Being late

So i was late again to work and I already felt like today, i was gonna get written up. Long story short, i did. This is my 2nd write up now and the third time it happens, a lot more people are going to get involved. It that I'm only one strike away until i really get my chewed but eitherway it is my fault for not showing up to work early. I cant make no excuses for it nonetheless.

One thing though is that the traffic to work . When I reach a certain spot on my usual route, i stay on traffic in the morning ranging about 20-30 minutes although it wasn't so bad before. If there was no traffic, i would have reached my destination in no time. Think about this, what normally is a 5 minute drive turns into a 20-30 minute drive. Sometimes I'm considering to just take uber so it'll get me to work on time but those are expensive. Nonetheless, i probably would rather spend a few bucks than lose my paycheck and get punished for it.

Ah... today is just a really ty day for me and nothing is probably going to cheer me up today.


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