
Writers who cannot take criticism will never improve.

I always like it when writers tell their readers to comment constructively about areas they should improve on. I try my best to comment on those, because honestly, most of these authors are the ones who take English seriously and write fanfiction not only because their beloved idols can partake in them, but because they would like to practice story-writing, just with characters that most probably inspire them.

I don't quite understand when I see little disclaimers such as "Please don't be too harsh when you comment! / Please, no mean comments!" on the forewords of stories. WHY do people do this and purposely avoid those sparkling, golden chances at continual improvement?

I feel like it's such a waste of time to post a story, and not expect any constructive criticism on it that will make you better. Those writers seem to think that as long as there is a "Well, one thing you could improve on-" or "There was something I was very unclear about-" in a comment, it immediately translates to "Your fan fiction , you , please, for the love of god, don't ever write again. I beg of you. Thrice, if you need me to. I offer my car."

Even if they are writing for fun or are afraid of getting hurt, it doesn't change the fact that writing is a skill and it would be best to develop these kinds of skills, even just idly. You will improve drastically if you are given a third person perspective on how your fanfiction reads. In the end? Your readers will be happy, you will be happy, your freaking family will be happy because at least you'd be a little more open-minded and a little less stubborn.

For one, I know I absolutely at plotlines (plots just seriously elude me) and focus a tiny bit too much on eyes in general (I have this weird obsession with drawing them, too). If someone had told me this and perhaps given me advice on how to deal with it, I would have improved by leaps and bounds by now. (*tries to criticize self* ...*fails*)

Criticism is good, people. Don't be so averse to it. It's so off-putting.


Some writers would be absolute JEMS if they took constructive criticism in mind. (Or if anyone bothers giving them feedback.) OH GOD YOU COULD BE ONE OF THEM. Please, PLEASE - there's so much room for improvement for everyone and if only people would stop seeing suggestions and criticism as hatuuuurs or omg bashingggg, the AFF world would be a much more productive and exultant environment.


Well, in my opinion, anyways.

On another note, if anyone needs any feedback do call me up. I'm just so bored, you know?


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I wish everyone could read this
smileysgoboing #2
*applause* I approve and wholeheartedly agree.
-quiescent #3
Deep, but true.