So today in school my lecturer told my class to evaluate one another. To write one word (can be more) that described that individual, whatever you knew about him. It could be a hobby, or his personality, or his preferences or his quirks. Anything. So I wrote my name on this one piece of paper and started to pass it around, for the rest of my classmates to write their thoughts on it.

What I got back actually amused me a little! It's not every day that you get to know what people really thought of you, what kind of person they are in their eyes. Undoubtedly, many of the traits are repetitive, very telling of how quiet and detached I am in my class, but still, I had a pretty good time, and perhaps an angry time as I stared and went WTF at some of the traits. I'd list them all here!



1) Dorky

2) Laughing point lowest (DAFUG)

3) Adventurous

4) VERY honest

5) Philosophical

5) Quiet

6) Shy

7) Confident

8) Good speaker

9) Photoshop Pro

10) Designer

11) Novelist

12) Write damn well

13) Hardworking

14) Neat

15) Very guai (Very obedient)

16) Swiss Cottage Cheese (WTF; Swiss Cottage was my previous school)

17) Don't eat lunch (...)

18) Otaku


Yup! That's all. My class is pretty small, you know? XDDD There's only 20 people in the class, and one person was absent, so yeah. :3

I must say that pretty much sums me up! The only thing missing is 'insanity', but I doubt anyone is really going to add that trait in... But oh well, it IS true! I think the missing traits happen to be some of my hobbies and all that, but it's fine~ No big deal!

If I had the time I would have said 'I would reply back with what I thought about you' but unfortunately I may not have the time to do it... But who knows? If only one or two person actually care enough about me to reply, then I'd reply back! :DDD


So, what do all of you think about me?



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I think your funny, hyper, THE SPAM QUEEN (soon to be overthrown 8D), and yes, insane. xD But that's why I love yooou!<3
I think you're just darn amazing ;)
they didn't say you're funny. i got dibs on that impression of you :DD ooh! and crazy too! :DD