For the ChangSoo Sage Fortress Graphics contest

Well I'm going to lose, some of the stuff entered is just amazing.I have to say Sages are one of the most graphically inclined fandoms I have seen


Anyway here goes nothing:





I figured why not animate it? xD


Description: This little work here is just the love child of my figuring out how to make GIFs on Gimp and a sudden plot bunny I was hit with earlier this morning. 

As she walked away all he could do was stare, watching her as she closed the door. He was powerless to stop her, his mind urged his body to move, to reach out for her hand but something had him pinned where he stood. The only thing keeping him from holding her back was the old saying "When one door closes another one opens" resonating in the back of his mind.



No idea why it's so angsty, I apologize.


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This is creepy and nice at the same time~ just the way I like it~ :D HAHA
nice ...!
i like it
I love this! It's so cool. Hmm, looks like a horror/supernatural poster. Changmin is the ghost who stalks Sooyoung :)