Is he better, worse or a neutral dancer to SHINee's Taemin?

Sooo, I wanted to spread this news.

Dae Guk Nam A is a K-POP boyband that debuted just last year in Korea. In a few days they wil be debutting in Japan.

These guys are underestimated cause they have sooo much potential. And they're cute :L

This brings me to another point, Their maknae (Jeon Ji Hwan or Jay) is often called the poppin' prodigy, because he's so young.

He's one year older thn me, which makes him a 94'er. He is well known for his dance skills. Some say that hes better than SHINee's Taemin! So what do you guys think ?

Watch these vids of him dancing and see, is he better, worse of neutral?

He was just 13 when he danced like this!:


This one is a collaboration :


So what do you guys think ? Is he beter, worse or the same? And wait till you see the other members!  If you think that this band has potential, then support them! Using your twiiter accounts!

We will trend DaikokuDanji (no hashtag) on April 14th 6pm - 8pm KST (Early Start 2pm Late finish 10pm KST) Spread the news so we can get into the top trends worldwide! Join the trending and support our boys ;)


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