An Update (012619)

I looked at the last time I wrote a blog, and oh my goodness!!! 2016 is the last time I wrote something that wasn't a story. I don't know how many of you actually care for a personal update, but for those of you who do care, here it is:


I've been busy. And that's an understatement.


If you want to ask me personal questions, please feel free to contact me lol you guys know I'm pretty private with my business.


As for my stories, I have one (Indomitable) that I have left in the dust, it's unfortunate, but I will complete that story, no matter how much time has passed!

And I have another (Kintsukuroi) that I will officially start in the Spring! 


I'm very excited for this new year! I'm going to accomplish all my goals I have set out for myself this year! Especially the ones related to my stories!


Let us all have a successful 2019 !!!




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