I have a oneshot...

I have a oneshot.

It came to me 30 minutes ago...

I have 1.9k words and I am no where near finished just yet.

I have no idea where this came from,

but it is Changmin/Yoona because God damn it, I miss my OTP...

(That and I also felt like using this font...)


I blame the ice cream my father brought home.

Rocky Road makes me all pensive.

(I wish he'd brought Vanilla instead.)

(Vanilla makes me write very fluffy pieces.)

(But wait... do I even have those?)






Now I feel like finishing that Kris/Krystal/Sehun three shot too!


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Rocky road ice creaaaaaaam~ :D
You can do it! Whatever genre you want to write, I believe you can! :D
No. You don't have very fluffy oneshots xD
Good luck!

Lol now I want some chocolate ice cream :3