TTR | Choi Jinhee | The Warrior


The Warrior!!
[username:RawrXx] [what to call you:Belle] [active: 8] [Heree]
Name: Choi Jinhee
Nickname: JiJi – Zelo calls her this as he could never pronounce her name when he was a baby and so he made it easier for him to say and started calling her JiJi and it just stuck while they were growing up
Age: 19
D.O.B: 17.10.1993
Birthplace: Seoul
Hometown: Seoul
height: 173cm
weight: 58kg
Bloodtype: AB
Spoken Languages: fluent in Korean and conversational in English
School: Went to performing arts school in Seoul. At school I didn’t have many friends, only a few close ones but this was by my own choice as I spent most of my time looking out for my baby brother to make sure he was happy and had plenty of friends. At the time he wasn’t an idol and so neither of us were treated differently even though I did sometimes get approached by girls who just wanted to be my friend because my brother was popular. This didn’t bother me though, I brushed them off as I knew who my true friends were and I was never interested in new people anyway. However when my brother debuted in his group I began to get a lot of unwanted attention in school from people trying to get me to get them into exclusive parties etc that my brother was attending, but after the first year most people learned that I wasn’t going to do that and so I was just ignored again, just how I liked it.
College: Currently in my 1st year of college studying dancing, a passion of mine. I attend the same college as my best friend, though we do different courses. I enjoy college more than I did school as many people are friendly and don’t use me. But I still try to keep my circle of friends small for my own sake.


  • Kittens
  • Hot chocolate
  • Reading
  • Rain
  • Cookies
  • Ice cream
  • Cupcakes
  • Coffee
  • Heels
  • Big trucks
  • Water (unless its flavoured)
  • Calling people on phones (she will only text, makes other people answer her phone when someone rings)
  • Writing
  • Dancing
  • Photography
  • Rapping
  • Answering/calling phones – she has always had this fear since she was a kid, her parents could never get her to answer the phone. She has this fear as she hates the idea that the person you are talking to is not there with you but you can still hear them. She can never completely understand how it can be possible to hear someone talk to you from miles away. 
  • Bites her lip when she is thinking or is nervous
  • Unconsciously playing with her hair during conversations
  • Randomly bursts into raps when she is bored/has nothing to do
  • Always has her ipod near her
  • Tends to snort when she laughs, this is very embarrassing to her
  • Jinhee can’t go to sleep without something/someone to cuddle e.g. a pillow or teddy
  • She doesn’t watch what she eats, as a result she eats lots of bad/sugary foods and people around her have to tell her to eat more healthy and take away her sweets
Personality: After mum died I had to learn how to look after myself and my brother while my older brother concentrated on school so that he could eventually help our dad with financial things like rent, this has made me very responsible and independent. I also like to look after those closest to me so that they don’t become drained or ill, I would never let them get hurt and will always protect them from something if I think it would be dangerous. However my childhood made it hard for me to make new friends as I became afraid of losing anyone else and so decided to keep my friends as close as possible but try not to get attached to new people so I wouldn’t have to lose them too. Sometimes this makes me seem quite mysterious to others as I refuse to let anyone inside my head if we are not close, I will only hold polite conversations with friends. The only people who know my secrets are my brother and my best friends. However to the people closest to me I am very friendly and caring.

I am not the kind of person who will jump around the dorm screaming, instead I prefer to watch people. I’m a quiet person that likes to think a lot or watch other people’s lives, I will also strand up for myself or anyone else if it is ever needed e.g. when rumours spread I will tell everyone the truth so they know that they shouldn’t believe the lies. I will also be very direct with people, if someone does something I do not like I will not be afraid to tell them. Most of the time though I will try to help people improve by telling them what they may be doing wrong and trying to help them stop making mistakes.

Ulzzang: Yiyi
Pictures: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
Ulzzang: Su Kyung
Pictures: 01 | 02 | 03
Background: My family life is comfortable though strained. This is because my mother died whilst I was still young, at 7 years old, and one of my brothers was younger. This left it to my dad to support us financially which left me to look after my brother while dad was working and my older brother was in school. I took over the motherly role in the house, feeding my brothers and dad, cleaning and being responsible for my younger brother in and out of school. This forced me to grow up quickly and become independent, it also meant I became overly protective of the ones I loved as I felt like I needed to make sure they were always okay and had what they needed.

