〖N.W.O〗(New World Order)--App



Lee Teeri | Rika

Name: Lee Teeri

Age and Birthday: April 15, 1994 (18)

Foreign Name: Teely(English)

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea

Hometown: WI, USA

Nationality: Korean born and raised in America. 

Blood Type: O

Weight: 56 kg

Height: 163 cm

Languages: English- Very

Korean- Very

Japanese- Somewhat fluent


Personality: A strong girl who’s lived a lonely life.  Rika is VERY hyper. Sometimes a little stupid but she knows how to take care of herself. Crazy but can sense when to be serious. She has great reflexes but is SUPER lazy. She wants to fall in love but has no time because she loves music more than anything else....Well other than food. Oh gawd, this girl LOVES food. Theres not a single food she doesn’t like.

 She's an attention grabber and a risk taker. She likes to experience things! And liking to interact with people, Rika talks a lot to anyone about anything. 

Although she likes to lead and be the leader, she is better suited to be the ‘peacemaker’ or the ‘mood maker’. She is TERRIBLE at aegyo. Although shes good at being a kid, she can’t be cute...Or y >.< She just has talent ;D


On Camera: Like a kid. Being as crazy and silly as she can so that she won't get edited out. Remember, she's an attention grabber c:

Off Camera: ..She acts like herself

In Front Of Other Members: She tries to be like the leader but fails miserably because she will always end up acting like a 5-yr-old. She'll try to be serious but then fail when the real leader comes in. [[EX. Two members just had a food fight and now the kitchen's a mess. Rika scolds them and lectures them about being a team. But then when the leader comes in, she talks to the two girls and tells Rika to clean up the kitchen. Rika will then stomp her feet and complain why it wasn't her fault and how they should clean it up instead.]]

In Front Of Fans: Acts like their best friends. She is willing to put in the effort and time to talk to her fans and just bond with them. That's why she likes it when they fanmeetings. Rather than getting excited to go to her favorite band's concert, she gets more excited meeting her fans <33


Likes: 1. Food

2. music (All genres! Music is music^^)

3. having fun

4. People who will listen to her

5. animals

6. Reading...sometimes :P

7. Playing her instruments/singing for people

8. Baking/cooking (So that she can eat it^^)

9. Shoes. Perferbly sneakers and high tops.

10. Color green


Dislikes: 1. People who judge by the cover.

2. people who show off(cocky)

3. lizards

4. People bossing her around. 

5. Animal abuse

6. she doesn’t like to waste food xP

7. People who make fun of her or things that she loves

8. Doing chores. (Cause they’re boring)



Trivia: 1.She ALWAYS fights back

2. Plays piano, drums, guitar, violin, and can sing. 

4. Ran away from home at the age of 16 to pursue her dreams.

5.She is allergic to shrimp and lobsters. She will get rashes on and will “clog” up, not allowing her to breathe.

6.HUGE fan of B2ST and INFINITE :3 Loves a LOT of kpop bands and are close to some artists.(Since she is social and was a trainee for about 3-4 years)

7. Had long black hair but then cut it since it was a nuisance. So now it is shoulder-length and dyed red.

8. Applied for K’ARTs college but was not accepted because of her not being able to speak Korean at that time. (Applied when 17)

9.She doesn't get shy. Nervous but she's NEVER shy.

10.She gives a name to all of her ‘favorites’. She basically named it after her favorite artists. Like..

Smart Phone- G.NA

Laptop- Joomin

Acoustic Guitar- L 

Keyboard- Eunji

Electric Guitar- Junnie 

Fuzzy Green Blankie- Apple (>.> Yes, she has a blankie) 

Violin- Jihoo

Drums- Minji 

(These are her instruments back in USA. She only brought what she could with her to Korea. Which are, G.NA, L, Apple and Jihoo)



Habits: 1.Gets happy and hyper at the littlest things possible. 

2.If she falls asleep on the bus (on the way home), her body magically ‘tells’ her to wake up before her stop. 

3.Rika always drinks a glass of milk after brushing her teeth. 


Hobbies: 1. Playing music/singing

2. baking

3. watching variety shows

4. just having fun 


Training Time: Rika was a trainee for about 3 years. Started at Jellyfish. Trained for 1/2 a year. Then transferred to Woolium. Got eliminated on a show. Stayed at CUBE for some months but got disqualified. Then entered TS and trained for 1 year.


Ulzzang: Kang Sura

Links:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back Up Ulzzang: Lee Geum Hee

Links: 1 | 2 | 3

Style:Fashionable yet comfortable. She likes to wears whatever depending on the weather. Ex. If it is fall, she would wear a sweater with a vest and jeans. (Of course a t-shirt underneath Xp) 


Dorm: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Formal: 1 | 2 | 3| 4

Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Airport:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4

TV Show: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Anything Else?: 1 | 2 | 3

Why does she dress this way?: Well....Rika thinks its cool and everyone should look at her as she walks by XD Haha she's just fashionable. 

Mother: Lee Mari | 39 | Vice-President of a company | A mother who never bothers to ask or think about Rika’s POV. So they fight a lot which causes Rika to hate them.

Father: Lee Waro | 42 | CEO of their company | A busybody who actually forgot his own daughter.


Siblings: No siblings. Met her somehow-related-cousin,

Lee Sungyeol | 21 | Member of INFINITE | Loud and childish like Rika


Position: Main Vocal

Back Up Position: Triple Threat/ Visual

Love Interest: Yoo Youngjae | 19 | The caring, brain 8D | He was always there for Rika...A brother she never had. A REAL family <33 


Back Up Love Interest: 

Moon Jongup | 18 | Quiet. Not as loud as Rika | Bestfriends!^^


Comments: Can I be co-author? ^_^

Suggestions for fanclub name?: hmm...soldiers? Warriors? lol idunno XD



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