I'm a straight woman but I want to be a man for some reasons

I don't know if I need to say this but, I'm having problems and confusions with my own gender. I'm a heteroual female, 26 but sometimes I feel like I want to look like a man for some reasons. 


My main concern is about having s. My chest bumps aren't big and I'm a little overweight but I want them flat. 

Is there any way I can flatten these ladies ? Will they be smaller if I lose weight? I'm planning on a diet right now And i want to know exactly what to eat and what workouts you can suggest to flatten these? 

Can I take androgen boosters to make them flatter? 




Thanks :) 


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you could be having gender dysphoria?
Somebodywhoeatspears #2
Whyyy would you want a flat chest?!?!?!? I ( flat chested girl) would die to have natural big "girls"!
If you don't wan em I'll take em gladly XD Damn I wish we could switch.... and btw I'm eating like ten dishes a day so I won't lose weight or else I'll be underweight. My metabolism is really good so I lose pretty easily. So I'm dieing to weight more and you want it off? Damn I really wish we could switch..... but coming from a person that has what you want (flat chest and extremely good metabolism) I'm telling you it's not so nice.... no girls clothes fit you.... and everything looks awful on me so yeah..... and I'm always being nagged at from people around me that I'm too skinny.... So yea.... don't go on a diet.... idk why I told you this you probably don't care but anyways....

I wished I had what you have T^T
You can be straight and not be cis.
Do not go on hormones unless you’re certain you’re trans, to be honest. If you really are sure, though, your s can be removed surgically with a nice result. Since there’s a lot of non-fat in them I doubt you’ll be able to make much of a difference with a diet unless you’re overweight. If you’re normalweight I doubt the fat that is in your s, is the fat you’ll lose if you start losing weight.
Hormones can minimize them, but again, I don’t really recommend hormones unless you’re sure because hormones can be bastards and they will undoubtedly have a larger effect on your body as a whole.

But - that said; remember that you can be straight without being cis. And nothing wrong with that!
You can wear a chest binder to make your chest flat however don't wear it too tight or else you'll have difficulties in breathing , and other side effects .... Working out can help too but it's actually quite hard for women / girls to develop muscles as compared to guys due to body structure. Mostly , people will take testerone to build / have more manly characteristics . However , like I said everything comes with side effects . Sometimes taking too much hormones can cause alot of health complications. Some feels even more depressed after taking them.. I think no matter what , it's best to consult a certified doctor before you decide to do/ take anything . Just to be sure .