Its Donghae

According this test that I got from madz67, Donghae is my ideal boyfriend~





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I got Kyuhyun!

I think I get a different member every time I do this XD
hae_ki #3
i got eunhyuk.... i'm sure last time i took this test it was a different member lol XD
oooh :33 donghae- eyyy?
oh and why weren't chu at school today? OuO
I got Kibum~ <333
Omo, he's such a captivating guy~!!! =^-^=

" You got Kibum!!! Elusive and a little cold, Kibum is a person that knows what he wants and will go for it with vigor. He is quiet and thoughtful, with a brooding personality. With all this though, Kibum enjoys a good time, and has a good sense of humor, if you don't mind being the one who talks the most in the relationship, then Kibum is for you. He will love you in his way and be there when you most need him.:) "

OMG, I miss him so much. I like guys who are like him: quiet and mysterious~ :3
I got Yesung. =^.^=
Yulhoe #7
I GOT HAnGeng! I miss this dude so much. I actually saw a pic of him with behind some Exo members o.o

" You got Han Geng!!! Sweet and funny, he is the boy for you!!! He will always be by your side and love you deeply, even though he may seem to flirt incessantly with other women, he really has eyes only for you. He is sensitive and a little depressed at times, he is also funny and enjoys a good time. So, keep him close and love him as much as he loves you. ^^ "