GUYS GUYS oh and hi!!!! :)

as i said this is my first blog ever YAY *starts dancing to some random song*  ok guys i'm freaking out here it's a pretty stupid thing to post but who cares.Today i got a haircut and now it's all light, short and new. Now i have a fringe (hehe now i can use it to do the justin bieber hairflick thingy XD kekekeke)i'm freaking out cause it's so new to me i'm like feeling my hair everywhere i go it's crazy when i tie it up it looks SOOOOOOOOO FREAKEN ANIME I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING I CAME HOME, WENT IN MY ROOM AND STARTED TO GO CRAZY(I ALSO TO DO I WHIPP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH THING HAHAHAHAHA XD) wait i think i'm starting to hyperventalait or whatever(bet i spelt that wrong...aigooo i'm sooo dumb these days DX) oh yeah my unnie also had a haircut the top part of her hair is now poofy or just looks like a bump but she looks really great JANG!!!! *sigh my friends gonna soooo feel my hair, they always do.......... aigoooo

lols you guys really read this even though it's random oh wells we're all random peole ourselves HAPPY FIRST BLOGDAY TO MEEEEEEEEE!!!! :)                                                                        lol so creative :P*claps for my so called made up thingy*


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U weird lil girl... (Wait... Did i just say—type that? I'm also lil myself. I'm also pretty sure that i'm shorter than you. Anyway, back to the topic)
Well congrats...
I guess
And it's hyperventilate
Also, take a photo
U keep saying it's so anime
I wanna see it now, lol
foundationgirl #2