BaekYeol things

  • They like to shower together.
  • They share a room together.
  • big spoon/little spoon: Chanyeol/Baekhyun
  • favorite non-ual activity: Pulling pranks on the other members
  • who uses all the hot water: Baekhyun. That boy does not like being cold.
  • most trivial thing they fight over:  The mirror in the morning. They both like to spend hours stood in front of it doing their hair and end up shoving each other to try and get a good look. Also music selection. (“SUPER JUNIOR!” “SNSD!”)
  • who does most of the cleaning: Baekhyun has to clean up after Chanyeol sometimes, but mostly they just leave it to Kyungsoo.
  • what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: Baekhyun. Chanyeol just lets him watch whatever he wants because he spends more time watching Baekhyun than the TV anyway.
  • who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Kyungsoo. After of course being badgered for hours by Baekhyun who “can’t sleep without the heating on.” Chanyeol doesn’t really care either way as he’s a constant source of heat who never seems to get cold.
  • who steals the blankets: Baekhyun, because he gets cold. Although this isn’t usually necessary as Baekhyun usually uses Chanyeol as a blanket anyway.
  • who leaves their stuff around: Both of them, and they’re both too stubborn to clean it up so they just wait until Kyungsoo gets fed up and picks it up himself.
  • who remembers to buy the milk: Chanyeol. However when he goes to buy it he always returns home with other random items he picked up because they were on offer or he got a voucher for them.
  • who remembers anniversaries: They both do. Although Chanyeol sometimes has to be reminded…
  • who cooks normally?: Kyungsoo. They tried to cook together once and nearly blew up the kitchen. Kyungsoo doesn’t let them in any more.
  • how often do they fight?: Quite a lot, but never about anything important and they’ve usually made up within the space of about 10 minutes because they’ve forgotten what they were arguing about
  • what do they do when they’re away from each other?: Have embarrassingly long phone/skype calls where they bicker about who misses the other most, coming to the eventual conclusion that they both miss each other and should come home soon.
  • nicknames for each other?: Yeollie and Hyunnie (but Chanyeol calls Baekhyun yeobo when he doesn’t mind getting slapped)
  • who is more likely to pay for dinner?: Baekhyun should pay, because he is the eldest but he has a tendency to leave his wallet at home… Chanyeol doesn’t mind though, because Baekhyun always makes it up to him one way or another
  • who steals the covers at night?: Baekhyun (didn’t I already cover this?)
  • what would they get each other for gifts?: Really, really stupid things. Like squeezy toy, bacon slices meant for dogs, or  t-shirts that say “i love my boyfriend”
  • who kissed who first?: Chanyeol kissed Baekhyun. Only because Baekhyun told him that if he didn’t, Baekhyun would slap him for not having the balls to do so.
  • who made the first move?: Once they’d kissed there was no stopping either of them, to be honest.
  • who remembers things?: Neither of them really. Both of them remember birthdays. Chanyeol forgets where he leaves things and Baekhyun has a knack for remembering where Chanyeol threw his shoes the night before. Chanyeol remembers where Baekhyun is most sensitive and to him, nothing else is really that important.
  • who started the relationship?: Baekhyun decided they were together. Chanyeol was more than happy to go along with it.
  • who cusses more?: Baekhyun, but Chanyeol has made the M members teach him chinese swears, and so it wouldn’t be unusual to hear random mandarin curses spouting from him from time to time.
  • what would they do if the other one was hurt?: If Baekhyun was hurt, Chanyeol would probably be the most unhelpful person in the world, freaking out as though Baekhyun was going to die while trying to work out whether he should call Baekhyun’s parents, or the hospital, or the police, or the special forces all the time Baekhyun is sat in pain, calling for an ambulance himself. If Chanyeol was hurt, Baekhyun would hit him over the head for being such an idiot before taking care of him until he was better.

INSTANT OTP! OH YEAH! BAEKYEOL IS TRUE! YEAH! PEOPLE! BAEKYEOL IS TRUEEEEE! I LOVE BAEKYEOL MORE THAN I LOVE MY CRUSH!! OH YEAH! BAEKYEOL IS SO TRUE! *mehrong* IT IS TRUE! *shot* Lol xD.I'm overacting at this head canon. Its so sweet. xD. I have to believe it. I DO BELIEVE IT LOOOL. XD Who knows! It might be true :P
Crediits to Tumblr for the BaekYeol head canon



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wonwoojpeg #1
"-Nicknames for each other?: Yeollie and Hyunnie (but Chanyeol calls Baekhyun yeobo when he doesn’t mind getting slapped)"
Aha xD My favorite...
(Oh and sorry about me commenting here out of no where...I'm not even your friend...O.O I was looking through the OTP tag and I saw BaekYeol! \^0^/)