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Went to a Dir en Grey concert a few days ago.

I will tell you now, it was utterly epic. :)

At any rate, when I went to said concert, I got back together with my ex.
So not ONLY am I only a Junior in College, not yet 20 years old, I am re-engaged.



Just because I'm an irresponsible little girl doesn't mean that you can hate on me.



In other news. I have been working like a busy bee, trying to get thinks written and such... but it's really not working out for me. I have university... with 4832974329 AP classes and 93287423847328472938 hours of homework, and the only time I really have time to do anything is at work. And even then, I can hardly do anything these days.

So yes, that is what is going on in my life. I will attempt to update as much as possible as soon as possible. :)

Thank you, mes lovelies.

- With Love

Alice Hikari Axie Kim.



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Dir en Grey was in Canada recently? That's pretty cool. No one ever tells me when they come to NY.