on the too many corners of my overthinker mind

I don't know why am I writing now instead of reviewing for my upcoming college entrance exam on Saturday.... :///


I just.... need to let out my worries and everything that I am thinking of, but I do hope that I pass the exam! It's my dream university!!!!! I have done reviewing every now and then, but I always think that it's not enough.. I mean, it's the biggest university here in our country and I just can't help but worry and overthink (did you guys feel that way too on your first college entrance exam? or not) >,< Student life is sooo....ughhh



Well just dropping by :)) I think I need more time to explore this site and post more about....stuffs..

'Kay.. See'ya allll!!! Please wish me luck and pray for me >,< I reaaaallllly neeeed those >,<





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