

7. Your ranking based on dancing ability:
OFC!! HOSHI!~ > Dino > The8 > Jun (All Performance Unit!~ HELL YEAH!) > Woozi > Vernon > Seungkwan > DK > Jeonghan > S.Coups > Mingyu > Joshua > Wonwoo (RAINISM BOY! XD)

8. Your ranking based on acting ability:
None of them have participated on acting tho :/ But if acting on music video is counted then okay.. hmmm? This seems pretty hard too XD But I'll try based on my observations..

Wonwoo (I remember one from their 360 Show. His savageness yet serious act there was y tho XD) > Mingyu (Same show for him~) >  Jun (Other than him, no one have the experience of being an actor XD) > Jeonghan > DK > Seungkwan > Hoshi > Joshua > The8 > Woozi > Dino > S.Coups > Vernon <-- this awkward one XD

9. Your ranking based on sense of humor:
THE HOLY TRINITY XD DK = HOSHI = SEUNGKWAN XD > Jeonghan (His savageness ofc XD) > Wonwoo (Idk why most of them think his jokes are boring XD) > The8 (IMMA! XD) > Woozi > Mingyu > Dino > S.Coups > Joshua = Jun = Vernon (Maybe because they are the silent ones >.>)

10. Your wish/messages for SEVENTEEN.
In celebration of your 2nd year of Anniversary, I really want you to know how much I love you TTuTT 

In those two years together..


We got to know what is SEVENTEEN

We got our name, CARAT

We got our first win

Made our very first light stick, CARAT BONG~ (I promise I'll buy one!)

You had great comebacks

Shown so much love for us

Awarded because of your efforts

Good music with different genre in each album

Perfect Choreographies

Shows to kill us with laughter

Newly added family member, BONG BONG~

There is a lot more achievements that I don't need to mention because Carats know it by heart <3 But in those 2 years together, it was never boring. I've always been happy as a Carat. I don't regret loving these dorks TTuTT I'm thankful that I stanned this group earlier!~ 



I'm just really happy loving them TTuTT On October, they'll be having their first concert here on my country. I really want to attend so I'm already saving up money for them. ^^ Wish me luck I can get a ticket and won't happen to me again from what happened from BTS' Wings Tour here :( 

For Seventeen, before I forgot, I wish you all the best!~ I want to see you get more successful~ I know you can and we'll get to the top too!! Please always be safe and be healthy. Don't do too much diet okay? Don't lose those cute cheeks XD There is still a lot more things to do, there are more smiles to show and tears to shed. To bring more good music, great choreographies, beautiful music videos and different types of dance practices >.> (Waiting for Don't Wanna Cry XD)

I won't stop supporting you guys!~ <3 I love you to the Moon and back!~




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