I HATE SNOW!! But it does mean I'm stuck at home writing all day!

Brr.. I always dislike how cold it gets in winter, but we've had our first snow fall here in Christchurch and its barely six days into winter! Normally we get snow once in August. And its more like ankle deep slush than actual snow. But right now it's about shin deep already. It's June and we have shin deep snow. Man the weather is stuffed! 

Anyways, an update on the progress of My Afterlife with Lee Joon is in order.

We're up to chapter 12 posted on here, and I can tell you so far there are 18 chapters written. I've sat down and written four chapters over the last two days, and I'm hoping another 2-3 are written today (4 is just simply wishful thinking lol). The story, without giving any spoilers, has taken a very different route than I expected it to. It's not a bad way, but it does intensify everything. I'm hoping to bring back the cute and simple moments between Yoomi and Changsun soon. I've just written two pivotal moments in, so I need to work on balancing one, and re-enforcing another. I hope that works out well. Knowing my luck I'll struggle... but that's what a snow day is good for, right?! 

Rambling again. I hope those who are living in summery weather enjoy it. Go and soak up the sun. Meanwhile I'll sit here in a blanket, thermals and right beside a heater. At least there's good excuses for hot chocolates all day/night hehe! 

Chelle x


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WAHHH WHY AM I NOT THERE? Write, writeeee!
i love cold weather. I miss Leicester. Sigh~~

Ahaha but only becoz i've spent my life living in a summer-all-year country.

but hope you're all warm up and good luck with yr updates. ;) and i'm sorry i havent quite read any of your story lately..hehe i will try read them up sometime soon hehe you're one of the best writer here (in my unbias opinion xD)