What's been happening?

Hello everyone! I hope you have all been doing well!

Its been a long while...about 4 years I believe...I started writing in AFF because I love writing; I have always loved reading and writing and writign here where I could read people's thoughts on my stories was very encouraging. However I started writing towards the end of my medical school years; I really struggled to balance both my studies, personal life and writing. I had to give up something... so in my last year I thought I would give up writing just for a few months until I graduated and then once I started work I should have more time to myself where I could concentrate and write. It didnt go according to my plan however...I graduated fine and I started working a month after graduation but life as a junior doctor was not relaxing in the least! Before the new contract came (UK Junior doctor contract) I hardly ever finished on time and had to stay after work to finish everything which meant all I would do after getting back to my room would be to sleep and prepare for the next day. Like that one year passed and I moved to a differrent, bigger hospital. 

A bigger hospital meant there were more staff and so I didn't have to stay behind as much. This was relieving, all of a sudden I now have more time and so I wanted to get back to my writing and my stories...thats when SHINee Jonghyun passed. And just like that I lost my flare for writing...he was and is my ultimate bias; an absolutely precious and talented human being. He was such an inspiration! I remember I was at work when I found out and I just couldn't continue, I had to take a couple of days off. It's been two years since and I am now able to listen to his songs and watch his videos. I didn't want to read any stories of him but reading them kind of made me feel like he's alive in an alternate world and has made everything more bearable. If there's one thing I regret, I regret not having attended a SHINee concert while he was still alive. 

So now after much thinking I'm back on AFF with a new SHINee story. Depending on people's interest in reading I think I will continue. I'm not sure if I will continue with the other stories but may consider giving them away if someone is interested. Please do let me know if you're interested.

Well that's the end of my long story! I hope to reconnect with friends here! Thank you for having me! Have a wonderful day!


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Thanks for sharing your story with us. It's very comforting. 💕