My younger brother was scouted by an agency and immediately debuted in his group when I was 15 years old. When this happened I saw how my brother was taken care of by his fellow band members and the company. This made me desire to become an idol as I thought that if my dad didn’t have to support us as much he could lower his working times and have more rests that he needed. I began my trainee life a year after my brother debuted, at 16 years old, I found everyone within the company to be supportive and even made new friends though I never planned to become close to anyone as I didn’t want people to know of mine and my brothers past. Throughout my trainee years I have appeared in a couple of my younger brother’s videos as a backup dancer to help raise my own profile an increase my chances of debuting.

Father: Choi Jonghyun | 47 | Building site worker | Strict but loving & has a loud personality | Jinhee relationship with her dad is quite close, after losing her mum she began to care of him and make sure he was well fed after working. The loss of Sumi brought the closer together. Her dad is strict with her but only because he knows how much she is capable of
Mother: Choi Sumi | Would be 45 now | Used to be a teacher | Caring, fun but strict | Jinhee looked up to her mum while she was alive and tried to be exactly like Sumi.
Sibling: Zelo | 16 | Idol – maknae & rapper of B.A.P | Fun, happy, quirky & cheeky | Jinhee and her brother are extremley close with no secrets.
Sibling: Choi Sungmin | 26 |  | Hardworking, sweet and focused | Jinhee and her brother are close and both are very mature and both do their best to protect Zelo
Friend 1: Sooyoung | 19 | College Student | Sweet, chatty & trustworthy | Very close since age of 3, knows everything about Jinhee and helps support her alwayFriend 2: N/A (she will hopefully become close to at least one member of the group)
Love: Lee Chanhee (Chunji)
Age: 19
B.O.D: 05/10/1993
ocupation: Idol, Teen Top - Vocal
status: Don’t know each other yet
releationship: Chanhee is very friendly and talkative towards Jinhee, he tries his best to impress her. However because of Jinhees cautious nature she takes some time to warm to him and at first only meets with him so that he doesn’t become upset (she thinks he is very cute). After a few meetings she begins to really like Chanhee and decides to become friends & have fun together with him.
How did/do you meet: Jinhee & Chanhee have not currently met but will first meet each other at Jinhee’s group debut stage. They meet backstage while Jinhee and the girls are preparing for their performance, Chanhee and the other Teen Top boys decide to give support to the new girl group before they go on stage and Chanhee becomes interested in Jinhee’s personality. After the stage Jinhee bumps into Chanhee again and they begin talking, when they have to leave Chanhee insists that the two meet up when they can as he wishes to be good friends.
how do you act around each other:

In public – when together in public we act shy around each other & try not to bring attention to ourselves since we don’t want to upset any fans, also I don’t like people to see the affectionate side of me and prefer them to think of me as strong and independent, not needing anyone else.

Around friends – we act more comfortable when we are with either of our groups or my brother and Sooyoung. When around these people we chat happily, laugh and play jokes. Occasionally we hold hands too in front of them but mostly act more like friends than lovers.

Alone – when we are alone we are sometimes awkward and sometimes cuddly. Mainly we are awkward because of me, I am new to the idea of being with a boy and so sometimes worry about how to act. However when I’m sleepy after practicing or performing I will cuddle right up to Chanhee and hold his hand, while have quiet conversations. Most of the time when together we watch movies or eat ice cream while having random conversations.

