I'm Nothing To Them.

I sometimes feel like I mean NOTHING to my parents. Everytime they go somewhere and I don't go they yell at me to clean the whole house. Yesterday I got my classes for high school and they didn't even bother to ask me what classes I got. The one's that did care to ask was my sister and my brother.  My dad probably talks to me like 2 times in the whole day. When I'm talking to him and telling him how my day went he just say's Mhmm, Hmmm and Oh. Sometimes he doesn't even pay attention. I've notice how they treat my brother and my sister different from me, they treat them nicer. Last time my brother, my mom, my dad and I were in the kitchen and my brother had just got a haircut and my dad passes by and says, "You look so handsome son" and left. He acted like I wasn't there. My dad is always serious, he always yells at me, he never talks to me in a soft voice. It hurts me a lot. Why don't people appreciate what they have... I know some people think that I'm probably a rebel or something and thats probably why my parents are cold towards me but thats not it. I get pretty decent grades my lowest grade is a C. I don't go out unless it's the mall or the gym and I try not to talk back to my parents or else Im so DEAD.  I can pretty much say I'm Calm/Good kid. I know I shouldn't be complaining about my life, and I know there's a lot of other kids that are going through a much rougher time than I am but I just want a person to hear me and understand me. 


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