Dedicated to my grandpa.

So my grandfather passed away in April. And, since my work and school are the complete opposite direction to where he is buried, I don't visit enough :/




So, to get this guilt out of my system for not visiting, I decided to do something that'll stay with me for the rest of my life.




I'm gonna get a tattoo dedicated to him!


When he was alive, my grandma grew a fantastic garden! But only one of the plant HE grew himself.......a rose bush. And He was very proud of that rose bush. Everytime I would come over he would tell us to go look at it and take pictures of it and such. He loved that rose bush.



So I a going to get a rose on my arm, with "Jichan 4/22/12" on it. 


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That's so cute! I don't visit my granddad enough either for the same reason :( deffo go for it and post the picture up after!
Awwwwwww...T_T...a rose tatoo of memories of him, so sweet!