— everlast┊ application ↷ ( Song Min Hyun )

 Akijune    June    8 


| Ruby | Tao |

Birth Name   : Song Min Hyun
Nickname(s) : Min- She finds Min Hyun a mouthful should she requested for people to call her Min. Short and adorably sweet like her,or so it seems.
Age : 19
Birth Date : 10th November 1994
Horoscope : Scorpio
Blood Type : A
Ethnicity : Korea
Birthplace : Seoul, Korea
Hometown :Seoul, Korea
Languages : Korean [ Fluent ], English [ Fluent }
Turn Your Face to the Rough World and Fight
Ulzzang : Kim Min Seo
Pictures :gallery
Backup Ulzzang : Ne Rou
Pictures : gallery
Details :
A tattoo across her left wrist ( the hand she uses to weild her sword ). The tattoo is the word " Hyun " which is meant to stand for both herself and her sister.
Hey Shout Your Voice to the World
Mask Colour : Ruby
Personality :
Don't be fooled by her innocent and miss-goody-two-shoe image. You have been tricked. Beneath this petite lady is a girl who strongly stands for her ideals and opinions . She isn't afraid to voice her disatisfaction towards you ( she does it with much discretion so as to not come off as rude ) and has little to no respect to those who don't honour respect themselves. Cross her line and she will lunge on you with her fast rebuttals and slight sacarsm laced insults.  But hold your judgement against her for a little while for though sometimes she might be rude ( and only to those people she feels should be treated rudely ) she is actually a good listener. A very good one at that too. She can spend the whole night listening to a friend complain about her woes in life and not get bored by it. ( Which she did, more than once too ) and is a very empathetic and understanding person.
  However, everybody has their own dark side..When she get angry, she locks in all her anger in as she hates snapping at innocent people. But this definitely comes with certain consequences. One of them would be that she would grow negative thoughts, thoughts that if revealed to people, they would tell her to " seek professional treatment ". It is nothing like self-harm though. She values self-worth. It is more of thoughts like say, setting the person she hates or offended her alight or sending the person throught a human shredder. Another side effect would be that she would grow a desire to start detroying things or injuring as a mean to vent up her pent up frustration. So to avoid unesscary damages and injuries, she joined the sword club in her school.  
To sum up this lady here, just treat her as you wish to be treated by her. She is just like karma. You get what you deserve. Though sometimes her rashness can cause heated conflicts.
Key Words : Empathetic, independent, slightly morbid and obviously rash ( sometimes )
Likes / Loves :
- People who can stand up for themselves
- Apple and Taro pie
- Tattoos ( Though she doesn't have any currently, she finds the designs really intriguing )
- Black ( It goes well with any colour and looks sophisticated alone )
- Kendo
Dislikes / Hates :
-Maroon ( It resembled the shade of dried blood too much for her liking )
- Guns ( Too noisy for weapons, swords are way more classy )
- Bright Sun
- Waking up early
- Bargaining
-April Fool's Day
Habits :
- If she is eating alone, she must have reading material along with her. Be it the newspaper or anything online.
-She must have a water bottle along with her at anytime. Hydration is very important.
Hobbies :  Practicising sword fighting ( Sparring ), Reading, Writing, Sleeping
Trivia :
Which is mightier ? The sword or the pen? To Min Hyun, both are equally mighty and thus though she is right handed and very good at writing, she chose her left hand ( her non-dominant hand ) as her main hand for sword fighting.
Time Keeps Turning and Turning
History :
The Happy Family
               3rd March 1996 marks the birth of her little sister, Song HyunA. The youngest child of the Song family is the princess of the household. Loved by every member, Min Hyun loves her too, she has been doted on.  Mother Song would cook her delicious food for every meal while Father Song would read her bed time stories. Unnie Song, in this case, Min Hyun, would be in charge of fetching the little princess. The Song sisters would play together in their shared bedroom and share each other's clothes.
The Shooting
               1st April 2008, Min Hyun was on her routine to pick up HyunA from school when upon approaching the school, she can hear sirens blaring and police cars lining up the perimeter of the school. Like many concerned parent there to pick up their child, Min Hyun immediately rushed to the policemen on site for information. A shooting had occured in the school and deaths are reported. However, HyunA wasn't one of them. It was the worst April's Fool Day joke ever.
The Aftermath
The incident made national headlines as it is near impossible for a commoner like the shooter to obtainand a gun in Korea. This also caused HyunA to plunge into depression as she was reminded everyday of her best friend's death in the shooting. HyunA was sent for counselling and theraphy but nothing worked for the tweleve year old girl.  The depression took a toll on the family as Mother Song had to quit her job to keep an eye on her daughter for fear that she might do anythnig rash without any supervision.
