tagged by rilakumaA

1.) Name your favorite Kpop pairing? And why?

      Yunjae. It's their chemistry. I've never seen two guys who have more chemistry than those two. They probably even have more chemistry than some guy/girl pairings I've seen. I don't know if they are/were real but they sure looked like it. I think Jaejoong must have felt something for Yunho and it's impossible not to like Jae. But whether they are/were real or not is not important. They're just my favorite.

2.) What's your favorite Kpop song and why?

     I really like Jaejoong's Wasurenaide. I also like DBSK's I'll Be There. Also Jaejoong's Forgotten Season.

3.) Who's your Kpop bias?

    It's Jaejoong, if it weren't obvious already. lol!

4.) Which male Kpop idol do you think looks the best as a girl?

    Oh gosh, it's still Jaejoong XD

5.) Which is better, a Kpop girl band singing their songs or a Kpop boy band singing the girl band's songs?

   Oh, I gotta hand this to the girls. Sure the boys make it funny and fun but the girls do a good job at it.

6.) Do you like Super Junior? If so, who is your fav member and why?

   This is really funny but I used to hate Heechul. But the day he left for the army was also the day I became his fan XD

7.) What is your bias Kpop fanclub? And why? *Note: The DBSK KNIGHTS DO COUNT! 

     Uh, I guess I don't really have one?

8.) Who do you like better out of these 2 SJ members? Zhou Mi or Henry?

    Oh... I don't know them enough to say... sorry *^^*

9.) If you could go on a date with any Kpop idol, who would it be, why, and what date would you go on?

    I'd would love to go out with Yunho. He's actually the second on my bias list but he's also the reason why I fell for DBSK. I just think he's a great guy and I would like to just sit and talk over dinner with him then maybe go for a stroll afterwards if it's a nice enough night. I think I'd really enjoy just talking with him. Oh my feels right now, lol!!!

10.) If you could have a Kpop band sing to you on your birthday, what band would it be and what song would they sing?

     Ah, I think that'd be obvious. It would be DB5K and I'd love to hear them sing My Little Princes in acapella :)


     Definitely Jaejoong. Have you seen that boy's lips? I would want to know what they feel like XD

12.) you're  most embarassing moments involving your Kpop addiction...

     oh goodness me, my entire family knows about my kpop addiction and they tease me every chance they get. but so far it would be last year when i went to malaysia with some friends and i got caught  after i snuck out the apartment we rented for the weekend so i could buy a whole stash of korean dramas.

13.) from where have you heard of this?and how? school projects? friends? boyfriends?

     of this? the tag?  rilakumaA  tagged me!

14.) you OTP bias and why??

     please refer to question one :)

15.) do you rant to your non-Kpop addicted friends of this obsession of yours and how do they react?

     very rarely. they humor me because they love me but i don't force it on them :)

16.) do you get your dose of FF in any other websites??like winglin or even lj?

     i actually used to write on winglin but for a different fandom a long time ago. i do like going on lj for fics though.

17.) what is your favourite Kpop group and the fav mem in it.

     DBSK. my bias list goes: Jaejoong, Yunho, Junsu, Yoochun and Changmin

18.) if you could choose between being friends with your fav Idol and being their life partner which would you choose? and why?

     honestly? i would only like to be his friend. because he and yunho will end up together anyway XD but really, jaejoong is too much of a diva for me. i'd rather end up with yunho XD

19.) what is your favourite song genre and what is the song's name?

     it's a song from a musical called south pacific and it's entitled, some enchanted evening

20.) what's the worse thing you've done connected to your Kpop bias?

     oh gosh, i don't think i have... i hope i haven't... maybe write a really crappy fic about him?

21.) do you think your ultimate bias couples are real??

     i hope so XD

22.) how long have you been in this fandom? and state the fandom.

     officially a year this month! woot!!! i'm a fan of the five dbsk boys :)


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haha...then welcome new cassie!!!! :)
we're expanding!!
even now whn it's jyj and homin..:)