Your Opinion?

Hello! This isn't a rant or anything, and I'm not mad more like...curious.

Do you think if someone has a certain way of writing; if someone else or more people hate the person's writing style, should that person change it to make other people like them and their stories?

This isn't about me either, no one's giving me a hard time on my writing's I'm just curious a bit. I know there are blogs out there, that say people should refrain from writing from this and that but I'm thinking 'Just let people write, what they feel comfortable with'. I know these blogs are trying to help people be more creative, but if someone has a certain way of writing let them write that way.

I'm not one to point out grammar error's/mistakes, as my grammar isn't the greatest ^^; So I'll read the story even if it does have a minor grammar error or more.

To me what matter's in a story are the character's and if the plot really pulls me in to where I'm dying to know what happens next, that's why I subscribed to a ton of author's on here XD You guys are all good at what you do, I feel like I need to catch up to you guys a lot ha ha.

But anyway back on topic: What do you think?

Should someone change their writing style, just to please others? Does it make them 'stubborn' or 'rude' if they don't?


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heck no! One should never change their style to please the majority. It's like selling your soul to the devil. Style changes over time (from what I've seen with my own writing). The whole thing about plot, grammar, spelling are just keys to help you write to the best you can.

It depends on the author. If they read a lot of cliche stories then it will affect on their writing, the same if they read a lot of , action etc. It's not easy to find your niche (I know I'm still searching) but you'll know it when you come across it :)
I think writing style and how they use grammar and spelling are completely different matters. If you write a certain way, great, you've got style, you're an individual! Spelling and grammar are tools to make your writing easier to understand so I think they're very important to learn about and edit in once you've completed a piece. If you're not very good at a certain aspect that's definitely something you can read up on for your own benefit as a writer and for the readers.
@SuperShawty: Exactly! I don't like it when reviewer's say, 'Whoa wait a minute: Why not try putting ____ with ____ or doing this and that' It's not THEIR story, yes they can give us tips on how to make it better; but to try and change our stories? No that's not what a reviewer is supposed to do.

@BlytheForever12: O.O I don't have any haters XD If I did I'd tell them to f*** off and leave me alone though ^//^
It's their story, so they should put it how they want. Not how their readers want it. For the better like if things don't make sense, yes that's okay but telling the author to completely change it like, "No it's better if _____ is with _____ because _____ is better with _____."
Lol am i making any sense? XD

But yeah it's up to the author. The author should just go with what they are originally going with instead of suddenly changing it JUST to please their readers. c:
Agreed. I'm not sure what my writing style is to be honest ^^; I just write whatever comes to mind, looking back at my older stories on here and other fanfiction sites...I kind of cringe a little. I don't delete them though; because sometimes I look back on them and look at my newer stories thinking 'Uh...yeah I think these are much better than those' or something like that anyway.
demoniccupcake #7
As someone whose been writing for a long time I'd say that it shouldn't be changed. An authors style shapes them as a writer and there will be people who enjoy that style, and people who hate it. But, sometimes change is also good. I guess it just depends on said persons style because I know I've grown as a writer and am way better than I used to be O.O. But yeah that's what I think about it.