The Demise & Forced Removal
She committed suicide from depression on 1st April 2009. A sick,sick,joke on the Song family. The school field was drenched in a sea of red, red from her sister's blood as the depressed girl jumped from the fifth floor of the school campus.
The family fell apart after the demise of the little sister. Mother Song's greive only deepened everytime she saw Min Hyun, the elder sister that shared an uncanny resemblance to HyunA.Upon her father's request ,  Min Hyun moved out when she was 17.
Morbid Promise
Min Hyun moved in with Sooyoung, her senior in sword fighting, and decided that she needed to sharpen up her skills. Sooyoung recommended her to move to Japan, the country of origin of Kendo to further her skills, which Min Hyun did and while in search for a master to teach her the true arts of Kendo, she chanced upon a sister organisation of Aurora that is based in Japan unkknowingly. There in the sister organisation, Min Hyun trained with the swords expert there and made a promise to herself that her sister will not die in vain thinking that she is just training in the best sword fighting school. No, she will not take revenge. MinHyun will make sure every man out there that comitted a crime and escaped law enforcements because of loopholes in law will get the punishment they needed. And what better weapon than a sword and close combat skills is for letting a person die slowly and painfully like her sister did while she battled depression?
Family :
Song Sung Woon | Father | 10/10
Kim Chae Ri | Mother  | 10/10
Song HyunA | Little Sister | 10/10
Friends :
Choi Sooyoung | SNSD| 8/10 | in a gang? no
Rival :
Separate it From Reality
Reason :
Loopholes in law caused many criminals to live a free life despite what crime they have commit. Min Hyun wanted to find a people that believed in the same cause so that they can be of asistance to her. One mind is better than two.
Recruit :
She got recommended into Aurora by the sister group in Japan where Min Hyun has been training unknowingly. Min Hyun was done with her training of the day when suddenly she was shipped by the dorm manager back to Korea. Unkown to what is happening and thinking that she is being chased out because her skills were inadequate, Min Hyun cried on her way back to Korea. It was when she reached the Aurora HQ and where everything was revealed did she realised that no, she isn't being chased out but instead, she is being recruited to be one of them.
Enjoyment :
Of course! She has managed to find many people that felt that same way as her and are serving in the organisation with the same purpose. The support and training she gets is making her climb the list to be one of the few strongest fighter members in the organisation.
Attitude :
MinHyun is always there for anyone that needed extra aid. Being in on a mission as simple as being an to saving a member from a rival gang, she is always up for it.
Cautiousness :
Being one of the minority members that doesn't use advanced weapons like guns, she has a disadvantage against rivals with guns but against rivals that are armed with only their fists,all she has to do is to whip out her pocket knife and it is game over for her rivals. As she is a close combat fighter, most fight would either mean she dies or her rival does, thus she makes it her personal mission to return back alive because who is going to polish her swords if she dies? Being the dealer also meant that she is sort of the " foreign minister " of the organistaion though when dealing with gangs that aren't in her favour, things sometimes dont go that well.
There's No Second Chance
The One and Only : Tao
Crush : Kris
Interest : Suho
Ideal Type : Min Hyun wants someone who is gentle yet strong. Someone who fights with grace yet is powerful. She wants someone that is taller than her but that isn't really that hard because she is barely 160 cm. It gives her a sense of protection. She doesn't really have a preference in terms of appearence because personality is more important to her.
Relationship :
Tao- Tao and MinHyun are not the showy kind of people. They like to express their love for each other subtley. Somethings smiling at each other when they pass by in the hallways or  secretly holding each other's hands while they out on a mission together. Tao's tranquility helps soothes Min Hyun's sometime edgy personality.
Kris - He is more of an eye candy for Min Hyun because lets just admit it,he is gorgeous.  Though Min Hyun just likes to to watch him from afar and hasn't formally meet him yet.
Suho- He fits the gentle part of Min Hyun's ideal type but it a bit weak? for Min Hyun's taste. Friend zone is where Suho belongs too though her heart sometimes when she hears his laugh.
Can't Step Back On This Endless Path
Comments : I meant for Min Hyun to have a strong distaste for guns because that was what indirectly caused her sister's death. So it would be good if Tao's skill would be wushu? instead of guns. But now that I think about it, wushu and sword fighting don't really go well in gangs ._.
Suggestions : Please make wushu and sword fighting workable in a gang. OTL
Sacrifice : No problem, I already killed her sister. So, go ahead and kill her if you wish.
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