Name(s): Choi Sumi – mother
Ocupation: Sumi used to be a teacher but died in a car accident when I was 7 years old
Meeting: Sumi is my mum and so she brought me up until the accident happened
Reasons/Doings: Me and mum were on our way back from one of my dance shows when I was a kid, I was very excited after it because it had all gone so well. So I was sat in the passenger seat and my mum was driving, I was talking constantly during the whole ride. But just before we turned into our street we were hit by another car which my mum hadn’t seen because I’d been distracting her. After the accident we both had to go to hospital, I wasn’t hurt too much and so was let out after a few hours but mum had to be kept in, she was much more hurt, after about a week the doctors told us that they couldn’t save her and she died later that night
Feelings: I blame myself for my mum’s death, I always think that if maybe I hadn’t been talking so much and distracting her then maybe she would have seen the car and been able to avoid it and she would still be alive now. I feel like I failed my mum and so now I try my hardest to protect everyone I love and I swore that I would never lose anyone like that again. After the accident I found that I became closer to the people I already loved but I refused to get close to new people, I guess this would be because of my fear of hurting or losing anyone else and so I don’t get close to people so I can’t lose them.
Situation:You have a sibling which is famous. And you were not always as good as you are now. YOu had to work hard. But since the debut of your sibling you had to work even harder. People don´t even give you a real chance to prove that you are just as good if not better. They overlook you or ignore you. Your teachers and coaches do it and even the other trainees do it. They all think you are only here, because of your sibling.
Feeling: Sometimes I get really annoyed about people who assume I’m only here because of my brother and that I’m not talented. It makes me feel as though my hard work is being wasted because no one really cares anyway. I never get mad at Zelo since it’s not his fault but I can’t help feeling that people only see me as Zelos sister, not Jinhee. It makes me mad that people don’t give me a chance to prove myself, this makes me more determined to eventually prove that I’m just as good as or maybe even better than Zelo.
Planning: After being accepted as a trainee I finally decided that I would make people see me as Jinhee, not Zelos sister. I wanted to work my hardest than ever before to prove them all wrong and that I am talented and not just here because of my brother. When I first heard that I was going to be in a band I was unsure whether to take the place in the group as I didn’t know the reason why I had been chosen, was it because of my brother or my talent? In the end I decided to take my shot as an idol, but only because it was my best chance to prove who I am and show of my own talents. I know that using this chance can make everyone see me different and I will become Jinhee (rather than Zelos sister) and finally prove people wrong.
It´s showtime!!!
Stagename: Jenni
Fanclubname: Fighters! - her fans are called this as she hopes her fans can fight their own problems to reach their personal dreams like she has done, she wants to encourage them to fight for what they want
Fanclubcolor: Purple
Fanservice: Jinhee is happy to show skinship with other members, mainly the ones she is closest to, she will also occasionally show aegyo if she is in an extremely happy mood. But at most times she leaves the other members to do fanservice as they are much better at it than her.
Trainee years: 3 years
  • I have previously been a backup dancer for a couple of my brothers music videos, these happened when I was 17/18 years old. I enjoyed the experience loads, I already knew I liked dancing anyway and then being in a music video was like a dream come true. I decided I wanted to be in more music videos from then on
Singing Links: 01 
Rapping Links: 01 | 02 |03 | 04 | 05
Dancing Links: 01| 02 | 03  
Living like...!!!
Rooming: I think I would like a room to myself, then I could have some time to think away from cameras or anyone else. I also wouldn’t be sure if I could share a room if the other girl and I didn’t get along and I wouldn’t want to cause any trouble
Looks: My room should be quite modern and tidy, it should have pastel colours that wouldn’t be to bright and would allow me to think and remind me of nature e.g. pale blue, lilac, light green etc.
at Home: I will walk around the house looking for something to do, if I can’t find anything then I will settle for dancing around the house practicing my rapping
cores: I’m willing to do any chores as I feel comfortable doing them since I had to them at home while dad worked & I’d also do the other members chores if they were feeling too drained from practice, my favourites chores are doing the dishes and the laundry
time: I like to shower every evening then I can get up late in the morning and be able to get ready quickly and leave. It doesn’t take me very long to get ready as I normally pull on some sweatpants and a vest since I spend most of the day dancing or rapping anyway. At first I won’t feel comfortable around the other girls and so will get dressed in the bathroom, but if I get to know them better than I will have no problem getting changed in front of them as I’m not really a shy kind of person
Friends: Closest to The Thief and The Goddess, most awkward with The Heart


Scene Requests: I think some funny scenes would be good, and maybe a scene in the dorms with all the girls would be good too 
Comments: Can't wait for your story too start, I will be reading it for sure ^^
Suggestions: Maybe Tiny-G's Minimanimo for a debut song






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