My Speech Class Writing thinggerr


 soooo.....i was busy in class and began writing my topic and stuff....and then it totally changed and began to be a thing about my mind and all that other stuff......this is like mind blurb. 

vee dizzle's out-of-this-world mind blurb thinggerr

Vanesa Yang

Mrs. Newton                                                                                                                                                                                    

UW Speech/ Hour 5

21 Mar. 2013

Hmong Culture Change.....or is it?

                Hmong culture has expanded from its far years of supremacy to its now bellow and common days in America. This topic has come up in my family many times and its changes actually revolve around my own life and changes. There is many many times to when I had not  wanted  to become myself and I wanted to change. I am a tired and hungry person. I need food in my stomach this instant right now.  Yumilcious food like pho and spring rolls and eggrolls and hmong sausage and I really would like some garibaldi. Garibaldi is a food like sandwich containing pepperoni and meat sauce and melted swiss cheese. How mouthwatering. Give me some food lunch! Oh darn it! I need to do my stats homework and get to it right  away! GAHHHH! This keyboard is so shucky! I need sleep and food and to get my homework done. Should I perhaps invest in some time…? But that would be irrevelent to my topic of choice and all that other schnazz… how infuriating it must be to not be able to type and look at the computer screen at the same time…yes. It is extremely to the max infuriating! Let me eat some food! My innr thoughts are surfacing! Ahh! Food! Oh my goodness! I get to eat more food so really soon! And its early release! And I may be able to finish my homework during lunch! Oh golly gee! My day has just turned upside down and around and oop! It makes me just so happy since I may soon eat some yumilicious foods! J

I’m very entirely sure that if any person was to look at me now then perhaps they’d think I was some sort of maniac for typing nonstop…but who really cares at this point! At least I’ preoccupied with something other than the rumbling of my stomach! Now, it may not be heard on the outside…but on the inside it feels like a bagillion tiny little needles are poking into my stomach! And its twisting and turning to the point where I feel like I’m about to faint! …no. I’m not THAT hungry, but I do want something to eat very very soon. Oh my! I feel the pain! It’s like gas is just welling up in your stomach ready to let go of a big fart! But, it’s just my stomach queezing in pain because of hunger. My insides are laughing as they are squelching in pain! Oh my golly gee! I feel like I’m typing so fast and loud! It’s like thunder and lightning are falling down from the heavens! BOOM! BOOM! BAM! SHHH! I laugh in the mockery of what I sound like…on the inside. Now I sigh. I feel tired again and wish for my hunger to subside.

Doesn’t it just sound so fun in my brain of Vanesa lala Yuna Korn land! Sigh. But tis a gastly thing to say! Aye! Wo is me! Wo xi huan mian bao! But I have no man bao to xi huan right now! Ugh!


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HOlyMygod you're HMONG?!..............

but lol yumilicious food like pho ;~;