
Does anybody even sees this? Lol

hello guys, I miss you all! I've been busy living in Korea with my studies but I'm also currently preparing a new fanfic.Β 

Btw a girl saw my comment on Seungri's photo where I called him - kidding - bastard and decided to say some bull for me, can you believe? People that try to be overprotective with their idols and end up saying wrong things to wrong persons. She was like 'i dont think you know seungri that well' and I was like haha yeah sure.

anyways, this goes for show, please be careful when demonstrating your opinions, it's not like anyone needs to listen to it. If someone wrote something, don't go mess with what she said just because you felt 'offended' by a comment that wasn't even to you.

geez, we can't even play with your idols these days.

anyways love you all, peaceee ✌🏻

P.S: wait for me, I'll come back with a better fanfic for my lovely readers πŸ’™


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Same! I don't know if the girl who bashed you is the same one who bashed me too, but like I just commented on seungri's post recently, "where's GD's hbd post?" Just like to be funny or something since he usually posted before so I don't know why he stopped, of course I know he probably said happy birthday to him in person or something, I was merely curious. I didn't expect her to bash me saying that I hated seungri and only cared about gd, and to get out of the fandom because I'm a fake VIP lol. I didn't mean any harm to seungri and I absolutely adore him, but go off I guess.
I saw that.. I'm actually following her. I didn't comment in the post cause I'm afraid I'll be bashed if I comment for seungri to post something about bb anniv.