the sisterhood I Mi Sun


personal info
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username: lovely-fox
profile link:
real name: just call me lovely
basic information
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name: Mi Sun
nickname(s): Sun
birthday: 2/9/95
birthplace: seoul
blood type: B
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height: 173 cm
weight: 77 kg
ulzzang/model name:Hwang Mi Hee 
ulzzang/model pictures:
backup ulzzang/model name:Bang Eun Young
backup ulzzang/model pictures:
style: She likes to wear punk fashion, her fave designers are Betsey Johnson and Jean Paul Gaultie.
anything else: she has a tattoo of a butterfly under her bellybutton.  
about me
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Personality: She has a really bad attitude towards  people she dislikes or with people in general. She is the biggest bully in the school,and proud of it. She loves to see the students quiver in fear when they see her or if by just simply hearing her name being said. She is the best at lying and getting away with things.Mi sun enjoys picking fights and arguing with others and putting people in their place.She is not the type to get depreesed over silly things, and never been seen when crying. she's the one to put every one in a partying mood when every ones is felling down.Her grades are mostly D's and C's and the only F she has so far is in math watch she is purposely failing so she can be tutored ofter school with her hot new math teacher.She is never scared to say what she feels. she hates preepy people, that makes her  get in to  fights with the captian of the cheerleaders yun-ji.She a rule braker,trouble maker, crazy,noughty,a flirt, and dearing. She gets bored easliy and that makes her day dream a lot, so she is always searching for fun and looking for trouble.She always the first to know when there is going to be a party and alway at a club. Getting wasted at partys is what she lives for, it makes her feel alive. she loves to have all eyes on her when shes on the dance floor. Sun hates Smokeing, she knows that smokeing can lead to an early death, and it can make you really ugly and wrinkle and dried up etc, point is she wants to live a long fun life and stay looking fabulouse, so smoking and doing other drugs is NOT and option for her. She loves to lough and make jokes, and being silly. She is always the one to come up with outrages ideas and always get shot down by the brain if her idea is to dangerous or stupied.( Ifnyou want more details just tell me).
background: Mi sun's life is a lonly one, her parents are never at home and she is an only child. She is always at home with her servants. Her parents tries to make up for not being there for her and missing her  birthdays by, giving her what ever she desired.  She is free to do what ever she wants when ever she wants.To not be lonely she stays out late at clubs and parties and sometimes stay over at one of her friends house.The sisterhood is what brings joy into her life, she cares for all of them deeply.She enjoys there company,The Sisterhood is what keeps her from a life time of being alone,sad,and uncared for, this is what make her very protective over them and vows to beat up anyone who ever tries to hurt them.She is a attention grabber, she thinks people will forget about her and leave her to be alone if he dose not make sure people know she is still there, this is what make her do the things she does.She wants people to give her the attention she deserves to have. Mi Sun only dates older guys(she loves to corrupt the shy nice ones)She thinks they are more fun to hang around with and he can do what ever she wanted around them. she loves the fact there always up to do something wild and exciting, and think there more of a challenge to get then the boys her own age. The reason why she only dates older guys now is beacuse one time, she dated a boy her age they dated for 3 months and he broke up with her. He said she was to wild and to much for him to handle.That hurted sun alot and so she promised her self to never date boys her age or yunger ever agian.She have never been with an older guy yet, she just mostly flirts with them and sometimes make out with some the she likes most. 
likes: the sisterhood, strawberry and watermelon flaverd gum(she is always chewing it never seen with out her gum),attention,getting into fights,being messy,singing, danceing, dogs(she owns a boy toy poodle name tux),sleeping,parties,boys,dieing her hair diffrent colors (color she have now is a carrot orange,contatcs(color now  seagreen), purple, drinking, fantacy movies, pop and rap songs, graffity,shoping,being silly.(you can add on if you want)
dislikes: being alone, rules,school,yunger guys,tragic movies,scary movies, cheerleaders, homework, boreing people, pants( she don't like to cover up her y legs XD), being sad, smokeing, books, seeing one of her friends hurt.
hobbies: doing anything extreme
habits: poping her gum loudly, and ending some of her senteces with '' you know''. biting her lip.
trivia: she's still a ! but tells others that she's not.
does your character cuss?: [x] yes [  ] no
how often or when: any time
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parents: dad: LEE WoonHa | 39 | he owns 2 casino called 5 star gambler) Mom: sun-yung / 37/ Flight attendant.
siblings: none
cousins: hmmm, her cousins name sa-rang,who she was close to moved to moved to the  U.S. to louisiana. (18)
teacher: (your yummy homeroom teacher. underline your first choice & bold your second.)
B2ST/Beast - Doojoon | Hyunseung | Junhyung | Yoseob | Gikwang | Dongwoon
B.A.P - Yongguk | Himchan | Daehyun | Youngjae | Jongup | Junhong
Block B - Taeil | Minhyuk | Jaehyo | Yukwon | Kyung | Jiho | Jihoon
Boyfriend - Donghyun | Hyunseong | Jeongmin | Youngmin | Kwangmin | Minwoo
Infinite - Sunggyu | Dongwoo | Woohyun | Hoya | Sungyeol | Myungsoo | Sungjong
Led Apple - Youngjun | Hanbyul | Gunwoo | Hyoseok | Kwangyeon | Kyumin
SHINee - Jinki | Jonghyun | Kibum | Minho | Taemin
Teen Top - Minsoo | Chanhee | Byunghun | Daniel | Changhyun | Jonghyun
personality: Gikawang: he's cool, calm,sweet, a teaser, funny he also a ert,and he can be a big flirt, he gets really when mi-sun seduces him.
Myungsoo: the same 
relationship:  there releationship started off on bad terms, Mi Sun did not like the fact that he always gave them a ton of homework, and he always called on her to come up to the board to solve a math problem he know she did not know how to solve just to make  a fool out of her, he was always one step ahead of her when she tries to pull pranks on him.Things changed when one time after class  he told her thats she's very cute and interesting and fun to mess with, and thats when she fell for him. They both have a playful relationship  with each other. he likes to by useing math terms she's not familer with, and that makes her go through the dictionary find out what he mean( what ever words u use is fine with me) he's always the one to bail her out of trouble when she is on the  something bad.
birthday: kikwang 3/30/90/ myungsoo 6/16/90/
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other: none
comments: I hope you liked my character, I want to beacome a writer so this is like a challenge for me to see what kind of character I can create.  sorry if there where typose I tryed to edit what I saw as much as I could
suggestions: not right now


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