before i pass out

Pretty bummed. In total, I'd say we only had about a week and a half's worth of winter. A couple of days. With the rest either being sticky hot or rainy. DisGUSting. Now I have to slugde through spring (which is really like a second summer ew) and summer and half of fall....cause that's pretty much summer too. Like, really. I like my skin complexion, I hate getting darker. And I'd like to get my hair straightened (it pretty much all I can do to it without it being irritating) but hah, yeah, humidity is like screw you. Also, I'm thinking about doing something out the norm this year. Pierce my ears? Eh? I don't have any piercings or tats or anything and I've been pretty adament about not having any because. I don't see the point but...who knows. No tats, not ever, but maybe an eyebrow piercing, just for the hell of it. Yeah, this is random, and format is clumpy but idc. Um and I might start...withdrawing myself from the fandom .For a while. Its getting depressing seeing these idols living their lives and me just being in the stands watching. Double depressing because they are my age, so its like,,,wtf am I doing? I've never really been one to sit back and go bat over everything someone does and now, after doing it for SHINee, I feel it is not for me. I love them. But I will not live through them, that's insane and unrealistic. So yeah, Break time.


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