
Could someone PLEASE?! make me a one-shot or something with kaihyun? ;~; PLEASE??..I really ship them OTL ..if you want the base or something…I have this song, its name is Rival by Romeo Santos and Mario Domm …(Mexico) and I lovee it.

Here are the lyrics:

[R]Un minuto de silencio es lo que estoy pidiendo,
A minute of silence is all I’m asking
un minuto de tu tiempo no estaría demas
A minute of your time wouldn’t be too much
para que hoy te enteres que mi alma ya no esta muriendo
So you can realize that today my soul isn’t dying anymore
te equivocaste en lo absoluto ni intentes en regresar
you’ve made a mistake and absolutely don’t try to come back

[M] Prefiero vivir mil años sin ti
I prefer to live a thousand years without you
que una eternidad pasándolo asi
than an eternity like this
[R] Fuiste el amor de mi vida
You were the love of my life
[M] y hablándote claro no te voy a mentir
But to be clear and I won’t lie
Y me da lo mismo lo que pueda seguir
I don’t care what might happen now

[R]Ah, Esto es una tormenta y continuara
This is a storm and it will continue
[M] Es como ir hundiéndose en el mar
It’s like sinking in the sea
[R] Seria un poco absurdo un final fatal
It would be a little absurd a fatal ending
[M] Porque seguir haciendo daño
Why keep doing harm
[R] Ah, Vivir así a tu lado no es normal
Living like this at your side isn’t normal
[M] Yo busco paz y tú eres tempestad
I’m looking for peace and you are a storm
[R] Prefiero darme por vencido y terminar
I’d rather surrender and end it
No quiero ser más tu rival.
I don’t want to be your rival anymore

[M] Han pasado muchos años y yo resistiendo
A lot of years have gone by trying to resist
hasta que borre el sabor de la felicidad
until the taste of happiness was erased
Me fuiste convirtiendo en tu enemigo siendo la culpable
You converted me in your enemy, being the guilty one
y me perdí en tu laberinto del que hoy quiero escapar.
and I got lost in your labyrinth of which I want to escape today


[R] No quiero ser más tu rival
I don’t want to be your rival anymore
[M] No quiero ser más tu rival
I don’t want to be your rival anymore


[M] no quiero ser más tu rival
I don’t want to be your rival anymore
[R&M] No quiero ser más tu rival.
I don’t want to be your rival anymore


Here is the video if you want to watch it!:


cr to the lyrics: hksje


cr to the video: elfelo32



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