At the Verge of Tears

I know I don't write blog... Writing blog is so not my style. But lately, I enjoy my day at Tumblr and so I think I'll try blogging here in AFF. Ah, and about the title... My grandma is currently sick right now, and she has been resting in ICU for almost two weeks. My mom texted me some hours ago saying that my grandma's condition is getting worse. I actually not so fond of letting up my emotion in front of people, but really... I feel like I'm gonna cry... I don't know if I could hold myself later, if her condition got worse. Maybe I'll shed my tears somewhere hidden in the corner. When I was younger, we've gotten along pretty well... But as I grew up, the bond loosened up and so I ended not so close with her again. It's not that I don't like her, it's just awkward. And showing love to my family is actually not my forte. I have bundles of works to do right now, but I can't seem to concentrate in any of them. I was supposed to consult my paper with my lecturers tomorrow, but everytime I open the word processor I feel like my mind going blank. After a while of sighing, I took my father's iPad and start to browse. AFF is a good diversion, and so I think I need to let up a bit of my emotion here so maybe I can think clearer after this. Oh, God... Sorry for the long rants... I feel a bit at ease now... Writing is such a good medication.


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