Sixth sense... Just a thought...

You know, just sometimes when alone... somethings become more apparent than they are when surrounded by the buzz of day. by night when most people are sleeping, apart from one's self... yourself... things become more noticeable... lonelyness and silence become more noticeable. but then,,, there is no such thing as pure silence; little things get in the way of this. The echoed sound of parents snores that wouod otherwise be silenced by the thick walls now made thin by the unconciousness of night.... But night is also very awake... the clock ticking... a sound that would be easily ignored if one was occupied doinging something else... the sound of fingers hitting the keyboard as obsurd thoughts come to ones mind, traffic outside, reminding you that you arent the only one awake... and of course the sounds of ones breathing. white noise also... if you want to be more precise. that zingning sound you dont always notice but once you're alone and its quiet... the sound works to driving you insane.

One can only truely achieve silence in death...

But when you get near enough to that type of silence... Its like you develope a sixth sense... you happen to hear things that you may not hear like the door swaying lightly on its hinges... just millimetre by millimetre... or a fly landing on a piece of paper, the rustling of its wings as it prepares to take off again... you become very aware of your lonelyness that at any other sound not made by ones self should mean the presence of another... but most people thinks thats all nonsense really... but some people... just some think about it to this extent... but its really just a well explained thought...

Just a thought if you ask me...


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