
Tagged by OnceUponAnEXO v(>ヮ<)v  <3

Confession 1: Have you ever broken a law before? And how?

Yes actually, I have. *leans closer and whispers*...illegal downloading! *gasp*

Confession 2: Have you been caught in an awkward situation?
More than once (*´艸`*) . I often read stories or fanfics on the bus or the underground, and sometimes, I can't help but reacting to things I read. I squeal, I laugh, or I'm on the verge of tears. That earns more than enough curious glances from the rest of the passengers. (*´-`*)

Confession 3: Any romantic happenings in your life?

Mostly imaginary ones. ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Confession 4: Most embarrassing moment:

When I was still in school, one day all the students did abstention from their classes in memory of a young boy who died from the bullets of a police officer. Most of the schools in my country did it. I was one of them. I was also in the commitee that went into the principal's office to negociate for the day. Once we were back outside, I climbed the iron gate of the school and gave a speech. During that speech, I was so overflowed by emotions that I cried! (*´-`*) Even after almost five years, I'm still embarrased about it.

Confession 5: Weirdest thing you've ever done:

The only thing I can think of (at least my friends find it weird) is that, according to them, I peal off the banana from the opposite side.

I find it so much more convenient though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I tag everyone who reads this! <3


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\(>ヮ<)/ You're adorable!!! I giggled so much at your gifs!!!

I saw something once that said it's actually easier to open a banana that way ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ so you're smarter than 99% of the population!! Lol