kpop tagging game...?


so this is like the first time I was tagged...ever.

The Rules:

one - post the rules

two - answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions

three - tag eleven people and link them to your post

four - let them know you tagged them!


hyungg's questions



1. who is  your exo bias?


This is awkward... I actually don't know exo that well, except for that fact that they're from SM entertainment. I feel out of the loop ;~;


2. if you could have one unique super power, what would it be?


TELEKINESIS (like those guys from Chronicle)


3. if you were to be given a whole one day off, no work or studies involve, how would you spend it?


uh in front of the computer I guess


4. e-mail or snail mail? (or message in a bottle? loljk)


email because it's fast


5. alien or unicorns.


unicorns duh


6. are you more of the silent type or the talkative one?


uh talktative online and usually silent in real life lol


7. If you weren’t into k-pop, what else would you obsess over?


Harry Potter or...Supernatural I guess? I dunno.


8. What do you think your “theme song” could be at this right moment?


Uh idk I guess elevator music because everything's just like chill for me right now. Not sure about when school starts again tho.


9. Pet-peeves?


um ups and/or people who act cute too much because dayuuum girl you ain't cute


10. are you always sentimental about things or not?


Very. I even keep receits.


11. do you even like/love me? OTL






My questions~


1. Your favorite color?

2. Which male kpop group is your favorite?

3. Penguins or sea lions?

4. Your OTP?

5. All-time-favorite movie?

6. Best TV show for you?

7. Have you read Harry Potter?

8. Blood type?

9. Favorite past time?

10. Do you know where pigfarts is?

11. What do you dislike the most?





I have to tag 11 people? but I only have five friends so I'm going to be a rebel and tag only 5 muahahaha


                                          hyungg     lol you got tagged...again.














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firefighter #1
omg finally someone who doesn't think it's weird I LOVE YOU FAAAADS
Lol babe, it's okay. I do that din kaya before. :))
firefighter #3
yeah ;__________; why does everyone think it's weird? I swear it isn't weird ;________;
Lol Ceejay. Receipts? Seriously? =))))))))
firefighter #5
dude not a weirdo ;A; esp. if it's when I go out with friendseu!
you still keep receipts OMFG U WEIRDO XDXDD